[3.10] Spidermancer | Arakaali's Fang Necromancer | Everything dead in 3ex | Level 100 reached
![]() Like SRS, but better. TL;DR https://pastebin.com/3rbB6ry8 TL;DR (Cluster Jewel) https://pastebin.com/cTNJUCLM Realistic Shaper DPS: 2mil+ without good gear Note, I won't be updating this guide after 3.10. Good luck exiles. Build Summary A unique dagger, Arakaali's Fang, summons spiders that are op and immune to damage. The spider skill can be supported by socketing support gems within the dagger itself. We summon them using The Writhing Jar trick (refer to guide), and take increased duration so we don't need to resummon them often. The rest of the build's goal is to support these spiders. This build is for players who struggle reaching end-game content. With minimal investment you will be able to handle everything PoE can throw at you. Gameplay Videos
Before 3.5.1 Phase Run Nerf
Showcase Video https://youtu.be/WLFSAakQrpU I did not swap out melee splash for any fight, even Uber Elder. T15 Clear Speed Video https://youtu.be/uKzg0dmzQgw This map has no regen, didn't even notice. Can do any combination of map mods all at once. After 3.5.1 Phase Run Nerf Deathless Uber Elder https://youtu.be/Nl2T3jztQq8 As you can see, the build allows for some mistakes. T16 without Phase Run https://youtu.be/P3xcCOMsv5s Spiders give you attack speed that makes shield charge fast. 1 Hour of General Gameplay https://youtu.be/iQepovjrUwo A variety of Red Maps, 83 Temple, and Delve to showcase the average build play time. 3.8 Speaker's Wreath Clearing Shock Spiders https://youtu.be/_ijbCY9RcnQ Using Speakers' Wreath, Inpulsa's, and Corpse Pact in conjuctions results in cool clear speed. How?
To summon 20 spiders you need to spell cascase+desecrate. Then use
When you kill the 1-hp worm 2 spiders will be created for each nearby corpse. So you only need to kill 1 worm to create 20 spiders as long as there is 10 corpses near the worm you killed. Resummoning Spiders Mid-Fight ![]() Necromancer gives minion duration, and we take some of the duration nodes on the passive tree. Spiders last 1.5 minutes and Uber Elder dies in 3 minutes. With reduced flask charge mod on belt you get 3 worm jar uses. That's 4.5 minutes of spiders without gaining a single flask charge. What do I need to make this work?
This dagger. That's it. The rest of the gear is merely a recommendation. You can make this work with just about any ascendency and even the most potato gear. Pros/Cons/Defense
All of the usual Pros/Cons of any other Minion build also apply here.
Defensive Mechanics
Leveling Guide
Level 1-30
At Level 1 take Raise Zombie as your quest reward. Zombies are very powerful now, link them with Minion Damage and Minion Speed. At level 4 take Summon Raging Spirits and Link with Infernal Legion at level 8. This will cause your SRS minions to die, so pick up Minion Instability to make them explode. This combo, combined with Zombies, will easily get you through all of the early game content. Level 30-53 We'll want to take Enduring Bond and Potency of Will early on for the increased duration. This will make our spider last longer, and as an added bonus also makes SRS last longer too. Don't forget to get all your auras. You won't be able to use them all yet, but it's good to start leveling them. Level 53-70 Once you equip Arakaali's Fang leveling becomes trivial. Don't forget to take Sovereignty before reaching level 70 so you can use all of your auras. In addition, you'll need to find dex on your gear so you can use Haste. Level 70+ After you've obtained a good amulet, anoint Ravenous Horde onto it then drop the Ravenous Horde passive tree points. This saves you 7 points which you can allocate to Fearsome Force and Aligned Spirits. If you don't have Devouring Diadem, drop Haste. Passives Trees
3.10 introduced cluster jewels. The build will be more expensive if you use them, but you gain a huge damage boost if you do. Check the cluster jewel section for more details.
Cluster Jewel Passive Tree (Level 95) Passive Tree (Level 95) Passive Tree (Level 70) Passive Tree (Level 53) Passive Tree (Level 30) You can also trade a jewel socket (3 points) for Whisper of Doom +1 curse. I would only recommend doing so if you plan to use the poison variant of support gems. Passive Tree Keystones
Elemental Equilibrium - a staple in the majority of minion builds. Your minion hits do not trigger this effect, which allows us to use a lighting or fire spells to trigger a permanent -50% cold resistance for cold-damage scaling from hatred.
