[3.11] CI Aura Bot Guide [90 Res/Max Aura Effect/Max Power/Aspect/Smite]

Dope build.

Pretty dang confusing, it's well done but for example I don't see much mention off Desecrate, I was using build for a bit without it lol.

Read finer detals, but gem info is kind of all over the place

Thanks for the crafting section!
Última edição por EvilSlayer420#3396 em 13 de ago de 2020 14:10:48
EvilSlayer420 escreveu:
Dope build.

Pretty dang confusing, it's well done but for example I don't see much mention off Desecrate, I was using build for a bit without it lol.

Read finer detals, but gem info is kind of all over the place

Thanks for the crafting section!

Thanks! will try to fix that stuff up, Its a lil hard tho to explain gem setup since its so gear depend where what is socketed where :/
Okay, I'm currently working on a 150c budget (but can get more as needed). Is this a viable build on that budget, or should I farm more currency first?
it's hungry, a hungry beast. It can be done but it will be rough ride (imo so worth, just learning all the mechanics the OP did for this, is kind of insane actually.)

He has 3 PoB's for Poor/ Medium/ Rich

but some of the stuff in Medium is now Rich, I'm guessing cuz other aura stacking builds that are 150+exa or something
Última edição por EvilSlayer420#3396 em 13 de ago de 2020 21:25:35
Epharian escreveu:
Okay, I'm currently working on a 150c budget (but can get more as needed). Is this a viable build on that budget, or should I farm more currency first?

Pretty much what EvilSlayer420 said, this build consumes money a lot.. i would say that 150c would be impossible to play as CI and would def need to go LowLlife + Shavs or Lowlife + Victario's with Coruscating Elixir which isnt the greatest of feels good.

The big expensive stuff comes from getting more or less required jewels corrupted for 1% mana reserved since there are like EvilSlayer said Meta DPS builds that stack aura and reservation. making some the corruptions absurdly expensive.

Keep in mind the more corruptions you have the more ES youll be able to afford getting, as well as more aura effect, more offensive/defensive clusters notables

I will be reworking the guide soon ish (most likely next week, after my exams finish) and will try to work up a cheap build that is viable.

for my personal recommendation this late in the league i would not attempt this build as CI under 5-10ex budget.

Edit: forgot to mention because of said aura stacking dps builds, Aura Effect Clusters are very expensive. ranging from 50-100c per cluster which you need at the very least 4 (preferable 5-6) not to mention the cost of rolling them according to your build.

would never recommend corrupted ones because you can recraft to adapt as your builds gear improves
Última edição por _Nuk#4437 em 14 de ago de 2020 17:36:43

Finally able to wrap up the build into something worth to ask Nuk for some criticism and advice :D

I mostly duo with a friend so I try to get a little bit of everything for more survivability though I guess I could opt to have some more damage increase. But having fortify for 40s and spectres for buffs is really fun XD (these boys can deal some real damage in T16 too LoL).

First time doing auras but already burn more currency into it than I've ever been :v
Última edição por nguyendathung#6765 em 16 de ago de 2020 08:20:28

Okay, final update I promise. Don't see myself doing much else except rolling for T1 Hybrid life/es on the helm and T1 % ES on the Ammy. I hit T1 Flat on it 3 times which annoys me because the % is so much better.. but 19% will do for now I suppose.. >_>
Been running Aura Support since 2.5 (15+ leagues in a row now).

Aura Support Diary - 2094025
nguyendathung escreveu:

Finally able to wrap up the build into something worth to ask Nuk for some criticism and advice :D

I mostly duo with a friend so I try to get a little bit of everything for more survivability though I guess I could opt to have some more damage increase. But having fortify for 40s and spectres for buffs is really fun XD (these boys can deal some real damage in T16 too LoL).

First time doing auras but already burn more currency into it than I've ever been :v

Very solid gear! i like the boots tho id probably prefer stats over the onslaught on soul gain prevention.

not sure either how worth +1 int is on helm but its hellah swag!

i think its tiem for +4 chest :)
Hi, fantastic guide. Learned a lot from it this league. Very well laid out and pretty to look at.

I've been playing aurabot this league and was wondering your thoughts on a few items. Okay, turns out I have questions on quite a lot of items. :-) Feel free to respond to a few which you feel are most important. Note that for all questions this league at least the carry is a full MF zerker RoA. Happy to chat on discord or whatever if that's easier.

I see you're using large clusters instead of voices. Can you comment on the pros/cons?

