[3.13] Aura Stacking Carrion Golem Cyclone curse on hit Variant | 45M-Sirus DPS
" Yes, the extra aura effect of cluster jewels scales our discipline to get more energy shield. Note that HIGH flat ES roles on gear are also important. Like our gloves could get easily 150+ flat ES... (int gloves). A max rolled vertex (divine it) helps too,... It's a matter of min-maxing to gain more ES. You can also gain quite some ES with the "Darkness enthroned" belt setup. Getting to 7-8K ES might be impossible with our current gear and setup, but reaching 6 to 6.5K should be fine. End-game content might prove to be quite difficult when not min-maxed, it's not a cheap build. ;) Última edição por FutureFear#3386 em 24 de jan de 2021 11:39:00
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Can this build do deli 5orb?. i see video do Sirus look not fast too much mine. is the dps your pob some thing wrong. beacause i ggoing to be follow your build.
This is my build atm https://pastebin.com/JCeSwwDg |
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Now that medium cluster passives are only 3%, has anyone tried using 4/5 passive clusters and using the 8 passives for something else, like 4 ES nodes and 4 minion damage nodes? Tradeoff between 24% aura effect and about 24% increased ES and about 40% increased minion damage.
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" If you're using animate guardian I don't recommend High-tier (14-16+) delirium anyway because it might die. That said our guardian (if you follow my POB guide carefully) has quite some survivability with 96K life and 43K (in POB) with bleed immunity if equipped with Death Door boots. (and all other gear in my POB) I haven't tried it again with the new guardian setup because last time I lost my guardian and I don't want to lose/buy the gear again. As for the difference in my POB and the videos I made, I didn't have the same gear in those videos as in my POB. I'm missing the right mods on cluster jewels, also didn't have all medium jewels at 6 passives... so the videos aren't the full potential of what the build can achieve. ;) As for the DPS in my POB it should be fine, roughly 11M dps per golem with Iron point daggers. -> Keep in mind I filled in the configuration carefully and added our guardian bonus on our necklace. -> So yes the DPS in POB might differ in game and isn't a constant, because a lot of it depends on area of effect from our auras and minions. ========================================================= " You can try to do so, however, we lose quite some DPS and defense doing so, even with the nerf from 3.13 update. You will always lose: ES -> because of discipline DMG -> because of pride, dread banner, precision, and haste Max Resistance -> because of our purities We lose roughly 14% DPS (1.5M on the 11M), 3-5% in MAX resistance, and about 200 ES when using 4 instead of 6 passives on medium jewels. and win about 8 passive points. Keep in mind that losing those resistances is the biggest pain. If you know that going from 75% to 76% is a 4% damage reduction. Losing 1% at 84-88% is more like losing a 25%+ damage reduction... it's quite exponential. There is a reason GGG nerfed it, and this is one of them. ;) That said if you don't mind losing that layer of defense, feel free to spend those points anywhere you want. ;) The build is only a guide to help. |
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" so hard to do 5 deli orb? or can withot guardian beacuse i want to do 5 deliorb and see your build look great dps . I think about farm t16 bural chample farm deli orb |
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" I played around with using 4, 5, and 6 passives and various skills in POB. Removing 4 passives, reduced the aura effect from x2.59 to x2.47 but was able to maintain 87/87/88 resists. Spent 2 points on some minion damage but lost about 1% golem damage and 2 points on ES for a 1% gain. If you remove 8 total passives from clusters, the aura multiplier is x2.35 and you lose 1% resists to 86/86/87. Those 8 points do make it easier to travel to Charisma and you can anoint Champion of the Cause, for more mana reserve help, which may allow some to get another aura. This is 8% reduced mana reserved (4% before Charisma and 4% from Champion) and 6% increased aura effect (worth 2 passives). For example, this would allow me add Aspect of the Avian or Spider. For one more skill point, you also get a jewel slot on the path. Última edição por melkorien#4077 em 26 de jan de 2021 02:35:10