Eldritch Battery - Obtained from Devouring Diadem, this causes us to spend energy shield as mana. We can then reserve all of our mana for auras Mind Over Matter - If we're using Devouring Diadem we "lose" all of our ES, MoM gives it back. Now when we take damage we take 70% as life and 30% as ES. This ratio can be further improved with a Watcher's Eye jewel. Minion Instability - Used only for leveling with Infernal Legion SRS, unallocate after lv 53. Gear Guide
If you don't want to use Spectres to generate frenzy charges this is your other option. This shield will give your minions frenzy charges as your Ball Lightning hits mobs. Otherwise get a good hybrid ES/Life shield. There are a few good elder/shaper mods such as CWDT, +Maximum Resistances, Recover Life/ES on block, and Reduced Mana Reservation. You cannot use wands, but you can use a sceptre as an offhand weapon. Look for the temple mod that gives 70% minion damage/5% chance for minions to deal double damage. Then simply craft on minions have 15% attack speed. Be sure to avoid any weapon that adds cold damage to spells. This is a great budget offhand choice. If you don't use a shield I strongly recommend starting with this unique item as you craft/find a good minion weapon.
If you use a rare helmet, fossil craft -9% chaos resistance. You will also want a lab enchant that reduces the mana reserve of Hatred or Haste. Alternatively you can use Devouring Diadem. It gives you EB which lets you reserve all your mana. If you socket Haste and Hatred into this helmet you will be able to use an Aspect of the Cat/Spider/Crab as well, because of the massive reduced mana reserve it gives to socketed gems. Every 5 seconds Feast of Flesh consumes nearby corpses restoring Life/Mana/ES on consumption. It's both a boon and bane. Sometimes it consumes the corpses while you try to make spiders, so time it correctly. I also use this helm because it lets the build run no regen maps easily. Do not use this if you're already using March of the Legion Speakers' Wreath has its own section in the guide as it's more complex.
Get at least 15% Reduced Flask Charges Used. Make sure your Writhing Jar is at least 17% Reduced Charges (16 of 40 use). The belt mod reduces the flask charge usage to 13, enabling 3 uses without refilling flasks. This belt allow us to use both Flesh and Spirit Offering for a DPS boost. Unfortunately it doesn't provide us with resistances so it's hard to recommend. You may want to use Cyclone - Cast While Channeling - Desecrate - Spirit Offering - Flesh Offering 5L in your Body Armour for high uptime % of 2 offerings.
Use Grip of the Council for maximum damage. Otherwise use rare gloves. You'll want life, resistances, es, and minion damage. Keep in mind you can craft on %minion damage to gloves. Command of the pit is no longer necessary because of new Accuracy changes.
Movement speed, life, resistances, es, and dex. Nothing fancy, should be easy to get. You can save a gem slot by getting the "Socketed Gems support by Fortify" elder mod. Alternatively you could use March of the Legion. This turns our Auras into 30 second "buffs" that don't reserve mana so we can use 4x 50% auras. Do not use this if you're already using Devouring Diadem.
The most important thing here is to Anoint Ravenous Horde on your amulet. Annointing saves 7 passive points, and provides a huge boost to your minions "for free". You can also craft on minion movement speed to amulets and rings. You need 155 dex for Haste or 111 for Hatred; get most of it on amulet/rings. Essence crafting minion movement speed is a luxury as you can now craft on minion movement speed. Otherwise use accessories to fill out life and resistances. Be sure to get a ring/amulet/belt/boots with an Aspect of the Spider/Avian if you're planning to use Diadem (check helmet section for details). If you plan to go spectres and want to get even tankier this is an interesting option. It also improves your auras which improves minion damage slightly as well. For a more expensive option you can use Solstice Vigil. The link setup below will improve the power of TC and it'll still be free to reserve. If you go this route then I strongly recommend getting a Temporal Chains helm enchant. Blasphemy - Temporal Chains - Enhance If you really want to spend big, this is best in slot for just about any minion/aura build. Note that the Haste, Hatred, or Malevolence versions provide higher dps than envy as it allows you to run all 3 50% auras - Hatred/Haste/Mal because 1 of them is now free (normally we can only fit in 2 of the 3).
