[3.13] Aura Stacking Carrion Golem Cyclone curse on hit Variant | 45M-Sirus DPS

Hey folks,

Like some of you already know I created a variant on WaffleT's carrion golem build. Make sure to check out his build guide as well, which is a little bit cheaper compared to mine and has some leveling and budget info I won't be providing.

Not the best league starter, unless you know how to league start with minions. It has become a little bit harder because of the 3.13 nerfs, especially to keep the (support) specters alive for endgame if you're not min-maxed.

Min-maxed the build is estimated to get 11.2M (Sirus) DPS per golem in POB.
4 golems = 45M

Link too WaffleT's build page:


This build is for people who love min-maxing their already powerful carrion golem build or want to try it out if they have a few mirrors layin around.

Build Mechanics explained

The build is still focused on aura stacking and carrion golems as the main DPS source despite the 3.13 "nerfs" for the entire build. I've implemented a Cyclone cast while channeling mechanic with Arc that provides us with Curse and energy shield on hit.

We either run around with Corrupted gloves that have " curse enemies with vulnerability on hit" corruption mod on it; or synthesized gloves with the same implicit. Crafting info on the gloves is provided in the crafting section.
Because we use ARC we can hit most enemies before our minions attack them and are getting cursed. On top of it, we run around with a Watcher's eye that gives energy shield on hit thanks to the mod "+XX Energy Shield gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Discipline."

All other mechanics, use of skills, weapons, and gear will be explained in their dedicated sections.


- Physical damage hits still hurt A LOT (can be "solved")
- Corrupted blood is quite painful (until we have a corrupted jewel to prevent it)
- Not for SSF players or HC (unless you know what you're doing)
- Got nerfed since ritual league, probably will happen again.
- Very expensive
Some content is off-limits because of Animate Guardian:
- NO delving below depth 250-300 he could DIE!!
- NO Uber Atziri, he can die because of reflected damage or crazy chaos damage.
- No Hall of the Grandmaster's unique map, because of PVP dmg!! He WILL DIE!!
- Be careful combining certain map mods on T15-16 when you're running Delerium, from Zana or otherwise. MY Guardian DIED in 3.12 (heist league) on a T16 + 4 scarabs (breach, harbinger, elder, beasts) + sextants (extra packs) on a Tropical Island map with (Zana) Delerium and beyond on the map. So yeah :/


- One button, flask piano playstyle.
- Once setup, all content viable. (With exception of content in the CONS section above)
- Great mapping (and heisting)
- Great defense vs Offense balance
- High DPS 60M+ Sirus DPS
- worth it to the last chaos you spend
- Room to improve, min-max even more...



To be able to preserve all auras and our aspect you have to follow the guide to the letter. Changing any notable in our tree or on our cluster jewels might break the build or result in not being able to preserve an aura.

Things I find mandatory are:
- Cluster jewels with the reduced mana for purity of fire and discipline.
- Gems socketed in the places they are.
- Watcher's eye mods.
- Curse on hit gloves (vulnerability)
- Our gear, with exception of our rings, although highly recommended.

The build can be played perfectly fine without aspect, although a lot more fun with it. below you'll find what they do.

Aspect of the Spider: reduces enemies movement speed and they take 5% increased damage per (spider) web (max 3). (triggers every second)

Aspect of the Crab: Adds crab barriers every 0.5 seconds (2% phys dmg reduction) with a maximum of 10, you'll lose them all when hit (with phys dmg).

Aspect of the avian: Swaps between movement speed and double damage for both our minions and us. (swaps every 4 seconds)

Choose wisely!


My current gear in 3.12 Heist League:


For our helmet, we use The Vertex, which gives us HIGH Energy shield and +1 to socketed gems, ideal to give our spectres a small boost. We also gain a nice boost to chaos resistance.

Stats to get (near) max:
- % Energy shield and Evasion:
- FLAT Energy shield
- Chaos resistance


6-linked Shavronne's wrapping, obviously for Energy shield and so that chaos damage doesn't bypass our energy shield.
If you feel lucky, you can double corrupt it and hope to get "+1 to socketed gems" to raise the level of our carrion golem and support gems.
(No luck for me so far)


We can go two ways here, both are expensive for sure.

What we need:
- Curse enemies with vulnerability on hit implicit.
- Strenght
- Energy shield

What we want:
- Aspect of the spider (crab or avian)
- High energy shield
- (high) Chaos resistance

The best option, easiest to craft is with a synthesized INT (energy shield) base that has vulnerability on hit implicit. Then craft/roll until you hit high ES and Chaos resistance, with two open suffixes (if you didn't hit strength).
Then craft your desired aspect (spider, avian, or crab) and bench craft strength if it's not yet on the gloves.

