[3.10] Stone Golem Golemancer Build -DELIRIUM-BALANCED- ALL CONTENT -Everything Dies-Huge Damage
" Random 1 shots are simply part of the game. Nothing you can do about it. Even minions with 60k hp get 1 shotted. In mid-80s levels I suggest focusing on offense, movement speed, and clear speed. Dying doesn't set you back much until mid 90s. Faster clear also means more currency to upgrade your gear and invest into some of the defensive options suggested in this thread. When you get to low- to mid- 90s, switch to more defense and life to help you with the push to whatever level you feel like stopping at. |
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" Sorry, I am new, so real question : how can random 1 shot be part of a game that has an "hardcore" mecanism? Última edição por nesousx#9166 em 22 de abr de 2020 02:48:47
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How far can I get with my budget gear? I started last week so I hope to reach stage where I can farm exa more easily to upgrade.
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looks like a great Build! Want to try it out. Is it just a Boss killer or is it a nice and fast Blighted Map / Legion encounter Clearer too? TY! Nastrovie ;) |
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" That's why it's hardcore, for truly hardcore players :) |
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" Thanks for the cool take on the build. A few questions: 1. I notice you didn't take the Shaper of Desolation and Beacon of Ruin. Am I wrong in thinking that if we are leap slamming all over the place, taking those nodes we would be fairly frequently shocking enemies leading to a decent DPS increase from the "at least 15% increased damage taken when shocked" benefit? The other nodes feel pretty weak, with the slightly nice 6% resist all, slight elemental damage reduction if damage taken recently from that element, and 4% increased attack speed. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think the 75% increased AOE from Pendulum of Destruction helps us, right?...To sum up, maybe the right question is just to confirm that leap slam would indeed proc the shock from Shaper of Desolation conflux, right? Do the status ailment nodes also add chance to shock with physical damage alone or do they require lightning damage? 2. How important are those Command of the Pit gloves for the minion accuracy? Are they mainly to allow for another jewel for minion mods? Just trying to compare them to high life/resist/minion-damage gloves if I already have a minion blind/taunt jewel in my Stygian vise belt. Also a 4th gem socket in the gloves could be used to avoid the need for the unset ring for Pride and keep a Vermilion ring for an extra 8% life. Though since I think I prefer the curse-with-your-leap-slam version of your build, I might be able to keep my Vermilion ring anyway if I don't run Storm Brand at all and run the Pride gem in gloves/boots. 3. Some people seem to really like shield charge (I've never tried it myself!) - would the same approach work with shield charge in place of leap slam? Is it just a preference thing? Thanks! |
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One more question: Feasting Fiends doesn't seem all that strong to me. Our golems already never die and have lots of regen, so the life and leech bonuses don't seem to do much. The 10% damage can be had on the minor passive nodes on a cluster jewel and if you have another bonus on them like "added small passive skills also grant _____", could even argue that the small passive nodes are superior to Feasting Fiends. Am I missing something there?
