[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)

Vortigaunt1337 escreveu:
SO have an attack time of 0.6 seconds whereas Hyrri's Watch have 1.5. Isn‘t that in general a problem?

Not really. It feels a little "clunkier" since it takes longer for the minions to fire off their attacks without gear. But when you get more attack speed their base attack gets lowered aswell. You're also running 4+ spectres so their firing rate is still good.

With a lower base attack rate their actual attack damage is vastly higher too.

If you compare in the low budget PoB you can see how much damage SOs and Hyrr's Watch do per projectile. You can see this under "Average damage"

SO Secret Police Dagger: 109k
Hyrri's Watch, Cold Arrow: 694k

Each projectile almost does 7 times more damage than that of SOs.
A massive problem with the SO dps also is that it assumes the target it hit by all 3 of its projectiles.

The SO has a trigger rate in PoB is close to 5 attacks per second. That's because, each time they trigger their Secret Police Dagger spell they shoot out 3 projectiles.

You can see how their attack mechanics work here:
(They've been fixed and don't melee any longer, this was a bug before)

Each time they cast their spell you see 3 projectiles shoot out parallell to eachother. You see that they cast the spell about 1.6 times per secound.
Since each attack triggers 3 times you get 4.8 attacks per secound.

That's why PoB says that it has a attack/cast rate of 4.95
It means that the spectre is firing 4.95 projectiles per second, each dealing 109k damage each.
Hence, why it deals 540 dps per second.

HOWEVER, this is predicated on ALL 3 projectiles hitting the target everytime.
In reality, their projectiles will sometimes miss with 1 or 2 of the 3 projectiles fired, especially against smaller targets.

Not only do Hyrri's Watch spectres do far more damage per projectile, but their projectiles will make sure to pack a far greater punch since you only have to worry about 1 projectile hitting each target. This is ESPECIALLY noticeable while clearing while using things like Chain or Fork.
Now comes the standard lazy ass question. How does this build does in 3.16? (= thanks for the answers.
DontThinkJustClick escreveu:

1) In your new PoB we can take both Indomitable Army and Ravenous Horde by placing ToH with Very Large range instead of Quickening Covenant.
2) Do we play with 2(3) Specters early on, when Silver Oil can be a scarce ?
3) We take no Clusters at all since 3.16 ?

This is actually pretty genius. Hadn't tested out the new Thread of Hope ranges.
We will with 90% certainity be using Thread of Hopes this league to free up skill points.
I'm currently experimenting with running Large hope in that slot.
It allows us to pick up 3 Life Nodes, Colem Commander and 1 Golem node.

From there we'll skip Ravenouz Horde and Indomitable Army completely and annoint Death Attunement.
This frees up 21 points that we can use to spend into cluster jewels for the future.

Running very large also seems promising.
That instead allows us to pick up Indomitable Army and Ravenouz Horde while annointing Golem Commander on neck.
We then path our way to Death Attunement getting 42% minion damage connecting the tree through the north.
Also gives us the option to pick "Asylum" for 40% Chaos resistance aswell as getting Corrupted Blood immunity which could be very helpful.

Will have to play around with it to see where I want to go.

We pick up Death Attunement in the early game (See leveling PoB)
When you make the swap to Cold Conversion you should have the money to buy oils for the annointment. 4 green Triad costs more than the annointment.

The plan usually is to run the pure phys version during early maps farming up currency with chaos recipe or whatnot. While doing that, you buy Primordial Jewels while leveling up and workin on the tree. Once you've saved up enough money you make the swap.

If you're out of money or want to make the switch early, it's fine to run the early leveling tree instead while cold converting too. The biggest difference is that you will have far less life since you're using ~8 extra points for Death Attunement.

Clusters will be used for lategame, not early game.
During the midgame we most likely will be picking any sort of large minion cluster with Vicious Bite and Renewal. The amount of points won't matter, the more the better actually.
So far, I don't think we're using any medium clusters at all. There simply don't see to be any clusters that allow us to scale minion damage. The only need I can think off is Renewal on a medium cluster. That's 4 points for 5% chance for minions to dela double damage, absolute garbage.

That being said, I'm currently experimenting with running Summon Phantasm support on our Spectres of all things. I'm not sure whether this is something the minion community has missed entirely but it's a pretty substantial dps increase from running a classic 6 link.

Currently, my Hyrri's Watch spectres do 1.14 million dps per spectre in the budget setup:

When running Summon Phantasm I change the skill games slightly so all gems support BOTH the spectres and the phantasms.