How'd you go about making the Victario's? Very sweet. Did you enchant/get all white sockets then double corrupt many? How'd you get the 30% quality in there given it's double corrupted (can't use Einhar) and it's a unique (can't use perfect fossils)? Did you perhaps get all things in order on a lacquered garb then chance it? Very curious. :-)

I see you have fairly expensive jewels with RMR on them. In group play typically does the group put any money towards the aurabot build or is the aurabot expected to build it exclusively with their own cut? If the group does put money towards the aurabot do they put money towards any of the other builds and what is the priority of build ranked 1-6? How often do groups typically do a "split" to payout cuts to the group as they are playing? If you were adding members to the group one by one which order would you add them in? (I'm especially curious after what I assume is #1 carry + #2 aurabot, does discbot or cursebot come next and why?) What's most optimal for filling out slot 5 and 6?)

My group is running T8 100% delirious double beyond/nemesis fully juiced maps just fine. What are the most important things to add for the aurabot to transition to running T15 x% delirious double beyond/nem fully juiced maps? Beyond monsters tend to wreck us in those maps.

How important is Smite for the group? Also, I see you have awakened generosity linked to it, how does that help give Smite buffs to others when it already does that by default? Or is that just to buff the effect of the Smite aura?

On a defensive skill note, how would you compare the offerings, molten shell, steelskin, and enduring cry (assuming non-Skyforth)?

How do you feel first among equals/vengeful commander compare to a single notable in exchange for 25-35% increased effect on mediums?

I notice a complete absence of the ever popular Skyforth. Why? I tried with/without them this league and with them equipped (without regen but with Wicked Ward) I felt far less tanky. Yet, they remain extremely popular so I wonder if I'm just not investing enough in faster start and/or recharge with them equipped.

How important do you feel it is to add yet another aura once you have the core auras in place? ie, is it worth it to sacrifice ES, attributes, or little stats here and there in order to get RMR for yet another aura? I know you mention 2k ES, but how about something small like 200-300 once you already have all the "core" auras?

Weapon options: I see you went with the rare there with the ultimate rolls. How do you feel this compares to the two popular unique options Sign of the sin eater (quite popular this league) and ephemeral edge?

Belt: How do you rate darkness enthroned vs. string of servitude with hatred/wrath, bated breath, or the incursion belt all of which I've seen in use?

Gloves: I see you're running rare gloves with an implicit I've never seen (must be from synthesis). How do you feel rares compare with shaper's touch or hands of the high templar with juicy +x socketed skill gem rolls?

I see you chose to use jewels with RMR instead of small clusters in some cases. How do you feel these (jewels) weigh vs. small clusters with let's say stalwart commander which gives both you and your allies more ES?

Flasks besides quicksilver and rumi's? I've seen resist flasks, soul catcher, basalt/granite, jade/stibnite, quartz..?

How important would you say the watcher's eye is to the build?

I have about 12-14 auras at present depending on the setup. I'd like to ask what you feel are the pros/cons of the auras I don't have regularly or switch out from time to time which are:

All 4 aspects

Zealotry (if MF is attack based, is the consecrated ground really worth it?)

Pride (if MF is attack based and mostly cold followed by fire/lightning with very little phys leftover, is this worthwhile at all?)

Malevolence (at what point would skill effect duration help yourself and/or the party assuming non-DoT attack based MF carry?)

Skitterbots (These have been extremely useful in solo play, there was a time I'd add them to almost any build. I've definitely seen them in some aurabots, how do you feel about them in groups?)

Purity of elements (I had read that this shouldn't be necessary)

War/Dread banner

Determination (ie, how good do you feel armor is? tested with my MF it's about 20% phys dmg reduction. if you had to choose between this and vitality or this and 300-400 more ES for you+allies, which one would you choose?)

Clarity (I use level 1, how much utility does having a higher level clarity add?)

Flesh and stone (this was also quite popular in solo builds for a while but I don't see it as much any longer. I do see it in aurabots though, thoughts for importance in group play?)

Thanks! :-)
Última edição por MochaDragon#7406 em 17 de ago de 2020 16:27:44

Hi thanks glad it could help ill try to answer as many things as i can ill put then in spoilers so it doesnt take up 5 screens worth of space :D

I see you're using large clusters instead of voices. Can you comment on the pros/cons?

I've noted this is some previous comments so ill copy pasta the reasoning in a the spoiler bellow but TDLR:
-3 Large Cluster is equivalent to 2 Voices in terms of Mediums Clusters
Both have 6 Medium Clusters, however 3x Large ALlows you to get an extra Vengeful commander node on each, netting you 9 Vengeful commanders vs the 6 from running 2 voices

-It is possible to run 2 Voices + 1 Large cluster, investment however is much much greater as you need 3pass voices, high level, and ridiculous gear to offset the es loss. This is the BiS Setup but i dont personally recommend it in league. unless youre filthy rich.

