[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
why bumb the thread, if you havn't done any changes?
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the question of whether:
Socketed Gems gain #% of Physical Damage as extra Lightning Damage enough for EE to work, do I need the flat fire and lightning damage bench craft? |
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" You do not, if this mod is on your weapon. Otherwise, it's useless. |
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Will this build be updated to 3.17? Creator seems to be inactive for quite a lot of time.
Can we play it as it is in new league? (never played summoner before) |
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" the First Sentence in the First Post Contains "3.17" in Bright Red. Reading is not hard! |
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" I wouldn't be scared if he doesn't update as LowBudget's main strategy was based on Blessings before the March of The Legion nerf. I will continue using this guide because I love "the core" of this build. I don't think I'll be able to do the necessary updates as well as Deadandlivin does, but I believe I can do well somehow. For those who are going to use the EalyGaming POB's that Deadandlivin made, I created a folder for the Better Trading app to make it easier for us when making the first purchases on the market. Here it is:
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 Just copy and import into the app. Some may find the pre-set choices not so good, so feel free to change and share with us. Última edição por Yashal#0346 em 2 de fev de 2022 12:39:35
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The whole lower section is built around March of the Legion. Basically, post-levelling version doesn't work at the moment. Unless you are ready to do some tweaks by yourself, you should not use this PoB right now.
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" I'm following this guide since the end of 3.15 everyday (!) and read every post. The author Deadandlivin was extremly active since than with several answers and updates daily and close to everbody got an answer to his/her question. Because his last activity was two weeks ago, to my mind it's a legitimate question. I ask myself the same since a few days... |
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Well, he deserves a break, the guide is also ready for 3.17 except for the budget part, so there's no need to come here and start complaining why the creator isn't doing anything ...
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Hello people!
Unfortunately I was struck with covid right before the league start preperation so I've been completely out the last couple of weeks. Fortunately, the patchnotes didn't bring too many changes to the build for 3.17. The biggest change is how they nerfed the March of the Legion boots which completely shattered my early game plans, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem. It'll still be a strong league start, but not able to farm Simulacrums and The Feared on a 3 exalted orb budget though any longer. In the long run, this might be better for the build because most people probably would detest playing with March of the Legion anyways. Everything else should be the same coming 3.17. There are some substantial buffs to us aswell when it comes to itemization. As an example, the boots Legacy of Fury that drop from Maven will now be BiS boots for our Animate Guardian giving us a -15% elemental resistance scorch debuff which is a pretty big dps increase. I'm sure there are other changes that I might have overlooked aswell. For now I plan to update the low budget version for tomorrow so the build guide is ready for launch. It's a bummer that we won't be able to run a broken league starter but everything should be fine in the end. |
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