[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
" Farmed a Mageblood. Allowed me to specc Elementalist and fit Grace. Pretty much immortal after that. |
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Im asking myself how it realy performs in a fresh new league start scenario or if its not better to start something else and transition into this one? Im looking at this build since 3.15 but was always distracted with other builds so i never got my hand on it, now that the new league comes and controller support is theire i wanted to play minions/summoner again. But yea like im said im unsure how it performs in a fresh league, maybe some people that did a league start with it can give me some anwser!
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whats the upgrade priority for the low and medium budget pobs?
ty for all the hard work appreciate brother |
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" bit of a cop-out isn't it? Just farm a mageblood and the build will be tanky. |
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" I always start as this build and have never had a problem. The itemization curve is pretty smooth. What can be rough in the beginning is that it's kinda squishy when you first hit maps and you don't have any defensive layers available. In the beginning, we don't have enough levels to use Determination, flasks are probably garbage, life is most likely low, no Frontline et.c. so you're prone to oneshots if you run red maps in your campaign gear. But usually, you make enough chaos in white and yellow maps to get the gear and levels needed for it to not be an issue. The biggest benefit of the build is that it does alot of damage so you'll never hit a dps wall if you're getting the most important upgrades and lvl 21/0 gems (Super cheap). You might encounter survivability issues early on though. I personally prioritize offense before defense during league start as it's what allows me to do all content. Dying once in a while will just slow down my leveling, but I'll sort that out later with better gear. Here's a video of me running a T16 red map juiced with sextants on a character that's basically fresh from the campaign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTZC-kWT3Qg&ab_channel=HenrikSwanstr%C3%B6m I did some fast level ups in other maps while I was limit testing though so hit 79 super fast. Basically 1 Chaos Uniques, a tabula and level 17 skill gems and zero defensive layers. In reality though, no one will hit T16 gear with this gear. These items are basically leveling gear for the campaign. When you get ~5 ex of gear you can expect the build to perform like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHYsxes5Udk&ab_channel=HenrikSwanstr%C3%B6m (Disregard the helm, it cost 15 ex but was only a minor upgrade. I did all Maven Invitations, including the feared before I had that helm) |
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" The upgrade priority when entering a new budget is always to get a Helm first, then upgrade the wand. After that get the rest of the upgraded items one by one. I could add an upgrade priority list to all PoBs later if it'll help. |
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" Maybe? I can honestly say that I wouldn't have hit 100 without the mageblood. But then again, I don't know about many builds that are able to hit 100 without high budget items unless they specifically build to be extremely tanky sacrificing immense amounts of dps and speed. I've always been an effiecency type of player, I want my builds to be fast and to oneshot most things allowing me to farm currency. I worry about becoming immortal later on when I've farmed the money. That being said, the build is flexible and you can become very tanky if that's what you prefer. It does require some sacrifices though. You'd want to look into running a Life on Block shield, remove necro Aegis, run Bone Offering and a Aura small cluster to fit Tempest Shield. This would give you block cap and pretty much make you immortal. Could maybe run x1 of each charge monkey and x2 Crabs and still have very high damage. Not sure since I haven't tried the setup. |
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" I'd love if you could put a bit of emphasis on the zero to hero gearing journey this time around (especially the white maps to T16 farming). I'm usually getting frustrated after putting 10-20 ex into the build and it still doesn't perform as the videos suggest, so I'm definitely doing something wrong gearing wise. --------- " I would appreciate that immensely ------- Última edição por LUXEdeJUNK#4309 em 9 de mai de 2022 04:51:03
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" Thanks and yeah an upgrade priority would be very nice. Was also wondering when to go for the cluster jewels after you get helm and wand. |
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" Sure, I'll make sure to do that. First I'm gonna focus on editing the written guide adding the new things we've learned from 3.17. After that I'll focus on streamlining all the PoBs together so it's easier to follow. I'll also include a blockcapped low budget version for those who want to be tankier. Looks promising. |
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