It does sacrifice some points that could be used for ES obviously, but in terms of DPS the build gives it is much better.

If you run 2 7Passive voices it costs you 8 Points per cluster vs 5 per Large 8 pass.

this saves you 6 points. It costs a total of 7+5 points to alocate the 3rd 8 passive large cluster.

Which means you are in the end spending 6 extra points for 90% increased Effect of Anger/Wrath/Hatred

Considering that you'd need to spend 3 points to take 3 vengeful commanders even if they were right next to you, this you are only effectively "wasting" 3 points for 3 extra vengeful commanders.

Obviously this gets worse if you have better Voices (5 wasted points with 2 5passive voices) but this starts becoming much more expensive.

2 Large at the moment i believe does not allow you to hit 90Max res anymore since Pure commander was nerfed (at least not without dropping vengeful commanders for 25% inc effect of small passives.) You need at least 5 med clusters i believe for 90 res

All in all if you van afford the point/ small es drop i would def recommend 3 Large over 2 Voices, If you have a 3 passive voices i think you're rich enough to run 1 Voice + 2 Large and still able to have good ES.

How'd you go about making the Victario's?

Lots and Lots of effort that i do not recommend. It was chanced yes hence the influence :)

Group play Question?

That depends on the group.

For us as a group a lot of the builds/money was pulled from all of us to get our builds going. Some money for out own cuts was used to upgrade out own individual builds. But some "guild" or "group" if you like money was used to upgrade some builds. Namely Carry and myself.

In terms of who should take priority in upgrades. after gear has his MFgear/Gems and is working. Prioty should go to aura bot. Namely hitting 90 max res (200% aura effect).

Curse bot/Stalwart bot if a close third after that. but its not as necessary. Reason being most if not all the damage comes from the aurabot.

If Carry Dies -> Map Dead
If Aurabot dies -> Map gets pretty rippy, long and hard if not impossible in some situation.
If Curse bot dies -> Maps gets more rippy but still safe enough and dmg would be cut by much.
Same for rest of grp the top 3 are most important rolls imo.

1% Corruption Jewels that the aurabot doesnt have that we're hit in the group should be prioritized given to the aurabot imo (Might of the Meek/Intuitive Leap/EFW) other than that at a certain point if you wanna min max its on you do to so :)

What's most optimal for filling out slot 5 and 6?
That Depends many groups have diffrent comps, namely the most popular one is Snaps setup from empy's group. we ended up using that one. but NOT the gearing setup for those as we deemed them really bad. ESPCIALLY for aurabot.

From other people ive talked to that share my dislike for snapes gear/comps the best comp would probably be something along the lines of (in other of importance)

- Carry (Bezerker is kind of a meme but it works) Lots of things also work here as long as it an Attack projectile build.

- Aura bot (Necro or Scion, personally preffer Necro, and find scion a big meme now a days)

- Curs bot 6Curses(Temp chain, Enfeeble, Assassin's Mark, Proj Weakness, Ele Weakness, Wtvr 6th we went for poachers mark for the Life gain and frenzy generation)

- Stalwart bot Vaal Grace/Determination/Vaal Discpline on max a max stalward stacking guardian + Saq's nest.

- Full fledged Mana guardian or Like a Taunt Critmulti bot. depending if you need to survive or dmg (tho personally id preffer the full mana guard)

- DD mine supporter (Using High impact mine support and nods from tree to make Your mine give 100% Chance to DD) + Skitter bots.

- Shock bot is fine too and fairly cheap only prob is the shock scales addatatively with projweak, assassins mark, aspect of the spider so its alright at best (Do not use Prolif, ever its wayyyyyyyyyyy to much fkn lag)

My group is running T8 100% delirious double beyond/nemesis fully juiced maps just fine. What are the most important things to add for the aurabot to transition to running T15 x% delirious double beyond/nem fully juiced maps? Beyond monsters tend to wreck us in those maps.

I think the most important thing is rotating VaalGraces and Vaal Discplines of the Aura Bot and Stalwart Bot during dangerous situation

You should however have atleas 10k es while in group and 90 max res as the supports.

Having carry be the leader so you can all know to follow blue dot on minimap helps, as well as curse bot leading the way to debuff mobs.

How important is Smite for the group?