Body Armour
There's a lot of options here. This should be the last piece you get, use it to fill out anything missing, such as more life, resistances, or other utility options. Note that certain body armours may change your passive tree slightly.
All Ghastly Eye Jewels. Make sure 1 of them has the mod "Minions have a % chance to blind on hit". Spiders attack so quickly everything will be blinded. Life, minion added phys dmg, minion damage, minion attack speed, minion movement speed, resistances. Here's a trade search I used to buy all the jewels. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Betrayal/eaKVdYhL Here are watcher's eye mods to look out for (in order of usefulness): -10% of Damage Taken from Mana Before Life While Affected by Clarity -Gain 18% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield while affected by Clarity -You have Phasing while affected by Haste -50% increased cooldown recovery speed of Movement Skills used while affected by Haste (if you're using Withering Step as your movement skill) Check the Cluster Jewel section of the guide for more details on using them.
Required flask. You need this to summon lv 1 worms to proc the "on kill" summon condition for spiders. It's important to get at least 17% Reduced Charges, because the usage goes down to 16. Optional unique flask. This is a very good survivability tool, definitely would recommend using one. They're not expensive either. The other 3 flasks should have
You're more than welcome to use all 3 elemental flasks as well.
Total Cost of My Gear (Betrayal League Prices)
Dagger - 230c Helmet - 1c Shield - 20c Coral Ring - 50c Prismatic Ring - 270c Amulet - 5c Command of the Pit - 90c Belt - 5c Boots - 10c Body Armour - 15c 6x Jewels - 15-20c each - 120c --- 816c or 4.8ex UPDATE 1: Command of the Pit is no longer necessary, Grip of the Council around 5c, cost of build reduced. UPDATE 2: You can now craft minion movement onto rings, so the price of rings will only be around 5-10c, cost of build reduced. UPDATE 3: Dagger is only 20c, cost of build non-existent now.
5ex worth of Gear (Betrayal League - View current character for gear)
Cluster Jewels All Credits go to PoE user Keyen on this one. Check this post for a better explanation of abusing cluster jewels. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2302798/page/107#p23071705
Scaling 6 Medium War Cry Cluster Jewels All 6 of your Medium Jewels should be: 1 Cry Wolf 1 Rattling Below 1 Jewel Socket It buffs war crys to such an extreme extent that you can literally drop every other damage node on your passive tree and we're still doing 300% more damage than what the normal passive tree can offer. Using 3 Optimized Large Cluster Jewels: Large Cluster Jewels give 2 more jewel sockets. It turns out that the war cry medium cluster jewel is absolutely busted strong. Because of this, we want to change our boots to Farrul's Chase to also get Intimidating Cry. Cluster Jewels are only available to socket in the outer-most jewel slots. There is only one large cluster jewel that is good for this build, the large cluster jewel with "Added Small Passive Skills grant: Minions deal 10% increased Damage". They can have 8-12 added passives, we want 8. Don't forgot we will need 4 more Abyss jewels to fill in to our cluster jewel's. These are the notables we can get on these cluster jewels. From best to worst. Prefix: -Renewal -Raze and Pillage -Rotten Claws Suffix: -2 Added Passive Skills are Jewel Sockets (Requires ilvl 75 jewel)*** -Minions have 3% increased Attack and Cast Speed (Requires ilvl 84) -Call to the Slaughter These notables are not good: Feasting Fiends, Skeletal Atrophy, Vicious Bite, and Primordial Bond. It's okay to still have these notables as you're able to circle around them. Here's a trade search: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Delirium/B9W7YjKh8 Cluster jewels should always have 2 jewel sockets and renewal. If you cannot afford to craft or buy this quality of cluster jewel then please forgo this version of the build. Because "Added Small Passive Skills also grant: Minions have 3% increased Attack and Cast Speed" is extremely rare and Call to Slaughter isn't that good, we can look for other added passive bonuses. I like the +all stats,+life, and +%all resistance. Crafting Cluster Jewels Essentially you just roll until you hit Cry Wolf. Then there's a nearly 80% chance you hit jewel socket with the aug. Another ~45% chance you hit Rattling Below (super common) with the regal. You don't want to regal the rattlingbelow/jewel combo, because cry wolf is rare and you'll most likely be wasting scour+regal costs. The minion jewels are a kick in the nuts still. lv75+ 8passive minion jewels are 60c+ base price. Good luck I guess, I got them when people didn't know lv 75 was important early on in the league. Speaker's Wreath Synergies
