[3.11] CI Aura Bot Guide [90 Res/Max Aura Effect/Max Power/Aspect/Smite]

I'm having a hard time taking in the Gem setup.

I see you have Vitality in armor, on both Low level and Late game gear, yet you say not to have any defence gems in the chest.

? Does Vitality actually belong in there?
_Nuk escreveu:
SeroPrime escreveu:
Hello, thanks for the guide, it work wonders. I have a question tho, which socket should i use for Glorious Vanity on tree ?

Timeless Jewels are kinda useless now that Clusters exist your points are better spent on more clusters points

xnevann escreveu:
Can you even get to 200% Purity effect after the Pure Commander nerf?

Yes Very, Pure commanders we're only used to hit 90 res with low no investment.

These are the Cluster jewels i am using :

If you have enough Reduced Mana Reserved you can even use a jewel like this

dropping a Vengeful for 25% inc effect

Did you find this setup to be greatly more beneficial than just using voices?

It does sacrifice some points that could be used for ES obviously, but in terms of DPS the build gives it is much better.

If you run 2 7Passive voices it costs you 8 Points per cluster vs 5 per Large 8 pass.

this saves you 6 points. It costs a total of 7+5 points to alocate the 3rd 8 passive large cluster.

Which means you are in the end spending 6 extra points for 90% increased Effect of Anger/Wrath/Hatred

Considering that you'd need to spend 3 points to take 3 vengeful commanders even if they were right next to you, this you are only effectively "wasting" 3 points for 3 extra vengeful commanders.

Obviously this gets worse if you have better Voices (5 wasted points with 2 5passive voices) but this starts becoming much more expensive.

2 Large at the moment i believe does not allow you to hit 90Max res anymore since Pure commander was nerfed (at least not without dropping vengeful commanders for 25% inc effect of small passives.) You need at least 5 med clusters i believe for 90 res

All in all if you van afford the point/ small es drop i would def recommend 3 Large over 2 Voices, If you have a 3 passive voices i think you're rich enough to run 1 Voice + 2 Large and still able to have good ES.

If you are running skyforth Life regen does not work with you, and if you are lacking RMR do run empower in chest Vitality is a great aura to place there just to be able to run for your allies.
@_Nuk How can I min/max my build more?


Thanks in advance!
Solomyaids escreveu:
@_Nuk How can I min/max my build more?


Thanks in advance!

Higher ES on Helm & Shield. Could also remove/add Defence on Ammy for higher ES. I would also look at buying a +1, +2 Aoe, or +2 Aura Chest with Empower instead of Malevolence and then 6 socketing + 5 linking it.

If your defenses are high enough, you can also attempt crafting a main-hand like this.

Also, RMR on your Might of the Meek/Intuitive Leap.
Been running Aura Support since 2.5 (15+ leagues in a row now).

Aura Support Diary - 2094025
double posted accidentaly
Culler-support build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617230
Dedicated support build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1702757
Última edição por dulahan200#1974 em 28 de jul de 2020 06:09:02
Hello, thanks for making such a detailed and probably min-maxed guide! I'm a returning player from 2016 that back in the day made what I consider the best support builds at the time (thread/1702757 and /1617230) and I think yours is the current best, together with the one made by kcid. I'd be grateful if you could clarify some points:

- Timeless jewels. You say that with the addition of cluster jewels they are "no longer a necessity". Are they still best if you are 100% min-maxing, or their role has been deprecated?

On the topic of cluster jewels

- Regen vs Wicked ward. You mention that you'll touch this later, but with a 20-30 investment regen outmatches wicked ward, but I don't see that point developed later. Is that part of the work-in-progress aspects or I somehow missed it? The good thing is that you already have some regen from pure aptitude.

Back in the day, I played with ZO and no stun immunity and, despite the multiple game changes, I think that's still best (unless you need skyforth for the RMR).

I'll offer my reasoning and I hope something productive comes out of this discussion. Even if 1.2s without taking damage seems very short, that's actually quite long. The times where you die are never due to continuous or intermittent yet frequent damage, you only die to dmg spikes (due to crazy mod combinations and/or bosses). Against that, what you need isn't faster ES recharge, you need more ES (and/or regen that's not stopped by taking damage). Regen has a higher QoL than recharge against ground effects. On the topic of stun immunity, I think it's not needed. You provide an insane amount of DPS and have a good defence, in the chance where you would become stun-locked to death it is your carry duty to free you from that before your ES fully depletes.

