💀3.15💀 iLL3aT’s Cold Skeleton Warriors/Archers/Mages ❆ League Starter ❆ All Content ❆
iLL3aT escreveu:
I've tried the Replica Soul Tether as suggested by gasparoto1 - it is excellent! At the cost of the belt slot, it added 50 life, and then a whopping 1700 ES, at the cost of 15c. Definitely an extremely strong budget survivability option! This will be added into the next update - hope the unique stays in the game and is easy to get!
@Hjalm - I tried that in PoB as well, however the coder who added it is unsure if the sword is added to the skeleton (like in PoB), or replaces it (as the community seems to think). Needs some testing - I'll pick one up this weekend to test since it seems cheap now. Your offhand is what I'd pick too - maybe use lacerate or something for EE. I also think cold will end up the best of the three and chaos the worst though.
@Kilanirax - Thanksk for the question, and thanks decapitatin for answering him. I really have to beef up this section since I've gotten the question a few times (admittedly EE is weird).
@Brands are spells, so added cold will not affect it. Bosses start with 50% res, EE takes it to zero so you'll still see no vulnerability, but it's easy to see on mobs since they have base resists of zero.
@Daniil8888 - They should - nothing in their text implies they will not.
@Nihilum12345 - The chest is oddly rare on trade right now. In 3.9, I bought 6 link armor/ES chests, and hit them with life/chaos fossils to get 100+ life/chaos res...then vaaled five at a time. I managed to get one, but it's not a reliable method by any means.
@ShAd0w3d - I've considered it, but it's pretty tough using conventional methods. The skitterbots RMR is 8-9% (but costs 21% attack speed if compared to the ideal), and on an amulet it costs one skeleton to go redeemer, saving another 12.5%. Spider is the best, but unfortunately it is too hard to fit in without too much investment. We're also somewhat suffix starved.
@SpookyDucks - Thanks for the vouch! I added on the replica soul tether, and the pseudo Doryani's on it adds so much survivability - I'd missed that! It's the super budget version, but does have damage/resist costs as well.
I wrote a post about Iron Mass: it replace the basic damage of a skeleton, which means the higher the gem, the more damage you lose.
But it also mean a tonshit of AS, as the base skeleton attack is 0.8, while the minimum as of the sword is 1.48.
I've tried the Replica Soul Tether as suggested by gasparoto1 - it is excellent! At the cost of the belt slot, it added 50 life, and then a whopping 1700 ES, at the cost of 15c. Definitely an extremely strong budget survivability option! This will be added into the next update - hope the unique stays in the game and is easy to get!
@Hjalm - I tried that in PoB as well, however the coder who added it is unsure if the sword is added to the skeleton (like in PoB), or replaces it (as the community seems to think). Needs some testing - I'll pick one up this weekend to test since it seems cheap now. Your offhand is what I'd pick too - maybe use lacerate or something for EE. I also think cold will end up the best of the three and chaos the worst though.
@Kilanirax - Thanksk for the question, and thanks decapitatin for answering him. I really have to beef up this section since I've gotten the question a few times (admittedly EE is weird).
@Brands are spells, so added cold will not affect it. Bosses start with 50% res, EE takes it to zero so you'll still see no vulnerability, but it's easy to see on mobs since they have base resists of zero.
@Daniil8888 - They should - nothing in their text implies they will not.
@Nihilum12345 - The chest is oddly rare on trade right now. In 3.9, I bought 6 link armor/ES chests, and hit them with life/chaos fossils to get 100+ life/chaos res...then vaaled five at a time. I managed to get one, but it's not a reliable method by any means.
@ShAd0w3d - I've considered it, but it's pretty tough using conventional methods. The skitterbots RMR is 8-9% (but costs 21% attack speed if compared to the ideal), and on an amulet it costs one skeleton to go redeemer, saving another 12.5%. Spider is the best, but unfortunately it is too hard to fit in without too much investment. We're also somewhat suffix starved.
@SpookyDucks - Thanks for the vouch! I added on the replica soul tether, and the pseudo Doryani's on it adds so much survivability - I'd missed that! It's the super budget version, but does have damage/resist costs as well.
I wrote a post about Iron Mass: it replace the basic damage of a skeleton, which means the higher the gem, the more damage you lose.
But it also mean a tonshit of AS, as the base skeleton attack is 0.8, while the minimum as of the sword is 1.48.
it also makes you lose +2 to all spell gems and +2 to minion gems, and all the juicy stuff you get on your wands, I'm too stupid to figure how worth it is, but I'm pretty sure we would need a 100% different build to make full use of it
A new PoB version just released with a "fix" to Iron Mass calculations. Now my dmg is actually more unarmed than with the sword LOL. So I stand corrected once again :P
I just saw my AG go down to ~10% on a core map. Any idea on what migt have caused it? Map had no out of ordinary mods and i'm fairly sure i didn't mess up with the gear. Using garb as the chest piece.
@Vicious0093 - I may take a look at this later in the league - Diadem especially was always one of the items on my mind due to how much it does.
@decapitatin & Hjalm - HH definitely does work - I used one for half of Harvest. However, the price for the performance is very poor, and I'd suggest upgrading a wand instead. HH is best on mega juiced 100% orb, double beyond maps.
@svarions23 - Thanks for that - I read your post from your history. I went with a different approach - full cold conversion like usual, but the usage of a Vis Mortis to get a bit of elemental as chaos. Judging by how poorly chaos did compared to cold (compare my PoBs, which due to the update, need to all be updated...), I'm still not convinced on chaos conversion. It was about 2/3 as much, even after checking off things that I shouldn't of on chaos.
You're definitely looking to stack phys and not cold/chaos - since it's all converted anyways, and you get the phys as extra chaos mod as well. I pencilled in lacerate as the skill.
I tried guardian - it gets about 5-10% more damage than a necromancer. I haven't looked at champion (it'd be a VERY different build as champ), but it wastes a lot of travel points getting to the minion tree.
PoB: It's my cold one except with Iron mass and some adjustments (disclaimer: built it in five minutes so there may be errors):
@shaob - Your gear is good, so I suspect it might be playstyle. Get a pair of boots with 30% speed on them, and copy my quicksilver flask (move the anti freeze to a basalt). Never stop moving, use melee splash, and summon through doors before you go through them. I went from 92-94 with only one death over the last two days.
@Hjalm - Yeah it doesn't seem amazing - I'll do something with it later in league (converting my current char to skelly archers later, making a guard or champ to do iron mass shenanigans later).
@PadreBruxo - Only thing I can think of is chaos damage from Malgario. Check your AG's total HP - he's squishy without a pile of gem levels (hence why I don't have an AG yet). I'd say upgrade your neck next.
@PadreBruxo - Only thing I can think of is chaos damage from Malgario. Check your AG's total HP - he's squishy without a pile of gem levels (hence why I don't have an AG yet). I'd say upgrade your neck next.
It was really sketchy, i thought it was gone lol, luckily i managed to portal out before it died.
And i've been trying to upgrade the amulet but it's not been easy. Tried to craft one and it ended pretty nice just not for a summ build, and the other ones being sold are still meh, i'm not sure i'm ready to lose all de QoL that comes with mine without finding something similar.