If we assume the life indeed doesn't matter (mine have never died, at least, without any of these nodes, in 20/20 simulacrum, T16 100% delirious maps, Sirus, etc...and I assume they are nearly always at full life given their regen from 3-4 "Renewal" large cluster jewel nodes) it could be argued that Call to the Slaughter's 15% increased damage is better than Feasting Fiends even though the other aspects of Call to the Slaughter are useless for us. Or perhaps Primoridal Bond's 40% increased buff effect for more life regen, or simply taking another small passive (with "...small passive skills also grant ___") in the large cluster jewel or another life node elsewhere in the tree. Any thoughts? |
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" Great questions. It's hard to say just how much time golems don't spend at full life. With easier content, probably very little but I assume they do take some damage very occasionally that causes them to fall below "full" life. For easier content it really doesn't matter anyway. Harder bosses definitely will damage golems. A8 Sirus kills my golems all the time even with 2xCIP, and I've had a couple simulacrum bosses visibly knock off 50% golem HP with every attack. Life leech pretty much guarantees full life. Additional 15-20% "increased" damage is inconsequential, but 3x10% chance to deal double damage is a huge multiplier on top of everything. Here, I'm choosing to maximize the chances of dealing the double damage. Shaper of Desolation and Beacon of Ruin are great options. I wanted to see how much I could push defense so I went the other route. I've recently swapped a harmony jewel for another born with chaos small cluster jewel. Divine flesh + 90% chaos res + soul of shakari + paragon of calamity + 90% phys reduction trivializes most damage on top of VMS. That said, I don't really need more defense either... so maybe I'll switch and see how it feels. What a great problem to have. Pendulum when on increased AOE does increase your auras' range significantly, which is nice. Command of the Pit is huge for the accuracy rating. According to POB, my minions drop from 100% to 91% hit rate without the gloves. That's a huge loss in DPS. Leap slam as a movement skill is ludicrous, and it is significantly faster than shield charge. Leap slam's speed scales with attack speed, which you can get from a fast sceptre, lightning golem, faster attacks, and silver flask. Did I say it's ludicrous? That said, leap slam isn't as consistent as storm brand (or shield charge) at applying curse. It seems to miss a bit here and there. Not that it really matters, as golems often kill the pack before the leap slam even lands. Bosses may take a couple of leap slams before they are hit and cursed. Storm brand is much more consistent, but that requires another key press and stopping to cast. (Optimizing laziness over dps or survival is another great problem to have). So far I just leap slam + curse for maps and switch to storm brand for Sirus and simulacrums. The real take away here is except for big bosses, monsters don't survive long enough for curse (and shock) to matter, so use whatever you want. Última edição por Infl3x#0350 em 23 de abr de 2020 00:58:04
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" Great justification for your choices, thanks. Agree that the double damage is a much bigger factor than the increased damage, just wasn't sure how much the leech would help in practice, but maybe it's significant. I am all about maximizing automation (for me POE is a character planning/building game with an action RPG mini game attached to it) and I do like the idea of maximizing defenses (even getting chaos res up to 90% from 88%...am I right in thinking that translates to 10% damage taken from 12% damage taken = 17% relative reduction to damage taken? I use Divine Flesh as well and it's awesome). Good to know leap slam isn't perfectly consistent applying the curses, but I do like the one button mapping. That said, I haven't found a need to use curses at all while mapping since by the time the curse is applied everything is usually already dead or dying fast anyways. The big benefit to your style is automating the flesh offering and maximizing its benefit. The AOE applying to auras is quite nice and I didn't know it applied to auras so that's definitely a nice bonus. And if leap slam isn't necessarily the most effective at applying curses, it may not be super effective/reliable at applying shock either, especially given the shocking conflux is only active for 6 of every 14 seconds. So I may be a convert into thinking your ascendancy node choices are a bit better. Question about the Soul Ripper flask just to confirm as I've never used it - I assume the best roll is -10 to maximum charges with the 2nd best roll being -9 to maximum charges, right? (We want as close to 50 charges while ensuring we get at least 50, I think.) Have you found that without a CWDT setup on molten shell you are ever missing that survivability on surprise hits, or is it simply a matter of "don't be bad" and keep your VMS up at all times? I admit the other thing I have a hard time with is switching my passive tree over and giving up some of the nice juicy nodes I've come to like such as the Sanctity/Discipline and Training and Sentinel nodes I use with CIP but your tree admittedly looks pretty darn optimal if we need to go grab that Necromantic Aegis node. My only other thought is to allocate that one on the amulet and find another path that gets us Ravenous Horde but not sure an option such as that exists that's actually better than your tree. Thanks for the reply, really helps my understanding of things and my thought process as well! |
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Good Guide
Última edição por KEADTR#3332 em 23 de abr de 2020 05:52:32
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