[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
" In the low budget I go for the cluster jewels when I kinda "feel" like. This is usually when I'm 92 or higher I think. The cluster jewel is VERY cheap to make. You just buy a 9 point(Or 8 point if they're cheap) and use all Harvest Crit reforge crafts on it. Vicious Bite has a 100% chance to come up with the crit reforge. So all you're waiting for is to get Renewal aswell which is a 1/6. If you're lucky, you might get something like Feasting Fiend or Rotten Claws aswell and the cluster is worth 8 ex. I usually don't go for clusters too early cause they require alot of skill points. Última edição por Deadandlivin#2745 em 9 de mai de 2022 06:16:41
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Very BIG thank you for the !Updated! Guide
I still looking for this Build since 3.16 but i was always unsure and the PoBs or informations wansnt always useful for !me!. Some things outdated or with the Blessed Support (pre Nerf) But now its Step by Step. PLS stay as Creator and i hope i see many videos from u ^^ Edit: Maybe i didnt saw it, but can u explain the Num Lock Trick and what i get from it? The Num Locked Skills are cast on CD? for Phase Run, molten Shell etc Última edição por Dardroth#7044 em 9 de mai de 2022 17:06:49
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" I'm currently working on the PoBs. When done with them I'll finish the Medium budget written guide and I'll be done with the update :) The numlock trick is a keyboard trick you use utilizing the Numlock Button. What it does is, when activated automatically starts spamming assigned numlock buttons. You basically use it for abilities you want to be autocast on cooldown. Here's a video showing it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkfnEJAZIOc&ab_channel=LordFluffy Doesn't matter that it's a D3 video. The numlock trick is universal and works on all games. |
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Hey Dead..
in 3.17 I found a few things that didn't make sense in terms of written text and what was show in the PoBs etc. If you want I can do a thorough read-through this time again and point out any discrepancies (if any). |
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" I've updated the PoBs again, they weren't complete. Think you could go through them and see if they're still there? I'll fix them afterwards. These are the updated versions, made some config changes to make it more consistent and added upgrade priority orders for the lower budget versions. Since it's alot to go through there's a very large chance that I've missed something, or forgot to mention certain changes et.c. Campaign: https://pastebin.com/VMSwDGSv White Maps: https://pastebin.com/WhwvALKZ Yellow Maps: https://pastebin.com/dkayMu5h Low Budget: https://pastebin.com/ZKLx27vw Medium Budget: https://pastebin.com/JFPNvhUU High Budget: https://pastebin.com/JQUwiRfm EDIT: Added 2 more PoBs to the list: Low Budget(Hyrr's Watch version): https://pastebin.com/w4KQJ4tk Low Budget(Tanky Version): https://pastebin.com/A37Txc3Y Última edição por Deadandlivin#2745 em 10 de mai de 2022 10:53:54
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This is - so far - only for the text here on the forums (before the addition of the 2 extra PoBs - I also only quickly perused the XIII. League start guide - From level 1 to white maps section as I didn't have many issues with that in 3.17 and no changes are made here (to my knowledge).
I also didn't check anything after this section as it's either not updated yet or something I'm not wise enough to comment on (mapping guide etc). In general I will say the guide is MUCH better structured now than it was earlier. Nobody really knew if we used phantasms, which spectre we should use etc.. It seem more more concise now. I still believe you have made it hell for yourself to update and keep correct because there's SO MUCH INFORMATION. In that regard I really like the work you've put into the Notes of each PoB. Without further ado, here's my info: Forums ====================================================== IV. General Build Mechanics - Defensive capabilities - Secondary Layers of Defense Mentions Divergent Tempest shield, Divergent Bone Offering and Rumis, but none of the POBs are using this IV. General Build Mechanics - Defensive capabilities - Headhunter Maybe a note that HH might be very nerfed for minions (all?) in 3.18 and forward. --- V. Skill Point Allocations and Other - Tree&Points - Skilltree and Point Allocation still old 3.16 poeplanner link V. Skill Point Allocations and Other - Tree&Points - Ascendancy, Bandits, Annointments and Pantheon Death Attunement is mentioned under Anointments, but none of the PoBs are using it --- VI. Skillgems and Support Links - Gems and Links - Helmet Increased Crit damage mentioned - not used in PoBs Melee splash not mentioned but used in PoBs VI. Skillgems and Support Links - Gems and Links - Chest - Spectre setup for AoE clear - Alternative support gems Mentions that Divergent Melee Splash will not be used in build due to likely nerf. Is used in PoBs. --- VII. Gearing and Item Acquisition - Gear and Equipment - Minmaxed Gear probably need an update to reflect current possibilities --- IX. Flask Setup - Low Budget flasks Mentions Rumi - not in PoBs --- XII. Low Budget Approach and early mapping build - LowBudget - Point Allocations and Skilltree - Amulet and Ring Annointments Death Attunement mentioned - not used in PoBs Última edição por LUXEdeJUNK#4309 em 10 de mai de 2022 11:46:16
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" Wow! Thanks for going through it and finding these inconsistencies. I'll go through and change them right away. The PoBs are latest correct itterations. Some of the things are relics from last league that I forgot to change, thanks for finding them. I'm unsure exactly what to do about Hydrosphere. Think I'll just add a disclaimer in all build guides. I don't want to officially put Divergent Splash and Hydrosphere in the forum guide because it'll get removed next league. We were just lucky that GGG decided to not touch any balance this league. But the mechanic is just too strong not to use, that's why I have them in the PoBs. I did make some comments about hydrosphere in some skillgem parts of the PoB but I think I'll add its own section in the offensve description of the guide aswell to make things more clear. If you find anything else, make sure to post it so I can correct it aswell. Other than that I'll just have to finish the medium guide and we'll be ready for leaguestart :) |
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What League Mechanics u would recommend with the Build?
Or how it perform in the Mechanics: Examble Legion needs big AoE clear not sure how good the Build is for Legion (Explody AG clear it alone?) but Ritual looks good with the Vaal Skeletons |
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Why are we using both assassins mark and the curse on hit ring? We can only have one curse up at a time, right?
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" It full clears all league mechanics, Legion monoliths aswell. I'm usually a Legion Farmer and farm legions every league and always full clear my legions. I can record a map clearing legions so you can see how it looks. What content do I recommend? Hard to say, this build is kinda a jack of all trades meaning it does everything very well but it doesn't really excell at anything. It's more of an all around build that can do everything, but it's not doing it the best. It's strongpoints is obviously that it can AFK Blighted maps which is a trademark for minions. Other mechanics it's very good at is Heist cause it's very fast. It's also a very good bosser since it got high single target damage. The clearspeed is very good, probably one of the better minions for clearing in the game due to the explodey AG which makes Legions, Breaches, Rituals, Expeditions et.c. very easy. It's nowhere near a Headhunter Tornado shot build when it comes to clear though. EDIT: Filmed a video with some legion farming so you can see how it looks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0rvwcMaEAo Última edição por Deadandlivin#2745 em 10 de mai de 2022 15:51:11
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