[3.11] CI Aura Bot Guide [90 Res/Max Aura Effect/Max Power/Aspect/Smite]

Devilhunter264 escreveu:

Thank you so much for your Pob. I noticed you are not using Wicked Ward, why is that?

can you check my pob? https://pastebin.com/ECjnYttf

i made some differences to your build but i think we have the same stats, and i need your opinion on what to improve more because like i mentioned you can die easily from t3 or t4 seeds.

The reason I did not go Wicked ward is because I decided to drop skyforth and go regen (paired with new Enduring Cry) i find it much more consitent for the time being, it is sad that replenshing presence was "gutted" from what it used to be. but i still think regen is better than wicked ward if you can afford to drop skyforth.

Also Just finished my wep :D its finally done.

one think if you wanna craft is a +2 Hubris like mine
which will allow you to get gloves with RMR of an auara such as

this can help allow you to drop skyforths, making sin trek (+1~+2) a great option (or good rares)

Here's what id upgrade in said order if i were you:

-ES on Shield, your Shield can use a lot lot more es. no excuse this league for <280 ES roll

--> Roll Defence till T1 Flat
--> Craft 74% ES
--> Aug Def for a random hybrid (or spam Add Remove Life for T1 Life/ES Hybrid

you can do it on a base like this if you want more out of oyur shield

Reedmer T1 Aura effect + T1 Shaper RmR

- If you want to change helm enchant to Malevolance/Dtermination Enchant you can do the following ->
Replace your Pure Aptitude Cluster with Sublime Form
this will make grace cos zero or almost zero (same as auras in chest) out side your shield. This will allow you to put another aura in shield (such as vitality and flesh and stone) this will gain you some mana

-If you're going to recraft helm going for +2 Fracture on helm then rolling Essence of Lpathing till you hit a decent 3rd suffix (then craft prefixes using Harvest

- Amulet can either be 5%RMR + 1 Level of int gems (hunter-redeemer or hunter-shaper)

--> if you go shaper + Hunter you can make "easily" the following
Flat ES
Crafted %ES
+1 to all Int/dex/str skill Gems

Grants Vit
Regen/or any dead mod

Crafted like so :

1. Awakener orb Shaper RMR with Hunter +1 Int
2. pray for removable mods
3. once you have RMR+IntLevel with removable mods Block all suffixes this can be done with Aug Ligthning or wtvr resistance
4. Roll Defence until T1 Flat ES.
5. Block last prefix by crafting %ES
6. Remove suffixes other than RMR
7. Craft Cannot Roll Attack Mods (not nesseary but helps)
8. Roll life till Grants Vitality
9. For last suffix Aug life
9b. If its Life on hit attacks -> Remove Attack
9c. If anyother mod stop and call it a day

if you dont want Regen you can slap Aspect instead for last suffix

- You went 2 Voices this is still debetable but as far as giving dps is concerened 3 Large > 2 Voices this graetly depends on resat of gear level. Currently have 7kes with 3Large having taken very few es nodes

If anything you can still run 6 Vengeful with 3Large but add 3Stalwart Commanders for more es. instead of my typical 9 vengeful. (this also lets you have more jewels with rmr since large clusters are easily craftable and corruptible for 1%

Edit: Keep in mind to drop skyforth i did drop Determination and malevolence your milage may vary

but from the look of it you have more Reservation notables than me as well as intuitive leap RMR (which im too lazy to get since i dont currently need it.)

Edit 2: Just made these allowed me to add Malevolence
much better than sintrek's obviously
Última edição por _Nuk#4437 em 5 de ago de 2020 23:09:01

I got 3-5 voices setup, any upgardes for me ??
PaM3U escreveu:

I got 3-5 voices setup, any upgardes for me ??

-5L Chest and adding Empower to it. Not too expensive.
Link it to Damage auras Wrath/Anger/Hatred/Zealotry
Can replace Clarity or Determination for the empower

-Can drop Purity of Elements to save mana for that above upgrade and a socket

-Could Upgrade helm to a Hubris
If its +2 as well like (helm bellow) you can even upgrade sin treks to a good rare.

Otherwise +2 Corruption on Sin Trek

possible upgrades for Boots Synthesized 10% Reduced reservation for something like Discipline or wtvr aura saves you the most mana.

Also, i really like your addition of tempest shield in scepter thats a nice idea!
U can go empower into victario but it will remove 1 aura (deter for example) so u must give her the slot and rmr lolz. Alpha vs hubris is hard question . I like freeze immun , cheap +2 , a lot of dodge and armor and +3 rmr vs hubris. If i want to change alpha on hubris so i must drop 1)Aurora aegis or 2)int+shield split personalities, armor bottle instead of freeze immun. Boots its just common choice for new voices setup.
PaM3U escreveu:
U can go empower into victario but it will remove 1 aura (deter for example) so u must give her the slot and rmr lolz. Alpha vs hubris is hard question . I like freeze immun , cheap +2 , a lot of dodge and armor and +3 rmr vs hubris. If i want to change alpha on hubris so i must drop 1)Aurora aegis or 2)int+shield split personalities, armor bottle instead of freeze immun. Boots its just common choice for new voices setup.

