[3.10] Spidermancer | Arakaali's Fang Necromancer | Everything dead in 3ex | Level 100 reached

Última edição por markyzero#0146 em 30 de mar de 2020 11:24:23
Just tried A5 Sirus, and I don't think this build can do it. at all.

I never took him out of his 1st phase. He sat above a desolation cloud for about 90% of the fight so I just dashed around dodging his attacks. I got 1 shot 3 times trying to make it to him from Entrance (having to walk between 2 Desolation Clouds and "DIE-beam" BAM DEAD)

There was no way to recharge flasks, so once my spiders ran out of time, I was boned. I'm done. That Sirus fight wasn't fun or challenging, it was just gimmicky and Sirus spent just about the entire time un-targetable shooting off his spells.
Sauron63 escreveu:
Just tried A5 Sirus, and I don't think this build can do it. at all.

I never took him out of his 1st phase. He sat above a desolation cloud for about 90% of the fight so I just dashed around dodging his attacks. I got 1 shot 3 times trying to make it to him from Entrance (having to walk between 2 Desolation Clouds and "DIE-beam" BAM DEAD)

There was no way to recharge flasks, so once my spiders ran out of time, I was boned. I'm done. That Sirus fight wasn't fun or challenging, it was just gimmicky and Sirus spent just about the entire time un-targetable shooting off his spells.

You can use Soul of Ryslatha to passively recharge 1 per second so that doesn't happen in the future. But yeah, sirus this patch is messed up and any build that can't face tank him is going to have a rough time.

I did A4 sirus last league without much issue, didn't end up getting to try him again for A8 as I was playing the league and didn't want to spend more time in standard farming watchstones.

At the end of this league when I get bored I'll play a bit in standard and upload an A8 run.
Hey guys a quick tip for those who are struggling to summons spiders with specters/golem/zombies! I got this to work almost every time. I desecrate and orb of storm a little bit in front of me. After, rather than withering jar on spot, I start walking forward and then press the jar. I guess while moving forward, the golem and specters do not react to the jar as fast. I've been getting 20 spiders every time.

Also, if anyone has recommendations for my build please tell me! I want to take this as far as possible. Its amazing so far.

Última edição por ForTheNguyen40#6729 em 31 de mar de 2020 10:44:11
Skyscan, thanks for this build. Have you looked at where you would modify your passive tree if you are using cluster jewels? Like others, I've gotten a large cluster jewel with renewal, call to slaughter, and rotten claws, and am looking to add a medium cluster jewel with the 5% curse effect, forbidden words and dark discourse but I'm wondering where I would modify my passive tree. Thoughts?
Unfortunately this build to me is not what it once was. The damage just feels meh after like tier 11-12 maps. Spectres die a ton so frenzy charges are not always there. So I tried a hybrid running 6 link skeles in chest to offset some more dmg but even that felt mediocre. I personally think the huge buff to bosses health pools really hurt this build. I wound up going back to golems and it literally feels 10x better which sucks cause these little spiders brought me so much fun in the past.
NecropK escreveu:
Unfortunately this build to me is not what it once was. The damage just feels meh after like tier 11-12 maps. Spectres die a ton so frenzy charges are not always there. So I tried a hybrid running 6 link skeles in chest to offset some more dmg but even that felt mediocre. I personally think the huge buff to bosses health pools really hurt this build. I wound up going back to golems and it literally feels 10x better which sucks cause these little spiders brought me so much fun in the past.

I agree for the most part. It feels fine up to a point. I was doing t16s in standard yesterday, but I'm sure delirium encounters would feel uncomfortable. After this league I'm probably going to be retiring this build. The whole goal was to clear the entire game on a budget. After going through 20 waves in Simulacrum, I don't think spiders would be able to do it easily.

Funny that you mention golems, I'm playing that this league and will be making a guide :) I've been fairly active on the stone golem ele guide, but I'm using a different version of that build that I felt a new guide would be helpful.

I've played golem builds in the past before and felt really unsatisfied with the results, especially the flame golem variant. The version I've created is stupidly tanky and very high dps, stay tuned :)
Última edição por FoldedCorner#2171 em 31 de mar de 2020 14:38:30
Hi skyscan! Long time fan of this build here. For little backstory, this was the first build that I killed uber elder back in synthesis and I almost played this build every league since then. But this league it feels weak. I already have a good map clearing character so I wanted to specialize in boss killing, but in a6 sirius and t16 guardian maps(with 5 awakening), damage felt so low compared to past times. My question is, should I invest more to this build, or try to level a new character in bossing(was thinking gc miner, any opinions?)? I currently have your classic recomended gear like diadem, shroud, grip etc, should I really spend tons of cash for awakened gems and good rings etc, does it worth it? or spending that cash to another character would be more wise?

Since you said you will be retiring this build in your last post, thank you sincerely for this build, this build and you are the main factors lead me to learning PoE properly.
Sauron63 escreveu:
Just tried A5 Sirus, and I don't think this build can do it. at all.

I never took him out of his 1st phase. He sat above a desolation cloud for about 90% of the fight so I just dashed around dodging his attacks. I got 1 shot 3 times trying to make it to him from Entrance (having to walk between 2 Desolation Clouds and "DIE-beam" BAM DEAD)

There was no way to recharge flasks, so once my spiders ran out of time, I was boned. I'm done. That Sirus fight wasn't fun or challenging, it was just gimmicky and Sirus spent just about the entire time un-targetable shooting off his spells.

A5 Sirus is very easy with this build. Flask issue is solved by turning on flask refill god from pantheon. Single target spiders setup melts him pretty fast. Resummon spiders and dodging are only things you should care about.

The real problem is A8 Sirus, his last phase more precisely.
Última edição por _iVey__#6088 em 1 de abr de 2020 07:39:30
Build is still fine. Was going for Chaos Damage but abandoned it for cold again. Cold ist with budget still stronger.
Melting juiced T16 at the moment.

I´m thinking about going Triad Grip full cold conversion and getting Frostbite run. Anyone having any experience with this?
Última edição por the_Alexomator#5850 em 1 de abr de 2020 11:22:11

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