The change in skill gems causes the spectres to instead deal 997k single target. (Running more blue sockets that have better %dmg modifiers so the loss to 5-link isn't very bad)
The gain however is that we get 11 additional Phantasms that do a whopping 561k dps per Phantasm.

Spectre dmg with different gem setup:

Phantasm DPS:

When not running Phatasms our spectre 6-link on a lowbudget would do:
1.14 x 4 = 4.56 million dps
With the Phantasms we're looking at:
997 x 4 + 561 x 11 = 10 159 million dps

That's a massive dps increase.

The only problem with Phantasms is their survivability and the rampup spawning them during bosses. Their survival isn't a problem while mapping since you will have 100% uptime on them all the time. However, during bosses it's kinda sad when they spawn and get oneshot.

That's where we come back to clusters. I'm currently looking at medium minion clusters with Blessed Rebirth and Life from Death.
Blessed Rebirth provides immunity to Phantasms for 5 seconds when they spawn and 20% minion life.
Life From Death gives us 15% minion life, 2% health regen and causes our minions to heal other minions for 4% everytime a minion dies.

How phantasms currently work is that if you procc one while at maximum phantasms, the first one dies and proccs this clusters. While mapping we're literally proccing this thing like 10 times a second because there's a 80% chance to spawn a phantasm whenever a monster dies.

This helps keeping everything alive as your entire army will be healing like 20-30% hp every second.
Mu7enR0shi escreveu:
Now comes the standard lazy ass question. How does this build does in 3.16? (= thanks for the answers.

Can't know for sure without testing it but according to my PoBs it's looking pretty good.

Will be looking at making some tankier versions for those who are fine with sacrificing dps for tankiness.
I have zero concerns about defense this league so its just about finding the replacement for the SO shotgun nerf and losing EE.

Have we thought about moving off Spectres for a different 2nd minion setup? It would open up a lot of options. We don't have to worry about +1 Spectre on chest and we don't have to get +1 spectre gem boots.

EE is gone so we must have forstbite on hit ring and ele weakness gloves end game. We can get really nice boots and a +1 curse chest with increased offerings. Since we don't need to proc EE we open up a ring slot. We could use the ring that eats lvl 20 gems and have a 5 link spectre setup for clear may be an option. Have zombies in our chest/helmet that focus more on single target since SO can't shotgun.
Última edição por Doritheexplorer17#1498 em 20 de out de 2021 08:36:29
Doritheexplorer17 escreveu:
I have zero concerns about defense this league so its just about finding the replacement for the SO shotgun nerf and losing EE.

Have we thought about moving off Spectres for a different 2nd minion setup? It would open up a lot of options. We don't have to worry about +1 Spectre on chest and we don't have to get +1 spectre gem boots.

EE is gone so we must have forstbite on hit ring and ele weakness gloves end game. We can get really nice boots and a +1 curse chest with increased offerings. Since we don't need to proc EE we open up a ring slot. We could use the ring that eats lvl 20 gems and have a 5 link spectre setup for clear may be an option. Have zombies in our chest/helmet that focus more on single target since SO can't shotgun.

Currently experimenting with some really interesting things.
I mentioned it in the post above in point 3.

Currently trying out running spectres linked to summon phantasm support instead of a classic 6-link. This actually provides an insane dps boost.

I'm currently gonna test running a Lioneye's Vision chest

This would allow us to both utilize 6-linked spectres and 5-linked Phantasms
The entire link would be a 7-link:
- Raise Spectre
- Summon Phantasm
- Pierce (Chest)
- Minion Damage
- Predator
- Increased Critical Strike Damage support
- GMP for clear and Hypothermia for ST

The dps increase is pretty brutal, almost doubles the dmg done by the 6-link.
As mentioned earlier.

I'll be doing some testing later and post some videos to show how it turns out.
I have to say that I kind of love this stage of the game where everyone is scrambling to make their beloved builds work :)

I have a couple of thing I wanted to throw into the thread so here goes.

I used Blessed rebirth and Life from death in 3.12 I believe, and it is definitely nice. I seem to remember that i could almost do reflect maps with no issues using this. YOU even recover huge amounts of life when they get killed. The phantasms are really weak so you recover life quite often - especially on bosses that wipe out a pile of them instantly for the benefit of the rest of the gang :) Their pathfinding is also very good as far as i remember. I also wonder if worrying about projectile damage at all, is really the way to go on the spectres? The base damage of Syndicate oparatives is terrible as far as I remeber, so maybe the build could be tweaked towards more powerful initial hits now that the shotgun'ish effect is gone?