The other option is to craft, then corrupt, and "hope" you get vulnerability on hit, possibly to double corrupt and get +1 socketed gems on them too.

More details about crafting gloves can be found in the crafting section.

YOU CAN PLAY WITHOUT ASPECT, NOT WITHOUT curse with vulnerability on hit.


Doryani's Delusion with Purity of lightning on them.
Also look for high ES and life rolls, since life will also increase our ES pool.


This beauty is the headhunter for minions, since we keep cycloning into enemies our minions are inside the slipstream most of the time. Especially powerful for certain boss fights (Sirus...).

Quality= Tempering catalysts (defense)



The Cold Iron point gives more dps, but less "aoe" since we lose a golem.
Either one is fine!


Prism Guardian is an obvious choice.
We are stacking auras so we need a good getting +2 levels and gaining blood magic for some of our auras is a huge bonus and mandatory. Without it, we can't reserve everything.

A good option is to look for a corrupted shield with physical damage taken as "any" element (cold, lighting, fire).


Presence of Chayula, we're playing cyclone so we need the stun immunity, the chaos resistance and life as Energy Shield is a nice bonus, or was it the other way around?

Anoint with: Charisma!!

Quality = Prismatic Catalyst (resistance)


Two vivinsects, expensive but worth it. The more "NOT CORRUPTED" items we wear the better. Thanks to these beauties we gain a ton of Energy regeneration since we convert all life regeneration with Zealoth's Oath in our tree to energy shield.

Getting hybrid chaos resistance or endurance charges on them is the best option.

Quality= Intrinsic Catalyst (attributes)


Bottled faith and Cinderswallow are both good choices, see POB for the best setup.

-> play with what you need for the content you're doing.


If there exists an awakened version, use those.
(I just don't have enough currency yet)
All gems can (should) be leveled to level 20 or 21, except for Vitality and precision, keep them level 1.

All gems are required to be in the place they are, switching them can result in not being able to reserve all auras and our aspect.


Spectre, flesh and stone, maim support, and blood magic


(Get awakened versions for more DPS)

Damage on full life can be replaced with an empower LVL 4 once you have a corrupted chest with +1 to socketed gems. Similar DPS, just A LOT more life for carrion golems, about 75% give or take.


Replaced with Bloodlust support for more DPS. (zombies deal bleeding)



Divergent Animate guardian and Anomalous feeding frenzy are our best options for both.


Divergent Cyclone, Anomalous Arc and Cast while channeling are linked!!!

Divergent Flame dash is NOT LINKED!!

Divergent Cyclone, Anomalous Arc, and Divergent Flame dash are our best options here.


All linked!!!
(Get awakened generosity)

Divergent Dread banner is our best option, it will give our minions 84% of impale. without it, we lose approx 50% of our DPS.

Keep precision LVL 1!!!!


Links don't matter...

Vaal haste = a huge DPS and speed boost during fights and mapping.

Divergent pride and Anomalous purity of ice are our best options here.


Anomalous discipline and purity of fire are our best options here.

Jewels & cluster jewels

Notables we NEED:
- Pure might: for reduced reserved mana on purity of fire and Strength.
- Self-Control: for reduced reserved mana on Discipline.

Notables we WANT:
- Replenishing presence: For (ES) life regen and aura effect.
- First among equals: More aura effect.

It's a golem build so we use ALL golem jewels.

Also getting some extra Energy shield with energy from within. Socketed near the "Melding" notable.

Watcher's eye mods we need/want:
- Energy shield on hit while affected by discipline
- "Physical damage taken as any element" (fire, cold, lightning) while affected by (fire, cold, lightning) purity

Don't get fooled by the physical reduction for purity of elements!! WE DON'T USE PURITY OF ELEMENTS!! (it was the cheapest eye I could buy)

- have phasing while affected by haste
- % Energy regen per second while affected by discipline

Ascendancy, bandits and pantheons

- Commander of Darkness
- Mindless aggression
- Bone Barrier
- Unnatural Strenght


- Lunaris and Shakari
- Or change to whatever you like/need for certain content.

Raise spectres

1 host Chieftain (To give our minions power charges)
2 Carnage chieftains (To give our minions frenzy charges)

Both can be found in The Ashen Fields in act 7

Animate Guardian GEAR

- Mask of the Stitched Demon


- Garb of the Ephemeral

- Rare (redeemer) with Nearby enemies are blinded and crafted 10% life as extra ES.