You can always drop purity of elements like i said, its not really needed, and it will be more dps linking empower to dmg auras instead vs the dmg purity of elements provides.

Alpha's doesn't really great Armour tho? and the evasion is sorta negligible compared to what grace gives, you do lose 3% rmr but if you wanna min max you can get those on jewels.

Wiith the amount of "Pure X" notables you have i find it hard to believe you'll have mana issues.

Im running only 1x Pure Aptitude and 1x Sublime form.
Allows me to run 5x First among Equals and 9x Vengeful Commanders but

I am not running Purity of Elements nor am i Running Determination tho. Since 1. Purity of Elements offers nothing outside of Necro's Attack speed buff and the dmg from weapon. Empower + Dmg auras is much better dps than that

if i were to invest more into RMR (which i personally dont want to/need to) OR drop 1 vengeful commander for another Pure X resvation notable i would 100% be able to run it and Determination

as to why im not running determination. same as purity of elements it gives MORE Armour, doenst matter how much more it gives if everyone has near 0 base armour. So it comes back to the same as purity of elements, only it costs a fortune more. Unless your playing an armout stacking marauder or something Determination does nothing (and if you are chances are Zealotry or Malevolence does nothing in that case and can be droped)

Also your Determination is Victario's meaning you are NOT affected by it, so you actually personally dont gain any bonuses from it to your Rumi's armour so your argument is flawed there too.

You can also save A LOT of mana by droping calrity 21 from chest and running a levle 1-10 or something outside. and running Haste in chest.

Theres A LOT of gem swapping/setup you can change to save mana and be more effient while also giving more DPS, IMO you over capped alot on reservation and yet still cant fit hubrid/empower. thats just weird but hey its all up to you if you think its best you keep doing you.

lastly +2 Sin Trek is very cheap also. so that argument is also invalid. crafitng a +2 5%RMR Enchanted Hubris is probably cheaper than a enchanted alpha's so in anycase these are my twocents on the matter. you are welcomed to do what ever from here on.

im at 8.3kes (NO Clairty Watchers as extra es EYE its 9.6k with one),
Capped Attack Block,
over 35k eva with flask,
202% aura effect + 9 Vengeful Commanders (this is 521% Aura effect for Wrath/Anger and 561% for hatred)
running every aura expect Det/Purity of Elements (since they do practically nothing comapred to otherways to scale)
and level 28~29 Dmg Auras in chest.

on top of all that im necro and have 7 less points to spend then you and took 3 Large Clusters. so even less points into ES than you. so you cant complain about point starvation.


Here's my POB at your Level and with Clarity WE.

Not worthy Things to see here

Hatred -> 135% More Cold Danage // 196% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage

Wrath -> adds 159 to 2550 Lightning dmg to attacks // 146% MOre Lightning Spell Damage

Anger -> Adds 1119 to 1596 Fire Damage to Attacks // Adds 1023 to 1437 Fire Damage to Spells

FOr contrast your Hatred/Wrath/Anger give :

Hatred -> 76% More Cold Danage // 107% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage

Wrath -> adds 76 to 1224 Lightning dmg to attacks // 80% MOre Lightning Spell Damage

Anger -> Adds 537 to 764 Fire Damage to Attacks // Adds 488 to 687 Fire Damage to Spells

which are all just over half of mine. This isnt counting Zealotry Haste inherit %more damage and %inc dmg necro provides over sicon as well as 50% more attack and cast speed over scion.

Yes your Discpline and Grace give more than mine as well but if you wanna go the defensive route, you should be able to hit over 15k es with better gear as mentioned above because right now you only have 1k es more for the cost of moooore than half the dps.

Última edição por _Nuk#4437 em 8 de ago de 2020 17:16:32
Hi Nuk, should I replace the Conqueror's Potency with 2dn Efficiency? It doesn't seem like the Potency offers much and I could really use 2 % RMR from a 2nd Eff to replace Alpha with a Hubris. (but worried that Potency is there for a reason since you mention it as a must-have)
Última edição por nguyendathung#6765 em 8 de ago de 2020 17:29:37
nguyendathung escreveu:
Hi Nuk, should I replace the Conqueror's Potency with 2dn Efficiency? It doesn't seem like the Potency offers much and I could really use 2 % RMR from a 2nd Eff to replace Alpha with a Hubris. (but worried that Potency is there for a reason since you mention it as a must-have)

Sadly Conqueror's Efficiency is limited to 1, same for Potency. Otherwise we'd just be stacking both imo xD

The reason for pontency is to help meet certain thresholds. 3% might not seem like much but it can be the diffrence between 198% aura effect and 201% for example netting you +1 max res.

