[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
Wow, just wow.
-25% life and a hit on golenmancer, i mean we are necro but still, how much will that 25% affect our build. GGG at its best. |
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Depends on how rippy the league mechanic is. I think it will be okay regarding Ultimatum was really hard in that regard. I would rather be interested on how the damage changes throughout the different budget versions, since damage is what this build keeps alive.
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" Wow, GJ crafting that shield in Ultimatum. That's some insane RNG. Assume you spammed Reforge keep suffix until you got T2 cold damage and then yolo influenced slammed 1% dmg per block from Harvest. I wasn't quite as lucky when I made my shield :D Didn't invest much into mine though. All in all, very impressive gear! Glad you liked the build. Lets just hope spectres survive the balance patch and so we can continue utilize running 2 fully linked minions at the same time. I do think SOs will be nerfed so that they'll be unuseable though. I'm expecting they're removing the shotgun effect of them effectively making them unuseable. |
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" I don't think the -25% minion life nerf will affect us. Keep in mind that it will only affect golems and spectres since the penality is applied to the support gem. Those minions never died anyway. Zombies are usually the squishier minions. Think of it this way: In Ritual I ran the Bone Barrier ascendancy point that gives minions 20% more life. During Ultimatum I started using Mistress of Sacrifice more because minions weren't dying anyway. This gave me more movement speed and higher uptime on Vaal Grace/BV which was nice QoL. If Spectres(Golems won't die) suddenly start dying we'll just run Bone Barrier all the time instead. This will bring our minions life to the same amount as I had during Ultimatum, meaning they'll never die. There are some rare occasions where your minions might die to insane boss oneshot mechanics. But during these instances, we're also losing the AG and that's a bigger problem. |
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" The -25% life shouldn't affect us at all. Read post above to learn why. The nerf to Golementalist nodes just encourages us to specc into necro earlier. I will still use the same strategy where I run Elementalist until I get Golem jewels. Once Anima and Primordial Might are acquired I'll specc necro. Since the Golementalist buff effect is getting DESTROYED this patch, and elementalist ailment immunity is getting nuked aswell that's actually very good news for us. I predict that the popular Elementalist builds that utilize Golems for their buffs (Burning Arrow, Flamewall Spellslinger et.c.) will be unplayable. This means no one wants Primordial Jewels anylonger so I'm expecting the price of the jewels will be much lower. That's good for us. If you guys remembered League Starts past 3 leagues Primordial Mights have been like 3 exalted orbs. I did some digging when Golem builds weren't meta (They won't be this league either) and Primordial Mights used to cost 30 chaos during league start then. The nerfs that will hurt us the most this league is the Flask nerfs by far. Not having 100% uptime on Flasks will remove most of our Phys dmg mitigation, block chance. Our Ailment immunities are gone aswell. And lets not forget the Curse immunity on flask. I will be spending so many Chaos Orbs on rerolling all Curse maps which will be super annoying. GGG said flask generation would be reduced by ~60-70%. To be compeltely honest though, I don't think this will be affecting us in the endgame. I still think we'll be running with 100% uptime on our flasks once we get the gear rolling. In the end game we're killing SOO many monsters and I think 4 sec will be enough to fill up the flasks. We might want to run Alchemists prefixes on our flasks increasing their durations by 40%. This gives them more than 8 sec duration which should be enough to top of our flasks in juiced maps. Since Basalt Flask basically got deleted we'll just run a Quartz and/or a Jade Flask aswell. Nerfing the movement speed on the Adrenaline modifier from 30% MS to 8% MS will feel bad though. Just makes us want to run a Silver Flask for Onslaught much more. The Final Flask setup looks like it'll be: 1. Life Flask with Bleed Immunity. 2. Rumis (Lets pray it's still useable) 3. Jade Flask with Freeze Immunity (Put on Autocast to remove Freeze) 4. Quicksilver Flask. Not sure what suffix we'll run. Maybe 60% increased Armour or we'll just keep running 8% increased movement speed. 5. Silver Flask with Ignite Immunity (Put on Autocast to remove ignite) We will feel this nerf ALOT during early maps though. Having most of our survivability linked to Flasks has the upside of not affecting us too much during bosses though which is a positive. |
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" But what about our mana sustenance ? Will we still be able to use trigger with pretty small mana pool ? |
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" