[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)

Deadandlivin escreveu:

When running Summon Phantasm I change the skill games slightly so all gems support BOTH the spectres and the phantasms.

The change in skill gems causes the spectres to instead deal 997k single target. (Running more blue sockets that have better %dmg modifiers so the loss to 5-link isn't very bad)
The gain however is that we get 11 additional Phantasms that do a whopping 561k dps per Phantasm.

Spectre dmg with different gem setup:

Phantasm DPS:

When not running Phatasms our spectre 6-link on a lowbudget would do:
1.14 x 4 = 4.56 million dps
With the Phantasms we're looking at:
997 x 4 + 561 x 11 = 10 159 million dps

That's a massive dps increase.

The only problem with Phantasms is their survivability and the rampup spawning them during bosses. Their survival isn't a problem while mapping since you will have 100% uptime on them all the time. However, during bosses it's kinda sad when they spawn and get oneshot.

That's where we come back to clusters. I'm currently looking at medium minion clusters with Blessed Rebirth and Life from Death.
Blessed Rebirth provides immunity to Phantasms for 5 seconds when they spawn and 20% minion life.
Life From Death gives us 15% minion life, 2% health regen and causes our minions to heal other minions for 4% everytime a minion dies.

How phantasms currently work is that if you procc one while at maximum phantasms, the first one dies and proccs this clusters. While mapping we're literally proccing this thing like 10 times a second because there's a 80% chance to spawn a phantasm whenever a monster dies.

This helps keeping everything alive as your entire army will be healing like 20-30% hp every second.

That looks like a genius move since Phantasms also deal phys damage I believe. You might be really onto something as the first one in the minion community.
Última edição por Vortigaunt1337#7433 em 20 de out de 2021 12:46:55
Deadandlivin escreveu:
I'm currently gonna test running a Lioneye's Vision chest

Have you tried Shroud? 32% ele pen.

🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Mentioning that it might be worthwhile to swap out frostbite for assasin's mark on boss fights, since we wont generate power charges from victarios against bosses.

From the lowbudget pob. 5.5m shaper dps running frost bite but no power charges. This goes up to 6.5m shaper dps with assassin's mark and power charges.

Now if we look at this with the addition of summon phantasm on the 6L.
6L Spectre-Elemental Damage with attacks-Minion Damage- Elemental Focus-Increased crit dmf-phantasm

4.7m + 1.6m (phantasm) = 6.3m shaper dps with frost bite and no power charges.

6.1 + 2.3m (phantasm) = 8.4m shaper dps with ass mark + power charges.

Thanks for the great insights around the build, but will there be an exact 3.16 PoB build? I'd like to try out golems in this league but I have no clue how to modify the current build.
Deadandlivin escreveu:
DontThinkJustClick escreveu:

1) In your new PoB we can take both Indomitable Army and Ravenous Horde by placing ToH with Very Large range instead of Quickening Covenant.
2) Do we play with 2(3) Specters early on, when Silver Oil can be a scarce ?
3) We take no Clusters at all since 3.16 ?

This is actually pretty genius. Hadn't tested out the new Thread of Hope ranges.
We will with 90% certainity be using Thread of Hopes this league to free up skill points.
I'm currently experimenting with running Large hope in that slot.
It allows us to pick up 3 Life Nodes, Colem Commander and 1 Golem node.

From there we'll skip Ravenouz Horde and Indomitable Army completely and annoint Death Attunement.
This frees up 21 points that we can use to spend into cluster jewels for the future.

Running very large also seems promising.
That instead allows us to pick up Indomitable Army and Ravenouz Horde while annointing Golem Commander on neck.
We then path our way to Death Attunement getting 42% minion damage connecting the tree through the north.
Also gives us the option to pick "Asylum" for 40% Chaos resistance aswell as getting Corrupted Blood immunity which could be very helpful.

Will have to play around with it to see where I want to go.

I'm thinking about a possibility of us using ToH along with annointing Whispers of Doom to either apply 2 curses directly or get 3 curses setup with help of Rare chest (in case we use it). I hate applying curses manually, so probably I'll have to use Storm Brand and curse-on-hit ring + gloves.
Zegai escreveu:
Deadandlivin escreveu:
Doritheexplorer17 escreveu:
I have zero concerns about defense this league so its just about finding the replacement for the SO shotgun nerf and losing EE.

Have we thought about moving off Spectres for a different 2nd minion setup? It would open up a lot of options. We don't have to worry about +1 Spectre on chest and we don't have to get +1 spectre gem boots.