- Southbound (for more life)
- The Embalmer (for chaos resistance)


- Victario's Flight (movement speed)

- Death's door (anti-bleeding -> for Sirus fights)

- Kingmaker

This setup gives these bonuses:

- Fortify
- Culling strike
- 50% crit multi

- action speed cannot be reduced below base value

The above mods apply for us and our minions except for the guardian itself.

- 10% increased movement speed (for guardian, us, and our minions)
- Nearby enemies cannot crit (this only applies to enemies that are "nearby" our animate guardian)

With the above setup and if/when the build is fully geared, our Animate gets 75K+ life and 17K regen per second.

With Death's door and rare chest, we can double our regen, make Guardian immune to bleed, and take fewer hits because of blinded enemies.

Crafting Gloves


Crafting Synthesized gloves:
First, find/buy an Int or str/str base with "curse enemies with vulnerability on hit".
They can be found in heist chests!! (might be found in the ritual reward "shop")

fossil craft:

Once you hit high Energy shield and Chaos resistance with two open suffixes we're good to go. Beastcraft any aspect you like spider, avian, or crab; then bench craft strength.

If/when you already have (25+) strength (on str/int gloves) while fossil crafting and chaos resistance, you'll only need one open suffix to craft an aspect.

Essence crafting:

Crafting with essence of Woe, Rage or Envy
Woe = Energy shield
Rage = Strenght
Envy = Chaos resistance

Same as with fossils, High Energy shield, chaos resistance, and STR + an open suffix(es) to craft aspect and/or strength.


Crafting, then (double) corrupting

We do the same as on a synthesized base, except that we craft everything first then "try" to corrupt the end result and hope to hit "curse with vulnerability on hit".
This can also be quite powerful when we double corrupt to get + to socketed gems. Take a look below, such a beauty. So sad it's with elemental weakness instead of vulnerability and +2 to curse gems.

Before asking any question here, check these FAQ's first, you might find your answer!!


Why can't I reserve all my auras?

- Missing important cluster jewel notables "Pure might" and "Self-control"

- Missing any of our jewels not having "1% reduced mana reserved" corrupted mod.


Why is my DPS in POB different (lower) than yours?

- cluster jewels
- (vaal) skills (Vaal haste)
- Configuration setup
- Calculation setup (minion stats)

Add Animate guardian DPS buff -> "Nearby allies have +50% critical strike multiplier"


Can I get more DPS out of the build?

I've tried a lot, although my knowledge has limits, I couldn't find anymore, without sacrificing our own or minions defenses.


Is all the gear needed/mandatory?

Yes with the exception of our belt and helmet.


Our belt can be any belt, note that Darkness enthroned (+ good ghastly eyes) gives the most (steady DPS); while Torrents Reclamation gives us "uber speed" to zoom through maps.

Headhunter does help/work a little bit (mostly for ourselves), but wouldn't be my first choice with minions anyway.


A high ES rare (elder) helmet with "+(2-3) to socketed minion gems" "minion damage & life" is better as "The Vertex" -> probably cost a mirror or two though.
-> able to run 4 spectres instead of 3.

Stats to look for:
- + (2-3) socketed minion gems
- % increased ES
- Flat ES
- Chaos resistance

- (lvl 16-20) Minion damage support and/or minion life support

Or something like this:

15% increased aura effect is huge!

Contributed by: dragonpowi


Can you check my build, what am I missing?

I did so for the first players playing my build, but I can't do it for everyone. I recommend comparing your build with my POB and see what is missing or out of place.

As mentioned at the start and in my POB, I won't provide any leveling guide. It's not a league starter, and it requires a ton of currency, if you can't level your own toon, then this build is not for you and I suggest looking at WaffleT's Original build guide.

I won't answer any questions in-game, spammers will be reported and blocked.
If you have any question, found a mistake, want to make suggestions to improve, feel free to post them below. If/when I'm able I'll try to answer any questions here in the build guide.

For those who Wonder, Yes WaffleT agreed that I make this variant build guide.
85% of the build credits are for WaffleT!!

I hope you'll enjoy this variant as much as I did in Heist!!

Keep on spinning while you take what you can and give nothing back!

Última edição por FutureFear#3386 em 5 de fev de 2021 12:58:59
Último bump em 21 de abr de 2021 17:55:15
Running this variant as of today after dumping a couple thousand chaos into my already strong standard es version of carrion golems. Feels really strong, i like that it adds a bit to the gameplay.
Mindhandler escreveu:
Running this variant as of today after dumping a couple thousand chaos into my already strong standard es version of carrion golems. Feels really strong, i like that it adds a bit to the gameplay.

It's not cheap, although quite a handy build to print currency in heists. If/when you have the entire setup, we pretty much "heal" (gain ES) while cycloning and cursing everything in our path thanks to Arc; so nothing can stop us...
The only thing i can't figure out is how to get pob to accurately show my dps lol. I already killed an A8 sirus and it felt really good, but my pob is showing really low dps which i know isn't accurate.