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" Yes, 5 Delirium orbs are quite hard on a T16, especially if you juice it up with sextants and scarabs too. Our minions have a life pool of their own, if they die we die. Since the dmg and life of monsters scale quite high our minions have to take those hits longer and probably will die. Doing it without our guardian, we lose 18% DPS (2M), Culling strike (monster die at 10% of their health), and permanent fortify for us and our minions. These are things that are quite useful and not easy to drop. I don't recommend high-tier delirium with this build, despite having the DPS to handle we (or our minions) don't have the defense to survive it for long. There are better and more specific builds to handle those areas (solo) without minions. ;) |
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" Like I mentioned losing even that 1% resist is a significant defense loss. Before 3.13 we had 90% resistance except for cold 87-88% (not sure). If I play now with the build on standard it does feel a lot more squishy as before because of the nerf. The chances of getting more out of those 8 passives points are slim, I even made the build for lvl 98 with two-point to spare knowing that most even won't reach lvl 98. We would need all 10 points to get to charisma and reach lvl 100, unless you plan to take away point elsewhere...?? Fitting in another aura is quite hard since we are already socket starved. Dropping our chayula necklace for another socket (talisman) doesn't seem wise since we lose most of our chaos resistance and quite a lot of ES. Getting rid of the cyclone-CWC-Arc setup and we'll lose ES and curse on hit. Getting a second aspect is impossible since we already have an aspect on the one rare item we use. (can't have two aspects at the same time or on the same item). Know that these are auras I have on the main build: - Purity of Fire, Ice, and lighting - Pride - Dread Banner - Haste (vaal haste) - Precision - Discipline - Flesh and stone - Aspect of the spider (avian or crab) With a spare of 6% life and 4% mana (which allows us to flame dash) there isn't much room for another aura anyway, and which aura would we fit in? If/when you anoint champion of the cause we only get 21% life, and 8% mana when pathing to charisma with medium cluster at 4 passives. Losing 1.1M DPS (per golem). Vitality is flat reserve, which we don't have room for. Keeping it lvl 1 has already proven to be useless. (I had vitality LVL 1 instead of maim support on flesh and stone). Anger, Hatred or wrath reserves to much (50%) and is all elemental dmg, which our golems don't deal because of brutality support. Zealotry or malevolence also reserve to much, both auras are useless too for our golems since they don't use spells or damage over time. Clarity, grace or determination don't improve much on our build anyway. We don't need mana regen, we barely have armor so getting % armor is neglectable getting more evasion could help a little bit, still we're facing a 50% reserve to get it. War banner, impossible since we have dread banner (only one banner is allowed with the exception of a unique armor that allows both) Purity of elements is useless because of the other 3 purities. All other auras we actually have/use. Is it worth it? Última edição por FutureFear#3386 em 26 de jan de 2021 09:46:45
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Can someone look at my char plz? I dont know why my DPS is so low. In POB, just adjust the carrion golem gems to 21/23. I reach only 3.9m DPS and in your POB with all normal gems, you reach 7.9m DPS (without the glove and aspect of the spider).
Última edição por adrielmf#0109 em 26 de jan de 2021 22:13:41
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" I double checked and these are the things I could find: First of all, you're missing the last ascendancy "unnatural strength" (+2 to all minion skill gems) -> 25%+ DPS Second, loading in your character will always result in not counting the extra DPS our minions get from Animate Guardian. (50% crit multi -> that's like more than 3 times an extra vicious bite in DPS) Third, gem lvl and quality, from lvl 19 to 20 is quite an increase in DPS for support gems. ;) You're missing ravenous horde notable. (you can also win 2 points on your tree by allocating Alacrity for more dex instead of Agility) Missing your watcher's eyes too. (more a defensive set back) You don't curse on hit with vulnerability, with gloves, and obviously missing aspect of the spider there too. (see my crafting section on how to make those gloves -> harvest crafting even makes it easier) Adding all of those things get's you quite close to those 7.9M with a whopping 7.3M DPS (per golem). Give or take some min-max numbers on jewels and/or getting alternate quality gems (some qualities are a lot more DPS for support gems/auras) and you'll cover those 600K as well. Hope this helps! |
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