Part of the problem with playing minion builds is we can't use any "on kill" items because minion kills don't count as player kills. However if a mob dies to a DoT even if that DoT was applied by your minion it counts as a player kill. This helmet has the unique line "Minions' Hits Can Only Kill Ignited Enemies". Because we don't ignite it forces mobs to always die to the poison DoT, which in turns lets us utilize "on kill" items. There's a few things we can do with this. The first is obvious, Arakaali's Fang is an on kill effect. Instead of summoning 15 corpses with desecrate unlink spell-cascade so only 5 corpses are summoned. This causes us to only summon 10 spiders at a time. Those 10 spiders will then help create 10 more spiders because mobs are always counting as your kills. The timing of the 10 newly summoned spiders are jagged with the first 10, which means when the first 10 spiders expire the next 10 spiders will be around to resummon 10 more. This creates a resummon loop so we never have to resummon spiders during a map. Another easy synergy to utilize is to craft on "10% Chance to Summon Spectral Wolf on Kill" to our rare amulet. Giving us a wolf pack in tandem with our spider hoard Wolf Pack in Action ![]() Instead of a shield we could equip Bino's Kitchen Knife which propagates the poisons and gives free life regen. In addition, the Blight-specific unique Sporeguard will cause chaos explosions on death which helps with map clear. Impulsa's will also let utilize the explosion effect, because Corpse Pact ascendancy node shocks nearby enemies. If you plan to use this helmet definitely take advantage of these synergies. IMPORTANT! You cannot use the cluster jewel notable "Raze and Pillage" with Speaker's Wreath. Gem Guide
Damage Gems:
Poison: In Dagger = Withering Touch - Minion Damage - Melee Splash In Devour Diadem = Malevolence - Dread Banner - Generosity -----OR----- Cold: (recommended) In Dagger = Multistrike - Minion Damage - Melee Splash In Devour Diadem = Hatred - Dread Banner - Generosity Poison theoretical damage is slightly higher, but the cold based one does about ~2x higher initial hit damage which is significantly better in nearly all scenarios. This is because the poison damage takes time to ramp up. Auras: in Devouring Diadem: Malevolence/Hatred - Dread Banner - Generosity in Devouring Diadem: Haste Clarity (lv 1) Precision (lv 1) Aspect of the Spider (crafted onto rare gear) Curse Setup: Storm Brand - Curse on Hit - Temporal Chains - Enhance or with Solstice Vigil: Temporal Chains - Blasphemy - Enhance You will still need a damage skill to kill worms if you use solstice vigil Bane - Despair - Temporal Chains - Enhance Use this curse on hit setup if you're going poison Offering: Spirit Offering Cast When Damage Taken Setup CWDT (lv 11) - Steelskin (lv 16) You can lower the level of your offering and link to CWDT if you don't want to self-cast the offering. Golems: Summon Carrion Golem - Feeding Frenzy - Elemental Army Carrion Golem provides a huge damage boost as it gives flat phys to spiders, cold exposure, and feeding frenzy. Movement: Whirling Blades - Fortify or Shield Charge - Fortify or Withering Step Linking Fortify to a movement spell does nothing, only use it with an attack movement skill such as Whirling Blades or Shield Charge. Minion Utility: Desecrate - Spell Cascade Convocation Awakened Gems: Awakened Minion Damage is fairly affordable and should be the first awakened gem you get. Awakened Generosity and Blasphemy gives +1 level to gems at 20% quality, and are also on the cheaper end. If you can afford it, swap your dagger gems for Awakened Melee Splash, and Awakened Melee Physical Damage. Awakened Multistrike is too expensive to be worth it. By far the largest damage increase in damage comes from a Awakened Curse on Hit, because at 20% quality it gives +1 curses. However, this gem is usually around 8ex, which is more than double the entire cost of the rest of the build. Using Other Minions
If you plan to use another minion type they may prevent you from summoning spiders easily. There are not enough gem slots for more than 1 extra linked up minion gem.