EE is gone so we must have forstbite on hit ring and ele weakness gloves end game. We can get really nice boots and a +1 curse chest with increased offerings. Since we don't need to proc EE we open up a ring slot. We could use the ring that eats lvl 20 gems and have a 5 link spectre setup for clear may be an option. Have zombies in our chest/helmet that focus more on single target since SO can't shotgun.

Currently experimenting with some really interesting things.
I mentioned it in the post above in point 3.

Currently trying out running spectres linked to summon phantasm support instead of a classic 6-link. This actually provides an insane dps boost.

I'm currently gonna test running a Lioneye's Vision chest

This would allow us to both utilize 6-linked spectres and 5-linked Phantasms
The entire link would be a 7-link:
- Raise Spectre
- Summon Phantasm
- Pierce (Chest)
- Minion Damage
- Predator
- Increased Critical Strike Damage support
- GMP for clear and Hypothermia for ST

The dps increase is pretty brutal, almost doubles the dmg done by the 6-link.
As mentioned earlier.

I'll be doing some testing later and post some videos to show how it turns out.

It might be worthwhile trying Brittle out. It gives a 5 to 15% base crit chance as a debuff, which gets multiplied by 6 to 10 (depending on number of power charges and clusters). The AG could potentially proc the debuff through the Galesight helm (with maybe a pair of Painseeker Gloves and/or unbound ailments if the damage isn't enough to trigger the debuff). Should also be a lot cheaper than Crown of the Tyrant.
Also - if running Phantasms, we can potentially drop Zombies, or replace them with something else.. not sure if there will be enough sockets however. AG with Feeding Frenzy might be a little too risky.

I'm currently experimenting with getting brittle into the build for higher budget. The plan is to use a "Cold-Attuned Buckler" which inflicts Brittle whenever you block with the shield.

The idea is to Crusader/Redeemer slam the shield. Then awakend it to get a +2/+2 minimum frenzy and power charges.
If rich enough, I'm going for the 7% double damage Aisling slam. Otherwise just 5% from crafting bench.

After that the plan is to spam Reforge keep suffix harvest craft for the 1% additional damage per block and finally craft Cold + Fire damage and call it a day.

It'll result in a shield with:

Implicit: Brittle on block
Random Prefix
- 20 cold and 20 fire damage (Bench)
- 1% dmg per 1% block
- 2 to minimum Frenzy
- 2 to minimum Power
- 7% double damage

The current intermediate/high budget version I'm building is using Decay Ward(Need a defensive mastery and can't get any other) giving them max block.

With Necro Aegis all minions are wearing the shield with 75% spell/attack block so the brittle effect should be up consistently. I've simulated the shield and it's actually better than the previous BiS harvest crafted minion shield. Unfortunately, the brittle effect from this shield only gives 5% base crit, but that's plenty for this build.

Never seen Galesight, how does it work?
Kinda hard to theorycraft the interaction, I'm no expert on brittle.
It says 25% chance to brittle and ailments only procc on crits iirc.
So does that mean the AG has to first crit, then there's a 25% chance to apply brittle and the strength of the brittle (5-15%) is based on how hard the AG hit?

Definitely worth looking into, could potentially be extremely broken.
I have no clue how much Crown of the Tyrant costs (Standard prices right now) and instantly thought of it as a replacement for Eye of Malice.
With EE gone Eye of Malice actually works against us so it's useless now.
If Crown of the Tyrant is an expensive unique the plan simply was to run Leer cast early game, random redeem helm with -9% cold resistance midgame and then simply some sort of god helm with double elevated Awaken slammed 12% cold pen, 9% increased ele dmg taken helm. But spending 20+ ex on an AG helm feels kinda garbage.
Would be awesome if that brittle helm actually works.

Still running Zombies in the versions I've come up with. They're mainly there for damage support with both Elemental Army to provide Cold Exposure and Feeding Frenzy. They actually do decent dps aswell, believe it or not. We take everything we can get nowadays.

Deadandlivin escreveu:

Definitely worth looking into, could potentially be extremely broken.
I have no clue how much Crown of the Tyrant costs (Standard prices right now) and instantly thought of it as a replacement for Eye of Malice.
With EE gone Eye of Malice actually works against us so it's useless now.
If Crown of the Tyrant is an expensive unique the plan simply was to run Leer cast early game, random redeem helm with -9% cold resistance midgame and then simply some sort of god helm with double elevated Awaken slammed 12% cold pen, 9% increased ele dmg taken helm. But spending 20+ ex on an AG helm feels kinda garbage.
Would be awesome if that brittle helm actually works.

Still running Zombies in the versions I've come up with. They're mainly there for damage support with both Elemental Army to provide Cold Exposure and Feeding Frenzy. They actually do decent dps aswell, believe it or not. We take everything we can get nowadays.