- "You can post in Global 820 that you are a Aura Bot LF Work, just please make sure that you split loot. You are not a slave. Aura bots do NOT work for Free".

This sentence made me confused. Do some people expect you not to pick any loot and just be there beefing their survivability and dps by >2x? I never encountered that behaviour before. Or you mean they should share some loot that's boss/map specific (like map drops or shaper items) that don't get affected by the more players iiq bonus? If it's the last bit, I never took those before.

- CI + victario's armor + rare shield vs LL + shavs + prism guardian. Do you think the first choice is always better? Obviously cost is an issue and going LL in a new league is very expensive. But I already own a legacy Shav + prism so for me it's the opposite, LL is free and I would need to purchase a 6L victario's. How do you think these 2 alternatives compare? Obviously LL loses the aura effect from gems in the armor, but might be able to sneak more auras / be lighter on mana reserved requirements.

- It seems to be possible to get to 220% aura effect for purities which would grant 1% more max res. Why do you consider 200% aura effect as the goal and not push for more, anything I'm missing? Max res becomes stronger the more you have.

- I'm playing standard. Is everything you posted achievable here? Or some items/jewels/crafts are league exclusive? Also, is some legacy gear available? What are the most important ones? (consider currency is not an issue, I'll decide if I go for it or not).

- Until I decide I want to fully invest on a support, I'll be short on RMR (I'm missing amulet and jewel corruptions). I'm also missing the cluster jewels but I'll purchase these ones. I'm surprised you list purity of elements as "necessary" because, for me, that's one of the auras I'm least concerned about. Which ones would you take down first? Also, if I were to run 1-3 less auras than you, do you think guardian would be better (since necros strength over guardian comes from the attack speed per aura)

- I'm checking your PoB link and cluster jewels doesn't match the ones you describe. You have voices in the PoB link, which seem to be a budget alternative to a good large jewel? (as I haven't played for a long time it is quite difficult to understand all this without seeing it in practise).

- The increased dmg to you and allies mod from weapon, I'm assuming that's per aura and also that gets the bonus from aura effect?
Culler-support build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617230
Dedicated support build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1702757
Última edição por dulahan200#1974 em 29 de jul de 2020 01:28:37
currently playing this build and running T19 maps with a friend.
Right now I have a hard time surviving and I don't really know what to improve next.
I hope you can help me.
Thanks in advance

Here are my characters (its the only harvest season one):

- Timeless jewels. You say that with the addition of cluster jewels they are "no longer a necessity". Are they still best if you are 100% min-maxing, or their role has been deprecated?

I tried seeing if making the currently best known Timeless Jewel (6697) in witch for aurabot was worth vs just investing more points into clusters.

Honestly depending on for how much you can get it might still be good to take it. However Min-maxed Clusters are way better than it. Since Replenishing was nerfed the "BiS" clusters jewels would be 35% inc effect + Vengeful (for best best dps) and 35% effect + Replenshing/First-among for best over all effect

(Note: I use 6passive no jewel sockets on all 35% jewels to maximize its effect, if you like RMR jewel socket might be a good idea)

Personally i chose vengeful since i am already over 350% global aura effect (in standard).

OBVIOUSLY if you ahve a jewel with Vengeful + replenishing or first among with RMR ( its your bis )

The will touch on the problem with minmaxing with regen your other question.

On the topic of cluster jewels

- Regen vs Wicked ward. You mention that you'll touch this later, but with a 20-30 investment regen outmatches wicked ward, but I don't see that point developed later. Is that part of the work-in-progress aspects or I somehow missed it? The good thing is that you already have some regen from pure aptitude.

Back in the day, I played with ZO and no stun immunity and, despite the multiple game changes, I think that's still best (unless you need skyforth for the RMR).

Regen is Def WAYYY better than wicked ward the investment in the regen itself is not the issue. (2-3 replenishing + vitality + enduring cry is more regen than you'll need most of the time) the problem is getting enough RMR to be able to drop skyforth, since these disable all Life regen (even if converted to ES regen)

In Std that's "easy" just slap in legacy double rmr helm and amu and you set.