--Utility Spectres:-- We will have 3 spectres total (2 from gem, 1 from passive tree). Spectre #1-2 Stygian Silverback Location: Act 2 - The Riverways Utility: Generates Frenzy Charges Spectre #3 Host Chieftain Location: Act 7 - The Ashen Fields Utility: Generates Power Charges
Charge Generation in Action
![]() You may also want to consider Undying Evangelist for the Proximity Shield. This makes fights like Uber Elder and Sirus incredibly easy. Be sure to link with Meat Shield Support so they don't go running off on you! Spectre #1-3 Undying Evangelist Location: Act 3 - The Sceptre of God Utility: Proximity Shield --Animate Weapon:-- Animated Weapon - Withering Touch - Minion Damage - Minion Speed - Multistrike - Melee Physical Damage Animate Weapon is the new DPS option. They require you to use Bladefall to create "Blades" to animate. They are very squishy, so I struggle to recommend them. IMPORTANT! You will also need at least a 5-link for DPS minions to be worth it. Misc.
Ascendency Order
Commander of Darkness > Mistress of Sacrifice > Plaguebringer > (Mindless Aggression OR Corpse Pact) Mindless Aggression would help with faster clear speed, Corpse Pact provides 15% shock, so it'd be better for bossing. Up to you, both are strong. Bandits Kill all Pantheons Soul of Lunaris is good for the 100% chance to avoid chained projectiles. Soul of Shakari makes you immune to poison which is really nice. You might also consider Soul of Ryslatha so you never run out of The Writhing Jar. Lab Enchants Gloves - of Light (creates Conc ground) Boots - Movement speed, Regeneration, Attack Speed Helmet - Dread Banner effectiveness, Spirit Offering Added as Chaos Bonus If you're not using Devouring Diadem you'll need reduced mana reservation for Hatred or Haste Questions?
Is this build still viable after Phase Run nerf?
Yes, you have to dodge now instead of AFK. How do I gain more survivability? Spec out of Necromantic Aegis and equip a good defensive shield. Why take Mind Over Matter if we're reserving all our Mana? The Devouring Diadem gives us Eldritch Battery. Taking MoM "gives back" our ES. Can you refresh spiders' duration? No, they need to expire before resummoning. Check the Speakers' Wreath section of the guide to get around this. Can I play a different ascendency? Necromancer gives 70% increased minion duration. You will get annoyed if you have to constantly summon spiders, but it's up to you. I'd recommend Guardian and stacking mana with CI for an absolutely absurd amount of ES, easily 15k+. It's a huge shift in the build, but worth it if you want to be very tanky. Do the rolls on Arakaali's Fang matter? No. The dagger grants the skill "Level 1 Raise Spiders". Think of it like Level 1 Summon Raging Spirits. The stats of your weapon don't matter for minions, even if the minion gem is socketed within the weapon. Corruption Mods do not matter either How do I get 4 off-color sockets in The Devouring Diadem? Use the Jeweler Orb method to easily get 4 off color. Here's a great video by Pohx explaining how it works. Why do we want Clarity if all of our mana is reserved? Necromancer's "Commander of Darkness" gives 3% attack speed per aura. A level 1 clarity is free 3% attack speed for very little reserved mana. No reason not to unless you need the gem sockets. You can also get awesome Watcher's Eye mods with clarity: How do I get Aspect of the Spider on gear? You can use bestiary to craft Aspect of the Spider onto any piece of rare gear with an open Suffix. Also, you can buy the unique beast "Fenumus, First of the Night" from players if you don't ever find Fenemus yourself. Why connect Enhance to Temporal Chains? Enhance improves the quality of supported gems (24% at lv 4). Quality on curse gems increase their effectiveness at a much geater rate than the gem level itself. For an example, and extra 24% quality gives us 12% less action speed on TC, whereas +3 levels (Empower) only improves TC by 1%. I've maxed out my gear, how do I get more DPS? Use 6L Zombies in body armour. You can also simply go zombiemacer with arakaali's fang if you feel like spending 20ex+. The passive tree and gems are similar, but the gear is vastly more expensive. Build Changes from Patches
Change Log