Crown used to be 10ex in the middle of the league and risen to 15ex by the end. And according to my PoB calculation, 10% ele pen doesn't worth it.
Última edição por Its_OP#0728 em 20 de out de 2021 16:05:56

That looks like a genius move since Phantasms also deal phys damage I believe. You might be really onto something as the first one in the minion community.

Yeah, I've never run Phantasms before apart from during early leveling. Always wrote it off as a garbage skill that didn't work without Soulwrest.

But after seeing that Soulwrest wasn't hurt too bad by the nerfs and remembering Grimro actually league starting that build I thought it might be worth looking into the skill. When it comes to raw dps numbers, Phantasms actually outdps my spectres which is kinda insane. This is mainly due to their numbers, you can have 11 of them out at level 21 on the gem.

The have a ranged ability called "Physical projectile", I instantly assumed it was an attack move but it's actually a spell unfortunately.
So we can't support them with Elemental Damage with attacks or Vicious Projectiles which would've been crazy.
Instead I'm running them with: Minion damage, Predator, Hypothermia/GMP and Cold Penetration support/Fork (4b-2g)
Also thinking about running 5 blue 1 green for lategame scaling with Critical Strike Damage support. It's actually insane.

Been trying it out and it feels great a high gear levels when you literally can rush into a boss like Minotaur with all Phantasms up and oneshot a boss in 1 second.

At lower gear levels when bosses take time or you die reseting your ghosts there's quite a bit of rampup though. Might be because of the slow attack speed of Hyrris Watch spectres.

I might actually try out running Syndicate Operatives again with cold pen for the sole reason that they're attack speed is out of this world. Maybe they can auto attack a boss and spawn 11 phantasms in 3 seconds. Then literally everything would be covered.
For Galesight: it should be 25% to apply it, based on the damage and the formula. Brittle formula is 25*(damage/ailment threshold)^0.4.
There's a thread on reddit for it: https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/p0b5rt/how_does_galesight_work/
I don't know if there's a good way to test it.. ie how much damage would the AG need to do to reliably proc Brittle.

For the shield: yeah it'd work too. I wonder how rare The Squire will be - a 10-12 link for golems or spectres seems like the maximum possible DPS for this build with it, so it'd be good to have an alternative for the Squire. I guess we could always just scale the AG damage in that case.
kayella escreveu:
Deadandlivin escreveu:
I'm currently gonna test running a Lioneye's Vision chest

Have you tried Shroud? 32% ele pen.

I haven't yet. Thanks for making me aware of uniques I didn't know existed :D

Actually looks pretty interesting. The question is whether an Abyss socket is strong enough to warrant going down to a 5-link.

My current top contenders right now are:

1. Skin of the Loyal for low budget (Or a cheap skin of the lord if you can get one cheap)

2. Lioneye's Vision for Medium/intermediate budget:
Free pseudo 7-link with high life and armour is actually very good.
It sims very good too.
The worst part about it is the coloring, especially if I want to run 5blue-1green but it can be fixed with white sockets. Defintely a higher budget option though.

3. Skin of the Lords with Elemental Equilibrium
So far I think this will be the high budget option I'm eyeing for.
Getting a 25% ele penetration is atleast stronger than running 10% from Elemental Army. With the 8% added rom masteries I get 33% ele pen rather than 60% from old EE with Ele army.

Cuts it down to a 27% ele pen nerf. Still massive, but will help with bosses a ton. It's actually insane how important EE was for minion builds when dealing with bosses. Boss have so much curse resistance that even running both EW and Frostbite isn't enough to get them to 0%.
Compared to other chests, simply getting a Skin with EE is a massive dps increase in my PoBs.
The only problem with that chest is that it's EXTREMELY niche and might be hard to find. Will have to be flexible with colors.
My current higher budget version is also running both Determination and Grace (Auls with Charisma annointed). With the buffs to Armour and Evasion aswell as the buffs to Grace and Determination, simply running both of these Auras with a Jade and Granite flask + the 100% global defense modifier on the body armour will be extremely strong. The combo alone gives like 20k and 25k Armour while running Necro Aegis.

An experimental idea I'm thinking about is to running Flesh Crafter.

The idea simply is to simply ignore scaling damage through elemental resistances entirely and instead try to scale everything through crit as much as possible.

It would allow us to always play as if monster and boss resistances were 0.
Instead we'd use Assassin's Mark and Punishment as curses.
Not sure whether the numbers will be half decent thoguh. And at that point, maybe it's just simpler and easier to go pure phys.
The only real benefit is that you still get to scale your damage with Hatred and Skitterbots.

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