Smite has an aura that give flat lightning just like any other aura except it does not reserve mana, instead it it grants the aura once you hit something with the attack itself.

The awakened Generosity is to buff said aura. The amount flat lightning (GENERIC FLAT) is kinda absured and op imo and a big loss of free damage used.
Awakened Generosity isnt necceary if you dont have the sockets for it, but its a big boost too see bellow for how much damage it gives.

On a defensive skill note, how would you compare the offerings, molten shell, steelskin, and enduring cry (assuming non-Skyforth)?

-Bone Offering is a must, its pretty op and would surprised if it doesn't get nerfed soon. Capping attack block goes a very long way to keep you safe (Especially if you have ES on block on shield)
-I dont love molten shell personally since we dont have that much armour. but with a stalwart bot running Determination in group play it's definitaly a better option than steel-skin.
-Enduring cry is pretty broken as well. The Regen is almost a panic flask (especially if you have some recovery rate). And the Phys mitigation + Endurance Charges it gives it VERYYYYY good.

How do you feel first among equals/vengeful commander compare to a single notable in exchange for 25-35% increased effect on mediums?

The best in slot jewel (Granted you have enough RMR) is 6Pass No Jewel socket (I realise this is legacy) with 35% Increassed Effect + Vengeful Commander
followed by 6pass with jewel socket and 35% increased effect.

with a Jewel socket 6Passive Clusters with 25%increased effect+Vengeful and First-Among + Vengeful give the exact same amount of Aura effect (granted you take all the nodes)
3x 6% + 10% = 28%
4x 7% + 0% = 28%
First amont allows you yo drop some points if needed and go for 5passive jewels as well if you want to save some points while 25% locks you in taking all the nodes to make it worth

But they are equivalent in the long run and at highier levels.
I wouldn't run 25%+First amont personally unless i was not at 90%all res and needed that extra boost.

I notice a complete absence of the ever popular Skyforth. Why?

So Regen is just insane with enduring cry, vitality and the levels of Aura effect you have. as well as other potential sources of regen like, some jewel, mods on clusters, gear, ES recovery rate and so on.
Regen allows you to regain your es instantly and through damage making you tankier (since you effectively have more EHP granted your not 1 tapped).

Skyforths used to be mandatory because there was just a big lack of RMR avaiable before. On top of having actaully aura nodes to spend points on (as to before cluster jewels you had LOTS of free points to invest into Faster ES start, wicked ward, etc.

Now since we have so many Jewels slots given to use via Cluster jewels. (on top of being able to have them corrupted as well for minmaxing) theyre much less mandatory and more a cheap option.

The reason they're so popular is because investing enough into the build to be able to drop 6%RMR takes alot of that investment. you can look at my jewels and gear and see im not running determination and purity of elements
droping those 2 auras (which i think are the least important) allows me to go regen.

Before i even had some ridiculous synthesized RMR gloves+boots i just simply droped auras my carry didnt need. like zealotry for example. just to be able to be regen and tankier.

Wicked ward + Faster ES is def nice in some situation, but a lot of things ruin that and make it difficult to survive in the much hier levels of rippy maps.

Also i cant stress enough how op broken enduring cry is.

How important do you feel it is to add yet another aura once you have the core auras in place?

Depends how far you want to minmax. Every aura will give attack and cast speed on top of its own benefits.
Not exactly sure what you mean by Core Auras tho.

Only non-core auras I would say are purity of Elements and maybe determination (+ wtvr dmg aura dont scale your carry)
they're not a must and usually i add them when minamxing. As i prioritze me being alive and my regen over less necceary auras.

If the cost is only few hundred ES its worth adding.

Weapon options: I see you went with the rare there with the ultimate rolls. How do you feel this compares to the two popular unique options Sign of the sin eater (quite popular this league) and ephemeral edge?

Sign of the sin eater imo is only really great in group play as you allow you carry to no worry about ailements.
Ephemeral Edge is just a super cheap defensive option when you lack es.

The amount of Damage given by the "Auras grant 2% Damage" mod is abusred a the amount auras and aura effect we have and is a big dps loss not having.
Depending on the league id recommend at least having like 2% dmg mod with like +1Spells or +1 X Elemental Level or lots of ES to have it replace ephermral

as for Sin eater its only really popular because snap made it it popular. Its nice its good qol for party in grp play but over all it lacks damage comapred to a rare.
And id strongly recommend if you wanna min max for damage to use a rare (If you need it)

Belt: ?

