💀3.15💀 iLL3aT’s Cold Skeleton Warriors/Archers/Mages ❆ League Starter ❆ All Content ❆
iLL3aT escreveu:
@SpookyDucks - Thanks for the vouch! I added on the replica soul tether, and the pseudo Doryani's on it adds so much survivability - I'd missed that! It's the super budget version, but does have damage/resist costs as well.
Yea I saw that belt, but thought I was plenty tanky with 6k life already, and there was no way for me to use that belt and squeeze in max chaos res. With the timeless jewel though ill be sitting around 8k ehp anyways. Almost time to finally spend all my resources to hit 15-20m shaper dps.
@SpookyDucks - Thanks for the vouch! I added on the replica soul tether, and the pseudo Doryani's on it adds so much survivability - I'd missed that! It's the super budget version, but does have damage/resist costs as well.
Yea I saw that belt, but thought I was plenty tanky with 6k life already, and there was no way for me to use that belt and squeeze in max chaos res. With the timeless jewel though ill be sitting around 8k ehp anyways. Almost time to finally spend all my resources to hit 15-20m shaper dps.
The timeless jewel is definitely better - this is just the cheap version. :)
Working on beefing up the league starter versions, since I usually write after I get my gear and forget the "struggles" early.
Does the damage from other items like +cold damage to attacks apply to brands ?
I do not know why but when I brand bosses they do not go vulnerable to cold.,
They still remain resistant to elemental damage.
I don't think that the boss lasts enough for the brand to activate or maybe I am blind. But some bosses who have like 2-3 phases, because of the perma chill don't go into the next phase and they still don't go vulnerable :(, should I use frost bomb with avatar of fire ?
Anyone can enlight me.
P.S normal mobs are vulnerable to cold / lightning but the mobs just don't want to be vulnerable.
Is the reduction not enough to get them vulnerable but still get's the resistance down ?
some bosses have higher resistances and stuff like map mods also makes monsters ressistant to damage, hard to tell. +added cold to spells is the WORST stat you can have as it breaks your EE
It's added cold to attacks not to spells :)...Guess it does not apply to spells.
I guess some bosses have higher rez :(. Cuz it works in normal circumstances
I removed Belt of the deciever added the replica Soul Theter. Amazing ES boost for 80 life. Will see how it works.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
@Ill3at Do you have any thoughts on adding additional auras to the build?
There are a couple ways we could fit in an Aspect or other 25% aura - some combination of allocating sovereignty / mana reduction to hatred on amulet (instead of +1 skeletons) / devouring diadem helm holding hatred + skitterbots / RMR anger or skitterbots helmet enchant.
Assuming default Auras of Hatred and Skitterbots + Bonechill, from some quick testing it looks like a Helm enchant of 20% RMR Skitterbots + allocating Sovereignty would be the 'cheapest' way to get enough mana to run Aspect with enough remaining to cast skills
Devouring Diadem + MoM is also enough alone to add an Aspect, though losing the +3 to minion gems seems probably not worth it.
I'm curious to hear anyone's thoughts on if this is worth it / what aura would be best to add - Aspect of the Spider for a 15% more damage taken equivalent seems like the best option IMO (and I think it's probably better than what you can get for 4 passive pts + the helm enchant), but maybe Avian or another 25% aura would be better, or even getting additional RMR to fit in Haste.
I think devouring diadem could definitely work, I've used it on spectre builds many times and it's really nice. You'd want to take the Xibaqua timeless jewel instead since DD gives eldritch battery.