Same goes for when you're above +15mas res purities hitting +16 might seem like a waste but it works in minus max maps

for example if you have 300% aura effect your purities give -> +20
this makes you 75 + 20 -> 95 but cap is 90. If you enter a -10 max map youre resist will fo 95-10->85 instead of 90-10->80

having those extra resists for -max maps is really good qol imo,
however if the 3% doesnt help you reach any thresholds (every 20% : 180, 200, 220, 240 and so on) you can defenityle drop it for a better 1% RMR corruption jewel with es for example. and you wont notice much diffrence at all.
_Nuk escreveu:
Devilhunter264 escreveu:

Thank you so much for your Pob. I noticed you are not using Wicked Ward, why is that?

can you check my pob? https://pastebin.com/ECjnYttf

i made some differences to your build but i think we have the same stats, and i need your opinion on what to improve more because like i mentioned you can die easily from t3 or t4 seeds.

The reason I did not go Wicked ward is because I decided to drop skyforth and go regen (paired with new Enduring Cry) i find it much more consitent for the time being, it is sad that replenshing presence was "gutted" from what it used to be. but i still think regen is better than wicked ward if you can afford to drop skyforth.

Also Just finished my wep :D its finally done.

one think if you wanna craft is a +2 Hubris like mine
which will allow you to get gloves with RMR of an auara such as

this can help allow you to drop skyforths, making sin trek (+1~+2) a great option (or good rares)

Here's what id upgrade in said order if i were you:

-ES on Shield, your Shield can use a lot lot more es. no excuse this league for <280 ES roll

--> Roll Defence till T1 Flat
--> Craft 74% ES
--> Aug Def for a random hybrid (or spam Add Remove Life for T1 Life/ES Hybrid

you can do it on a base like this if you want more out of oyur shield

Reedmer T1 Aura effect + T1 Shaper RmR

- If you want to change helm enchant to Malevolance/Dtermination Enchant you can do the following ->
Replace your Pure Aptitude Cluster with Sublime Form
this will make grace cos zero or almost zero (same as auras in chest) out side your shield. This will allow you to put another aura in shield (such as vitality and flesh and stone) this will gain you some mana

-If you're going to recraft helm going for +2 Fracture on helm then rolling Essence of Lpathing till you hit a decent 3rd suffix (then craft prefixes using Harvest

- Amulet can either be 5%RMR + 1 Level of int gems (hunter-redeemer or hunter-shaper)

--> if you go shaper + Hunter you can make "easily" the following
Flat ES
Crafted %ES
+1 to all Int/dex/str skill Gems

Grants Vit
Regen/or any dead mod

Crafted like so :

1. Awakener orb Shaper RMR with Hunter +1 Int
2. pray for removable mods
3. once you have RMR+IntLevel with removable mods Block all suffixes this can be done with Aug Ligthning or wtvr resistance
4. Roll Defence until T1 Flat ES.
5. Block last prefix by crafting %ES
6. Remove suffixes other than RMR
7. Craft Cannot Roll Attack Mods (not nesseary but helps)
8. Roll life till Grants Vitality
9. For last suffix Aug life
9b. If its Life on hit attacks -> Remove Attack
9c. If anyother mod stop and call it a day

if you dont want Regen you can slap Aspect instead for last suffix

- You went 2 Voices this is still debetable but as far as giving dps is concerened 3 Large > 2 Voices this graetly depends on resat of gear level. Currently have 7kes with 3Large having taken very few es nodes

If anything you can still run 6 Vengeful with 3Large but add 3Stalwart Commanders for more es. instead of my typical 9 vengeful. (this also lets you have more jewels with rmr since large clusters are easily craftable and corruptible for 1%

Edit: Keep in mind to drop skyforth i did drop Determination and malevolence your milage may vary

but from the look of it you have more Reservation notables than me as well as intuitive leap RMR (which im too lazy to get since i dont currently need it.)

Edit 2: Just made these allowed me to add Malevolence
much better than sintrek's obviously

Thank you so much for the info.. will definitely follow :D
Could you please walk us through the process of making a scepter? the price on the market is over the roof _ _||
nguyendathung escreveu:
Could you please walk us through the process of making a scepter? the price on the market is over the roof _ _||

Hi 2nd comment of the post is my gear + step by step explanation on how to craft everything.

Its a WIP atm but the important stuff is there such as scepter.

I am unaware of Scepter prices since i have not checked, but keep in mind estimate cost is 45-55ex to craft it.

You can however stop at any step you deem enough. and/or continue later.

Such as you can settle for +1 and Aura mod

or +1 and Aura mod + Hatred. for examples.

Edit: Just chcked prices via this trade search : https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/vZ2KR8jfE

I think 60-70ex is a fair price considering the time, sanity and cost it takes to make these.

Keep in mind this is "mirror" tier as far as your main hand goes. its your BiS. An item similar to this would easily go for 100s of exalts outside of harvest.
Última edição por _Nuk#4437 em 10 de ago de 2020 02:53:33

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