Deadandlivin escreveu:
Looking at your profile right now I'd definitely go for a wand upgrade if I was you. If you don't have alot of money available, you can go for a +1 wand with ~50% minion damage and trigger. Should cost lik ex 1 and will be sufficient for very long. I would also look into upgrading some of the cheaper alt quality and awakened gems. You should definitely get Divergent Flesh Offering which adds 25% attack speed to it(15% from ashes of the star). You also want Awakened Melee Physical damage and Awakened minion dmg if possible. If I were you, I would buy the awakened gems at level 3 so they go to level 5 in your chest and you instantly get the bonus.
What the trigger does is make your wand autocast whatever you've socketed into it and makes it instant removing all cast animations. However, it adds a 8 sec cooldown to the skill.
So if you have Flesh Offering in the wand, it'll autocast Flesh Offering without any cast animation and put it on a 8 sec cooldown. 8 seconds later, it'll recast flesh offering again.
All spells in a trigger wand are on a seperate cooldown timer so you can run 3 spells at the sametime in a trigger wand and they will autocast with their own seperate 8 second cooldown.
THe trick to make the trigger wand valuable is to make it trigger skills that have a 8 second duration or more. In my current setup I run 3 offerings and they have a duration of ~12 seconds so my wand will keep a 100% uptime on them.
Thanks for the advises. I try to craft a wand on my own, watched Ghazzys video yesterday and got some mats. After 3 tries I got +1 with minion damage at least. I'll keep on working on that! ;-) I bought Divergent Flesh Offering yesterday and will buy the other Gems too.
I also got a "cheap" Call to Arms SOTL yesterday in 3b2r1g...Awakened Cold Penetration is already in my stash - which red gem should I drop for it? I know you wrote it somewhere but I didn't find it again... :-(
Thanks for the great explanation concerning the triggering - I completely understood it wrong. That sounds really (!!) great in combination with the belt, espacially because you don't have to bother with capping the resistances in combination with the use of desecrate...
I'll make a list with all your advices of the last days in this thread and will work on that. I love that...it's so fun to have things to farm currency for...and also to get direct advices from you...a big THANK YOU again for that! :-D
Postado porDrathy1508#0125em 17 de mar de 2022 06:32:49
Deadandlivin escreveu:
My AG was using an Awakened Orb +1 curse and T1 explodey chest. The T1 explodey chest base costs 3.5 ex.
Wow nice chest, did it have "Gain 10% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield" ?
Postado porKharadas#5625em 17 de mar de 2022 10:15:04
Deadandlivin escreveu:
TheRebirthed escreveu:
Could someone please give some advice. Ngl I have no idea what Im doing, haven't played for a yr lol. Got around 30 ex more to throw at the build tho.
Also what should I equip on my animate guardian, what is EE for gravebind??
Hey, I can see you're trying out my current Leash of Oblation experimentation and I'll try to gudie you through it as best I can.
First of all, you need to try sort out your jewel sutation in the tree.
You want a Thread of Hope(Medium) to save skill points and to work on your cluster jewel setup. Majority of my defensive layers are in my small clusters with The Frontline and Enduring Composure for Endurance Charges.
Try to look at my tree and copy it best you can. Since you lack a good 10 skill points compared to me you can sacrifice the medium cluster, Fearsome Force and maybe some life nodes until you level up some more.
Your actual gear is pretty good, you just need to change the boots to a pair of rare ones with Dexterity, life and resistances. Make sure to craft Brittle when walking with the new Eldritch currency orbs on it too.
For the skillgems, just try and copy my gemsetup by heart:
Be aware of the alternate quality versions.
To save money, you can upgrade Divergent Skitterbots, Divergent Dash, Divergent Bone Offering and Empower4 later if finances are though. All other gems should be cheap to purchase. (Make sure Awakened Gems are atleast level 3 so they get level5 from the chest)
21/20 Anomalus Animate Guardian is kinda expensive but I really advice you to buy the 21 version straight out.
Really important to make sure all your minions are level 21. Your skeletons and Golems already are, but your Spectres and Zombies are missing out on levels.
Gear for Animate Guardian is expensive:
- Helm: Crown of the Tyrant (Green Socket)
- Boots: Legacy of Fury (50% scorch effect and as much explodey chance as possible)
- Gloves: Gravebind corrupted with Elemental Weakness on hit
- Weapon: Kingmaker
- Chest: T1 Explodey chest awakened Orb with a +1 curse on a Hunter influenced Astral Plate.
The AG chest costs ~5 ex to make. If you don't want to blow a large portion of your budget on the AG yet, run an Inpulsa on him as a budget version until you feel confident you wont lose your AG. (70k hp on AG and he will survive most things in the game)
Ooo tysm for the suggestions, I'm assembling some of the pieces for the AG. In terms of boots, do you have some sort of crafting guide for them, just trying to find some on the market and they're like..very rare. For the skin of the lords, should I change my socket colors and changed elemnetal equilibrium for something else (rn im using 4b with predator)
Also, mannn Im squishy haha. Hoping that changes alot once i start clutser jeweling tho :P
Postado porTheRebirthed#4589em 17 de mar de 2022 11:17:45
Kharadas escreveu:
Deadandlivin escreveu:
My AG was using an Awakened Orb +1 curse and T1 explodey chest. The T1 explodey chest base costs 3.5 ex.
Wow nice chest, did it have "Gain 10% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield" ?
Was unlucky so no free prefix after awakened slam :(
But if it had a free prefix I would craft that
Postado porDeadandlivin#2745em 17 de mar de 2022 11:48:51
Ooo tysm for the suggestions, I'm assembling some of the pieces for the AG. In terms of boots, do you have some sort of crafting guide for them, just trying to find some on the market and they're like..very rare. For the skin of the lords, should I change my socket colors and changed elemnetal equilibrium for something else (rn im using 4b with predator)
Also, mannn Im squishy haha. Hoping that changes alot once i start clutser jeweling tho :P
I just bought my boots for 50 chaos I think like 3 days into my league start. This is not endgameworthy boots.
