[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
" Thank you very much mate, your attention is my priority modification. |
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hello boyz,
how is the build in scourge ? I mean about survability and boss clearing. i have played it in Ultimatum, it was okish, powerful but very hard to survive unless playing with Aul or magna. I remeber Dps on bosses was Okish but not that powerful, still i was pleasant to play with. my setup was Última edição por vitto369#3464 em 22 de jan de 2022 16:59:41
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" It has changed a lot. After all the tweaks, both survivability and damage increased by a lot. |
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Hey Deadandlivin,
Great build and i am loving playing it. Will league start with it and hopefully it wont get hit by nerhammer in coming patch notes. Great guide as well and it is very well written and easy to follow. Just a question; survivability while nice seems lacking and i occasionally still get 1 shotted (atleast its teaching me to play better and manually dodge attacks better). My ailments/gear/pantheons arent optimized yet; and still leveling gems; but do you have any ideas in terms of skill tree changes to make build more tankier apart from just stacking more life nodes and life on gear? Also in my chest would Lv 3/4 Empower be better or Added Phys Damage. Or should i switch to a new chest with 4R,2B and switch Cold pen with Empower? Also a big chunk of defense comes from flasks; how do you keep flask uptime/recharge on bosses; or is the idea to dodge boss attacks and kill asap. Thanks! Última edição por spawnzy#7614 em 24 de jan de 2022 07:12:39
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I have two questions:
is Glancing Blows still useful for our defense? is hypothermia and lvl +3 enough in a helmet to transfer a golem to it. Because in the body armor, the red gems are +2 level, not in the helmet, is it better to leave it in the body armor? |
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" 1) We use Elemental Equilibrium in our chest, not Elemental Overload. It's a completely different Keystone. 2) You have to triggers for your EE. 3) We don't use Molten Shell in the Trigger Wand. You want to apply it via LMB or directly by your will. 4) Basalt Flask is bad. We don't want to taunt enemies. 5) Wtf is that Magic Cluster Jewel ? Use Regal on it, idc. 6) Empower would always be better. 7) You don't need Flasks on the bosses. They either die really fast or target your minions, leaving you alone. For more tips send your PoB here and mention where exactly you get one-shotted. Última edição por Its_OP#0728 em 24 de jan de 2022 09:09:33
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" GB is useful when you have less than raw 50% of block under all the buffs. If you have more - ditch it. Helmet should have +3, Hypo, Minion Damage and flat crit (like mine) to be considered a substitution for the main dmg setup placeholder. |
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" hello dude, i see youpushed it a bit this league, can i ask you what skills you used for leveling ? i am going to level up this build to prepare for next league I mean is the path SRS then zombie/skel then spectre still working like before ? Última edição por vitto369#3464 em 24 de jan de 2022 10:14:13
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" I used tytykiller's Necro levelling guide (google it), using Deadandlivin's levelling tree. My main damage source were Skeletons. Closer to the end of acts, when I levelled my Spectre and Golem gems a bit I fully switched to this version. Última edição por Its_OP#0728 em 24 de jan de 2022 10:14:05
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" Thanks for responding; 1) yeah im using just a regular Skin of lord as its cheaper; EE skin is massively expensive and outside budget right now. 2) n/a 3) Regarding having molten shell in trigger wand; isnt that the same thing than having it on LMB. Having it on trigger wand doesnt increase/decrease Cooldown reduction or duration so whats the difference. I have phase run in LMB and Molten shell on trigger wand and i can switch those but i dont see a difference. 4) thanks will find a alternative to basalt! 5) Thanks good catch! 6) Ok empower was giving me lower damage when in POB, that was +2 empower. I think +3 empower would be better than Malee physicals damage so i'll aim for that. 7) Its bosses like sirus fight and other that i struggle at. And in maps i end up randomly dieng when i guess Molten shell is on cooldown, dunno. It doesnt happen often on maps unless they are very juiced. Below is pastebin. I didnt do any config or calcs since i am not good at using POB. But my items and skills are there. And i have two trees ; default which is current and full tree which i am going for. https://pastebin.com/Ci4S1m5U Obviously i have to upgrade gear to have more life etc but was wondering if there are alternative skills or Medium/Small clusters i could pick up that would make me more tankier by sacrificing some dps.\ Thanks! Última edição por spawnzy#7614 em 24 de jan de 2022 10:41:38
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