When i was playing the normal carrion golem pob didn't seem to have an issue just plugging in my characters dps.
Última edição por Mindhandler#1261 em 22 de out de 2020 13:07:37
Mindhandler escreveu:
The only thing i can't figure out is how to get pob to accurately show my dps lol. I already killed an A8 sirus and it felt really good, but my pob is showing really low dps which i know isn't accurate.

When i was playing the normal carrion golem pob didn't seem to have an issue just plugging in my characters dps.

It's normal in POB when loading in your character, it doesn't have all the options thicked or added.

Here are the things to check:

- Quite a lot of DPS comes from the Awakened, divergent and anomalous gems. Depending on your version of POB they might not be imported correctly (double-check).
- Double-check your cluster jewels (they probably aren't allocated when importing)
- Check (aura) Vaal skills too, they often thick the Vaal skill only, not the regular.
- Add your AG stats (on your amulet or something) for more accurate DPS results.
- Check your calcs and configuration tab, thick minion stats, check minion frenzy & power charges, banner stats, sirus/shaper,... etc.
- For golems (or any minion) you need to manually multiply your (combined) DPS, times the number of minions you have (for that specific minion) to get the full DPS. So golems is DPS *5, which if/when you all the gear should be around 60M give or take a million.

Also keep in mind, this DPS is in "perfect" conditions, so it's probably on average around 30-40M DPS, while mapping or heisting. Which still is more than WaffleT's build. ;)
With enough currency, the build could exceed 100M DPS easily so.
FutureFear escreveu:
Mindhandler escreveu:
The only thing i can't figure out is how to get pob to accurately show my dps lol. I already killed an A8 sirus and it felt really good, but my pob is showing really low dps which i know isn't accurate.

When i was playing the normal carrion golem pob didn't seem to have an issue just plugging in my characters dps.

It's normal in POB when loading in your character, it doesn't have all the options thicked or added.

Here are the things to check:

- Quite a lot of DPS comes from the Awakened, divergent and anomalous gems. Depending on your version of POB they might not be imported correctly (double-check).
- Double-check your cluster jewels (they probably aren't allocated when importing)
- Check (aura) Vaal skills too, they often thick the Vaal skill only, not the regular.
- Add your AG stats (on your amulet or something) for more accurate DPS results.
- Check your calcs and configuration tab, thick minion stats, check minion frenzy & power charges, banner stats, sirus/shaper,... etc.
- For golems (or any minion) you need to manually multiply your (combined) DPS, times the number of minions you have (for that specific minion) to get the full DPS. So golems is DPS *5, which if/when you all the gear should be around 60M give or take a million.

Also keep in mind, this DPS is in "perfect" conditions, so it's probably on average around 30-40M DPS, while mapping or heisting. Which still is more than WaffleT's build. ;)
With enough currency, the build could exceed 100M DPS easily so.

Thanks for the tips, only really been taking the game seriously for a couple leagues, some of the pob stuff eludes me still!
I'll play around with it
Is there a way to craft large cluster jewel like required?
Chaos spam kinda dont help
kuplumosk2 escreveu:
Is there a way to craft large cluster jewel like required?
Chaos spam kinda dont help

Chaos spamming is a solid way, however, you need a base that can actually roll all the mods. (item level 75+)

For a quicker result than with chaos spam, fossil crafting is (currently) our best option, using a corroded, bound, sanctified, and serrated.
You could drop the sanctified, however, it will increase the tries before hitting it.

You can always check "craftofexile" and see what other combinations are also possible.

The jewels I linked were crafted in 3.11 Harvest league, which was a lot easier and cheaper.

The last option, just buy them from someone else.
Updated POB link for 3.13!

Yes, this build will still be viable to play despite all the nerfs for necromancers, minions, and golems in 3.13 ritual league.

45M (Sirus) DPS with our 5 golems and still room to improve!!

A bit less def, resistances aren't capped at 90% anymore still 87%-84%-88% and 75% chaos resistance, so we don't complain. ;)

Have fun with it, I'll be league starting with RF-cyclone-chieftain.
Why you use expensive gloves with "Curse enemies with vulnerability on hit" and spend 3 slots for gems to activate this curse?
You can use:

1. Any cheap gloves with "Curse enemies with vulnerability on hit on Animated Guardian

2. You can use Merveil's Retainer Specter , She cast vulnerability (and 1 Host chieftain and 1 Carnage chieftain)

3. You can manually apply vulnerability curse

P.S Sry for my English, thanks for great guide!

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