[3.16] LL VD Spellslinger | 8.2 k ES | 75%Block / 75% Spell Block | not recommended anymore

Is there a budget version of this build? Those rolls on the clusters are pretty hard to get and priced at 2.5ex.. what are some alternatives of gear/jewels??
Arcayda escreveu:
Is there a budget version of this build? Those rolls on the clusters are pretty hard to get and priced at 2.5ex.. what are some alternatives of gear/jewels??

if u lookin for Budget , dont play Low life builds ^^
Arcayda escreveu:
Is there a budget version of this build? Those rolls on the clusters are pretty hard to get and priced at 2.5ex.. what are some alternatives of gear/jewels??

Simple, don't take the jewels.
There are plenty of decent nodes on the tree itself to pick, you'll end up with less EHP (looking at 1/2k less ES) but more dps (looking at 40% more potentially).
Play around in PoB with your character to see what's best, the cluster jewels are NOT needed. (but they're nice to have once you have dps stupid enough that survivability becomes the focus)
Hi Folks,

Im trying to get this build running but im having real problems at surviving yellow / early red maps
ES is 7,6k

Gear isnt optimal not that currency found till now ( have 3ex and 50 chaos to spend at the moment)

this is my PoP link


Any help / tips would be fine

Just switched from Life build.
Currently around 5.8k ES. I got one shotted on some T15 bosses.

How do I improve this? In the life build, I was able to face tank most of the T16 map bosse and conq.
affenflail escreveu:

Craftet this baby today. Only thing to do is some "remove/add lightning" for the T1 Crit-Shock roll and some "randomise defenses" als also the T1 Crit-Shock if done to get MAX-Rolls.

If you know how to craft and with a little lucky, it's done with less than 10 Ex... now worth over 40Ex.

I can stream a how to the next days. if someone like.

Maybe you can record the process of crafting this belt in Harvest and post it here for people who do not know how to do the garden crafting.
People would be gratefull for this.

Thank you.
The topic says 75% block and spell block someone in this topic mentioned that is because Zzang uses a legacy Rumi's Concoction. I have nowhere near the budget to get a spellslinger helm enchant i don't think its needed anyway. When i was looking at my current block values it was really low and i couldnt figure out what was causing it. I've been hovering between 9 and 9.5k es and was getting random oneshots in maps. I dont think damage is an issue with this build it has really high dps and really high sustained dps. Some quality i found in the node arround Arcane Swiftness to take the extra 4% block and get a really budget helm enchant for bone offering extra 9% block its really budget but helped me so much with survivability. Just wanted to share this with people struggling with survivability.

I need some advice, trying to craft an insane wand and I landed +1 to fire spell skill gems trying to go for T1 % increased fire damage. According to PoB, max roll T1% increased fire damage is 3.5% more damage than the +1 to fire spell skill gems but it has a weighting of 12 which is going to take many many many remove/add fires and I don't know if its worth the trouble to keep rolling for it. What do you guys think?
hello, how frenzy get multiple projectile ... pls
and you playing with immortal call ...

Whoop whoop <3

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