Darkness is pretty damn good especially with the revent buff it had. Honestly most people should use it and socket good es rmr jewels in it. unless they have enough rmr and some really insane es belt

String of Servitude imo is only really worth it if you have dual corruption on it (Wrath/Anger/Hatred/Discpline)
A really good alternative to String IMO if you dont need the socket(s) for what ever reason is Torrents Reclamation (20% action speed up 80% of the time) and the aoe is pretty descent.

Gloves: ?

Yes, my gloves are synthesized. Not a viable option for every league given that harvest is not staying.
Rares are bis for ES if you don't have some monster +5 High templars

Shaper's are only really good if you have and need the +2 Corruption otherwise go for rares.

If your non-Skyforth (or if skyforth is cheap) you can get +2 on boots be it SinTreks or Sky's instead.

Keep in mind that +5Monster Templars are normally used to butt the hell out of Smite+Wrath+Awakened Geno+Empower and not for purities.

I see you chose to use jewels with RMR instead of small clusters in some cases.

Points that could have been spent on small clusters we're spent isntead on aura effect simple as that.

I did not need More small clusters than just having sublim-form for the grace reservation. and 1 Pure Aptidude

I feel like stacking too many small clusters and too many Pures is what oyu do when you're poor and cant afford all the RMR you need.

More Pures -> Less Aura Effect
More Small Clusters -> Less Points -> Less Aura Effect

My goal is the run the minmal amount of those and the maximum amount of Vengefuls.

Flasks besides quicksilver and rumi's? I've seen resist flasks, soul catcher, basalt/granite, jade/stibnite, quartz..?

Honestly what ever you preffer or find a need for depending on the content you do.

Silver flask : for needed to be fast in not 100% delirius maps.
Stibnite + Jade : for maps where theres a lot of mobs that can 1-2 shot you. Evasion+Block+Vaal Grace Dodge is kinda op.
Resist flasks are kinda out of meta now that our resists are 90. Id preffer ballancing my resists and using a wise oak.
Quartz is pretty meh out side of delve where the phasing could be valuable.
Basalt is imo mandatory since Necro lacks the phys mitigation that scion/guard has.

How important would you say the watcher's eye is to the build?

Not very much so. If you have enough rmr and dont need the 1% in jewel socket, any WE will do as long as it gives you some benifits.
-Immune to Y while affected by X purity
-Phys taken as Y wehile affected by X purity
-Armour while determination if you using it
-MoveSpeed Grace
-ES Recoery Discpline
-Faster start of ES recharge if you wicked ward
-Clairty ES if you have more money and want more EHP
-Phasing Haste
-Anything that can give you QoL tankiness is nice if you can afford the jewel slot if not its not a huge loss.

Question on Auras: ?

-Zealotry not worth it if you cant afford to run it. You'd only add it to an attack carry for the attack/cast speed and dmg it provides from necro/weapon mod.
And only if you can run it at no cost.

-Pride is NEVER worth running. If your supporting a pure phys build chances are they wont scale well with you anyways.

-Malevolance is actaully pretty great qol for a lot of builds thanks to the Skill effect duration (ESPCIALLY IN GROUP PLAY)
in group play it allows other peoples vaal skills to last a lot longer. Otherwise its low priority obivously.

-Skitterbots, i dont like them too too much personally but thats just me hoesntly. if you really wanted the shock/chill you can spec into the necro ascendancy that gives it near corpses you spawn.

-Purity of Elements only very low gear level/aura effect levels for when purities+gear dont cap your resistances otherwise it the least imporant aura.

-War/Dread, Ist practically free to un since its resvation cost is really low. War is Great accuracy capping for yourself too to never miss with smite.
It also applies the buffs from necro and weapon so not much reason to not run it. just like calrity/precion.

-Determination, the phys mitigation that sais on Character sheet is a lie anyways. Armour isnt THAT great which is why i opt out of Determination since its only "% More Armour" it does not actaully give any flat armour.
On top of that it costs a wopping 50% mana base which is a lot to ask when your like me and trying to stay regen.

-Clairty, if you can afford to level (which in most situation not much) its nice QoL of for carry to match their Mana regen with the insane attack/cast speed your provide
Tho this is only really noticable on spell builds. so over all i would add other auras like determination/purity of elements before levelign clarity if possible.

-Flesh and Stone is REALLY nice perma blind in the aoe (which is pretty big with all your aura aoe) is great defences. Blind+Evasion/Block/Dodge the more you stack those the less likely you are to even get hit by anytihng.
I prioritise it quit alot personally.

Hope all of this helps if I forgot anything or had other questions let me know :) Cheers ~

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