You could craft really good boots super easily though. This is how you would do it:
1. Buy crafting base with T1 Dex and x2 T1 resistances from trade. Should only be a couple of chaos.
2. Eldritch craft and lock the suffixes with it.
Then start rolling Eldritch Chaos Orbs until you get very high life (T2 or T1 life)
3. Craft Suffixes cannot be changed with a free prefix on the boots.
(The boots now have High life mod, free prefix and either a random prefix or another free prefix)
4. Buy an Aisling Slam and pray that you hit anything but the lifemod.
Pick the best 30% movementspeed craft. You want either 30% movement with Chill immune or 30% movement speed + 12% additional movement speed if you haven't taken damage.
5. Craft Freeze immune with Bench.
Postado porDeadandlivin#2745em 17 de mar de 2022 12:03:18
Deadandlivin escreveu:
Drathy escreveu:
Oh, sorry, character should be visible now...
Really interesting experiment with the belt, sounds really great! I'm exited what the final result of it will be... :-)
Done some testing for ~10 maps now and I like this setup alot. I'm now halfway to 98 and haven't died since I started wearing the belt and I'm running very juiced content. Prior to this setup I was hardstuck at 2 bars dying several times per map :)
The extra defensive layer with block cap really helps against oneshots when Molten Shell is on cooldown.
I recorded some photage of the gameplay here:
Sounds still great - do you have a PoB for me/us? :-)
Postado porDrathy#5672em 18 de mar de 2022 09:21:48
Made quite a few changes to POB including adding enduring composure and Veteran's awareness.
DPS is at a really satisfactory point but I've got a big problem with tankiness. Not too sure what I'm doing wrong but I get one shot every 13 maps on average, and the formed took all 6 portals to try complete.
Im thinking maybe I replace vicatrios with an aegis and melding of the flesh. That combined with veterans would give me 90% max res during molten uptime, but then i'd need to change everything to fit purity of elements in, additionally spectres would need to be chieftains for charge generation
Idk.. just kinda lost on how to increase build tankiness rn.
edit; also got the fully decked out 21/20 AG, with crown of tyrant, legacy of fury, gravebind with ele weak, kingmaker and inpulsas.
Última edição por TheRebirthed#4589 em 19 de mar de 2022 08:08:55
Postado porTheRebirthed#4589em 19 de mar de 2022 05:56:41
TheRebirthed escreveu:
Made quite a few changes to POB including adding enduring composure and Veteran's awareness.
DPS is at a really satisfactory point but I've got a big problem with tankiness. Not too sure what I'm doing wrong but I get one shot every 13 maps on average, and the formed took all 6 portals to try complete.
Im thinking maybe I replace vicatrios with an aegis and melding of the flesh. That combined with veterans would give me 90% max res during molten uptime, but then i'd need to change everything to fit purity of elements in, additionally spectres would need to be chieftains for charge generation
Idk.. just kinda lost on how to increase build tankiness rn.
edit; also got the fully decked out 21/20 AG, with crown of tyrant, legacy of fury, gravebind with ele weak, kingmaker and inpulsas.
Wtf is your flask setup ?
Postado porIts_OP#0728em 19 de mar de 2022 09:51:40
TheRebirthed escreveu:
Made quite a few changes to POB including adding enduring composure and Veteran's awareness.
DPS is at a really satisfactory point but I've got a big problem with tankiness. Not too sure what I'm doing wrong but I get one shot every 13 maps on average, and the formed took all 6 portals to try complete.
Im thinking maybe I replace vicatrios with an aegis and melding of the flesh. That combined with veterans would give me 90% max res during molten uptime, but then i'd need to change everything to fit purity of elements in, additionally spectres would need to be chieftains for charge generation
Idk.. just kinda lost on how to increase build tankiness rn.
edit; also got the fully decked out 21/20 AG, with crown of tyrant, legacy of fury, gravebind with ele weak, kingmaker and inpulsas.
Since you're running the Leash of Oblation setup you could swap Skin of the Lords for a 6-link Brassdome instead. Should help you with tankiness. You'll lose a bit of dps but gain 5% max res and crit immunity which is very strong.
When you're dying it's most probably because either Spirit Offering is down or because Molten Shell is down. Or both.
I've noticed with the Offering setup that the only times I die is when I'm looting or when I get back into a map after emptying my inventory.
During these times I don't have any offerings up, all corpses are gone and I forget to Desecrate. Then some random monster oneshots me because I have 30% ele resist.
You should get a Basalt Flask btw. Don't run Bismuth.
If you're dependant on capping your res with both Bismuth and Spirit Offering you're gonna have a VERY bad time. Especially against bosses.
The reason you struggled with The Formed most likely was because you got caught without resistance cap and died. Or simply, you got oneshot withotu molten shell up.
If you're not already doing it, you gotta use the Numlock trick on Molten Shell to make sure you have a good uptime.
Postado porDeadandlivin#2745em 19 de mar de 2022 11:52:38
OO yeah just realised the offering caps my resistances by itself lol. Swapped it out for a basalt. Doing the num lock molten shell which is working nicely.
Just about the formed, iirc i had all offerings up and molten shell, but the minotaurs rock fall thing would one shot me, might try brass dome to try combat that.
Damage is pretty nice so far, just did my fist solo sirus, killed shaper and elder a couple times today too.
Prepping for uber elder.. but Im scared lol
Postado porTheRebirthed#4589em 20 de mar de 2022 02:13:42