3.10 Changes Slight buff; Commander of Darkness now gives +30% all res Slight nerf; Spirit Offering no longer gives +ES, but we get +chaos res in return. Slight buff; feeding frenzy has a global minion buff, we can have our utility minions proc this buff for our spiders HUGE buff; optimized cluster jewels can provide up to 50% more damage, holy shit! Again this minion build dodged the nerf hammer. I don't think GGG cares about spiders :P 3.9 Changes Bosses are harder to kill now, so the DPS will seem worse. I feel like you will need to go an off-hand minion dps scepter for bossing to feel smooth again. Awakened gems are a straight buff to the build if you can afford it. New unique belt is interesting, but not amazing. 3.8 Changes Definitely a buff. There's a lot of changes for summoners, I'll be changing my guide as I play through this league. The big one is which Passive to take for "free" on amulet. My bet is get Ravenous Horde on amulet as its travels nodes are the most inconvenient. Carrion Golem also gives us another more multiplier, but that might mean using an unset ring to fit it in. I like dropping the bottom half of the tree, because we can get increased duration from Enduring Bond. Spider accuracy was hugely buffed, I'll need to mess around with how much increased accuracy we'll need from the tree first, but for now I'm taking Gravepact. If you find any important changes that should be addressed, please let me know via thread reply. 3.7 Changes Buffed Changes to accuracy calculation benefits minions immensely. Command of the Pit -> Grip of the Council Added Generosity - Precision (lv 5) 3.7 Warning: Spiders (and all other minions) have trouble breaking legion mobs out of stasis effectively. Minion AI doesn't seem to play nice with this mechanic. Using Sentinel spectres on a 4L+ should help alleviate Legion stasis clear speed. 3.6 Changes Buffed Melee Physical Damage Support -> Withering Touch Hatred -> Malevolence DPS increased by around 10% with this change. Spectres no longer spam skills when linking with Blood Magic support gem. 3.5.1b Changes Nerfed/Exploit Removed
Phase Run Glitch
![]() "Fixed a bug where Phase Run could make you completely invisible to all enemies." You have to actually dodge now :( Use Shield Charge or Whirling Blades. Each spider gives attack speed, so movement skills are fast. On the upside, dagger is cheaper! People have been reporting that Phase Run doesn't work at all now. Ideally it will be 50% visibility, right now its 0%. You can still use it with Decoy Totem, because the movement speed is nice, but you're better off using Shield Charge. Credits banner image from POE User KungFuPanda2 Última edição por FoldedCorner#2171 em 7 de jul de 2020 16:39:27 Último bump em 12 de out de 2020 17:06:57
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Fang is still a thing, or are we waiting for nerf?
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" not really a nerf, its using/abusing a bug with phasing giving 100%. letting you basically be invisible to almost all mobs permanately. expect it to be fixed. |
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uber elder down>?
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" Yes, in showcase video. " For sure. Which just means you'll need to actually dodge in future patches. Even if they cut the damage in half and fix phase run (again), it'd still be "Uber Elder Viable". Última edição por FoldedCorner#2171 em 8 de jan de 2019 12:13:21
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have you considered dread banner? its a noticeable chunk of added damage for the spiders, scales well with their numbers and high aps (mine are over 5aps each with multistrike, almost 6 with vaal haste). It wont show the dps in PoB however.
My Build: https://pastebin.com/CUcSyhUG Nothing super amazing about the gear, most is crafted. I went ape spectres for frenzy over victarios and fossil crafted an 80% minion dmg + 14% attack speed offhand for about 30c. I think i'm too heavily focused on minion movement speed(with over %120) atm, i need to drop some and pickup more minion attack speed. but on the flip side I found that with the higher movement speed and aps using mele splash isn't really needed for clearing and the higher overall dps with out it helps on syndicate content. |
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" Definitely worth considering. The decreased accuracy to nearby enemies is nice as well. I'll swap one in and see how it goes. Thanks for the suggestion. |
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Heya, was wondering how much difference the +1000 accuracy make, is it much more dps compared to Fenumus' Weave?
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1. How good is the mapping?
2. Do you have any tips on leveling and skill tree progression? 3. What skills do you use prior to Arakaali's Fang? 4. Around how much did this char cost? |
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any tips for leveling and progression on the tree would be appreciated.
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