I am having a hard time accepting that EE is gone. I freaking hated it, but the damage is not insignificant. Do you see any use for a crafted Stabilising Sceptre or even a Malachai's Artifice? (I suspect the latter will only be for any lower budget versions of the build).

Another possibility: For players seeking a more active playstyle, where you support your minions, maybe we could incorporate an actual damaging ability? For now, the only thing WE have to do, if we are not doing EE, is curses in the basic setup.

Can items like Cane of Kulemak become good enough in ANY scenario? (using even more minions like Raging spirits or something)

Deadandlivin escreveu:
Doritheexplorer17 escreveu:
I have zero concerns about defense this league so its just about finding the replacement for the SO shotgun nerf and losing EE.

Have we thought about moving off Spectres for a different 2nd minion setup? It would open up a lot of options. We don't have to worry about +1 Spectre on chest and we don't have to get +1 spectre gem boots.

EE is gone so we must have forstbite on hit ring and ele weakness gloves end game. We can get really nice boots and a +1 curse chest with increased offerings. Since we don't need to proc EE we open up a ring slot. We could use the ring that eats lvl 20 gems and have a 5 link spectre setup for clear may be an option. Have zombies in our chest/helmet that focus more on single target since SO can't shotgun.

Currently experimenting with some really interesting things.
I mentioned it in the post above in point 3.

Currently trying out running spectres linked to summon phantasm support instead of a classic 6-link. This actually provides an insane dps boost.

I'm currently gonna test running a Lioneye's Vision chest

This would allow us to both utilize 6-linked spectres and 5-linked Phantasms
The entire link would be a 7-link:
- Raise Spectre
- Summon Phantasm
- Pierce (Chest)
- Minion Damage
- Predator
- Increased Critical Strike Damage support
- GMP for clear and Hypothermia for ST

The dps increase is pretty brutal, almost doubles the dmg done by the 6-link.
As mentioned earlier.

I'll be doing some testing later and post some videos to show how it turns out.

I don't have anything to contribute to this, but I just wanted to say thank you both for doing all this work and for posting the POBs. I would love to steal whatever it is you come up with as a final product, this is exactly what I was looking to play this league. <3

Edit: I actually do have a question though. Where are you picking up the extra 65 or so dex and str for the low budget / leveling builds? Pulling 120 more stats out of 5 items that already have t1 life rolls + good resist rolls seems hard.
Última edição por Melonmonkey#1208 em 20 de out de 2021 12:38:16
I second the poster above! Really wanna play it this league, so thanks for doing this <3
Deadandlivin escreveu:
Doritheexplorer17 escreveu:
I have zero concerns about defense this league so its just about finding the replacement for the SO shotgun nerf and losing EE.

Have we thought about moving off Spectres for a different 2nd minion setup? It would open up a lot of options. We don't have to worry about +1 Spectre on chest and we don't have to get +1 spectre gem boots.

EE is gone so we must have forstbite on hit ring and ele weakness gloves end game. We can get really nice boots and a +1 curse chest with increased offerings. Since we don't need to proc EE we open up a ring slot. We could use the ring that eats lvl 20 gems and have a 5 link spectre setup for clear may be an option. Have zombies in our chest/helmet that focus more on single target since SO can't shotgun.

Currently experimenting with some really interesting things.
I mentioned it in the post above in point 3.

Currently trying out running spectres linked to summon phantasm support instead of a classic 6-link. This actually provides an insane dps boost.

I'm currently gonna test running a Lioneye's Vision chest

This would allow us to both utilize 6-linked spectres and 5-linked Phantasms
The entire link would be a 7-link:
- Raise Spectre
- Summon Phantasm
- Pierce (Chest)
- Minion Damage
- Predator
- Increased Critical Strike Damage support
- GMP for clear and Hypothermia for ST

The dps increase is pretty brutal, almost doubles the dmg done by the 6-link.
As mentioned earlier.

I'll be doing some testing later and post some videos to show how it turns out.

It might be worthwhile trying Brittle out. It gives a 5 to 15% base crit chance as a debuff, which gets multiplied by 6 to 10 (depending on number of power charges and clusters). The AG could potentially proc the debuff through the Galesight helm (with maybe a pair of Painseeker Gloves and/or unbound ailments if the damage isn't enough to trigger the debuff). Should also be a lot cheaper than Crown of the Tyrant.
Also - if running Phantasms, we can potentially drop Zombies, or replace them with something else.. not sure if there will be enough sockets however. AG with Feeding Frenzy might be a little too risky.

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