In league where suck things dont exist you will need notables taht Reduced mana reserved such as Grace/Discipline/Purities

Personally i play with Regen since the introductions of Clusters Jewels and anoints. No stun immunity (i do take brine king for UE however as getting stun locked by shaper is never good). You take so little damage with 90all res that stun isnt an issue especially with regen (and if your carry isnt totally stupid stuff should be dying where as stun is never a problem) (Also we're attack block cap)

Def WIP with changes and the GGG special of make legacy items mid league doesnt make me wanna update at a leisure 24/7 :/

I'll offer my reasoning and I hope something productive comes out of this discussion. Even if 1.2s without taking damage seems very short, that's actually quite long. The times where you die are never due to continuous or intermittent yet frequent damage, you only die to dmg spikes (due to crazy mod combinations and/or bosses). Against that, what you need isn't faster ES recharge, you need more ES (and/or regen that's not stopped by taking damage). Regen has a higher QoL than recharge against ground effects. On the topic of stun immunity, I think it's not needed. You provide an insane amount of DPS and have a good defence, in the chance where you would become stun-locked to death it is your carry duty to free you from that before your ES fully depletes.

Everything here i agree on yes. It all comes down to investment however. (I drop Determination+Purity of Elements to be able to drop skyforth for +2 sin treks to have regen)

- "You can post in Global 820 that you are a Aura Bot LF Work, just please make sure that you split loot. You are not a slave. Aura bots do NOT work for Free".

This sentence made me confused. Do some people expect you not to pick any loot and just be there beefing their survivability and dps by >2x? I never encountered that behaviour before. Or you mean they should share some loot that's boss/map specific (like map drops or shaper items) that don't get affected by the more players iiq bonus? If it's the last bit, I never took those before.

Less now I think but there was a time where i mapped with a dude for 10maps and he paid me 20c at the end. that is AFTER asking him like to share loot. Def left a bad taste in my mouth. This is just one example and wouldn't want it to happen to others.

- CI + victario's armor + rare shield vs LL + shavs + prism guardian. Do you think the first choice is always better? Obviously cost is an issue and going LL in a new league is very expensive. But I already own a legacy Shav + prism so for me it's the opposite, LL is free and I would need to purchase a 6L victario's. How do you think these 2 alternatives compare? Obviously LL loses the aura effect from gems in the armor, but might be able to sneak more auras / be lighter on mana reserved requirements.

The 15% global aura effect helps a lot honestly. And the 30% Local RMR for aura in it is honestly insane (at 70% RMR your auras in victario's are free)

a 6L is 100% not necessary honestly a 4L is enough just to link empower to Wrath/Hatred and Wtvr 3rd aura you want.

CI also benifits imo with more ES and better QoL
- ES RMR Shield gives much much more es than prism guardian
- With Redeemer's + Shaper Awakener if you wish to invest more you can get 10% aura effect and 15% socketed RMR
- Not effected by Descrated/Caustic Ground Poison, Chaos Dmg is really nice.
- Victario's is also a much cheaper chest pieces over shavs (especially legacy shavs) meaning corruption are much more available (on top of the already +1 to gems)
-Yes LL does enable you do throw in 3 Auras + Clarity, Precision Flesh and stone on life. but it does come at the cost of not having0 Reservation on Damage Auras so imo it evens out (epecially at high end gear)

- It seems to be possible to get to 220% aura effect for purities which would grant 1% more max res. Why do you consider 200% aura effect as the goal and not push for more, anything I'm missing? Max res becomes stronger the more you have.

at 200% aura effect yoou purities give +15 max res which is 90.
90 is the Hard cap on max res now which i know it was not before.
If you CAN get more without sacrificing too much damage it is good to do so (now with pure commander gutted) theres no way to increased Purities more separately so you need 200% GLOBAL aura effect anything more than that will also increase all other auras anywaysa so its never a bad thing.

Where higher than +15max res purities come in handy (in std mine give +19) is in -max maps. a -10max would bring you from "90 (94)" max res to 84 (84) max res which is much much better than 90 -> 80.

However in league i believe it to be quite difficult to achieve these numbers as you require More 1% corruption and reservation notables taking the spot of wither another notable or 35%/25% inc effect of small notables. which adds up fast.

On a 6Pass with 1Notable (no Jewel). this is 6%aura effect x 5 -> 30%
with 35% this becomes 6x 8 -> 48% which is 18% global aura effect (Better than first among) PER cluster. so everytime you lose that mod for either a worse jewel with corruption or for a notable reservation that is a lot of aura effect you lose (keep in mind ever 20% aura effect is +1 max res so 18 is a lot.)

- I'm playing standard. Is everything you posted achievable here? Or some items/jewels/crafts are league exclusive? Also, is some legacy gear available? What are the most important ones? (consider currency is not an issue, I'll decide if I go for it or not).

Std has a much much better time in Std than in league imo, Yes large clusters are easy peasy to craft in harvest for example. But it has nothing else for aura bot that i would deem better than std

as for legacy gear Double Reservation Amulet and Helmets exist (see bellow) that GREATLYYYYYYYYYY make you reduce the amount of Mana reserbation jewels you need and make dropping skyforth a no brainer.

this is 11% reduced reservation that is impossible in league. which is a big deal

See my STD Characters PoB if you wish to see Jewels and reservation :

Std also has legacy Shaper's touch (with +2 as well) while in league rare gloves are much better.

- Until I decide I want to fully invest on a support, I'll be short on RMR (I'm missing amulet and jewel corruptions). I'm also missing the cluster jewels but I'll purchase these ones. I'm surprised you list purity of elements as "necessary" because, for me, that's one of the auras I'm least concerned about. Which ones would you take down first? Also, if I were to run 1-3 less auras than you, do you think guardian would be better (since necros strength over guardian comes from the attack speed per aura)

yea Purity of elements (and determination depending on setup/who you are supporting) are probably the least important auras and a priority to drop first (quickly followed by Malevolence or zealotry for attack builds imo) so id drop them in that order to save mana until i get more aura effect

Guardian is def more defensive and IMO i good choice if you preffer that route (also much easier time getting higher ES). However for my play style and the feel of builds I do preffer the insane amount of Attack/Cast speed necro gives on my std char this is almost 200%

Guardians Phys mitigation and regen is also really really nice for the carry. IMO there is no better option only what play style you preffer. For me that's giving as much dmg as possible.

- I'm checking your PoB link and cluster jewels doesn't match the ones you describe. You have voices in the PoB link, which seem to be a budget alternative to a good large jewel? (as I haven't played for a long time it is quite difficult to understand all this without seeing it in practise).

I should update that section honestly it was very hyped up to think that low number passive voices were gonna be affortable which simply is not the case. so here's a copy pasta of what i told someone else:

It does sacrifice some points that could be used for ES obviously, but in terms of DPS the build gives it is much better.

If you run 2 7Passive voices it costs you 8 Points per cluster vs 5 per Large 8 pass.

this saves you 6 points. It costs a total of 7+5 points to alocate the 3rd 8 passive large cluster.

Which means you are in the end spending 6 extra points for 90% increased Effect of Anger/Wrath/Hatred

Considering that you'd need to spend 3 points to take 3 vengeful commanders even if they were right next to you, this you are only effectively "wasting" 3 points for 3 extra vengeful commanders.

Obviously this gets worse if you have better Voices (5 wasted points with 2 5passive voices) but this starts becoming much more expensive.

2 Large at the moment i believe does not allow you to hit 90Max res anymore since Pure commander was nerfed (at least not without dropping vengeful commanders for 25% inc effect of small passives.) You need at least 5 med clusters i believe for 90 res

All in all if you van afford the point/ small es drop i would def recommend 3 Large over 2 Voices, If you have a 3 passive voices i think you're rich enough to run 1 Voice + 2 Large and still able to have good ES.



when compared to 2 7 Passive voices, 3 Large Jewels cost 8 extra points
but allows you to get 3 Extra RMR corruption (honestly fairly cheap for what it is) on large Jewels as well as 3 extra vengeful commanders (which is 90% aura effect for anger/wrath/hatred)

more rmr means easier to drop skyforth and run more auras with regen.

IMO 3 Large Clusters is the way to go in most situations and then slowly upgrade each cluster to 5-3 passive voices when you have enough rmr/money.

- The increased dmg to you and allies mod from weapon, I'm assuming that's per aura and also that gets the bonus from aura effect?

Yes this is correct it scales with the aura effect of each individual aura. Meaning if one auras has 100% aura effect and the other one has 200% aura effect. The first one will give (2+100%) 4% Dmg and the other will give (2+200%) 6% dmg.

This mod and the "attack/cast speed" from necro are the only reasons to run not important auras. such as purity of elements. determination if you have no armour. malevolance for most builds. zealotry for attack builds. Should always add those last until you have enough RMR to run them.

This mod alone gives over 140% inc damage on a min-maxed build

If you have any other questions or further discussion feel free to ask :)
I have a very silly question. With soooo much cast speed for witch and ultra buffed auras like zealotry with 3x, can't we just use two hungry loops for rings? bladefall with spell echo spell cascade conc effect and es leech in one loop and a bladeblast setup in another loop. that way we can do damage too. plus discipline es gain on hit watcher's eye can help the lack of regen from skyforth. if i make a pob, would be kind enough to take a lot at it? since i am kinda noooob. great build though, truly inspiring! 😇

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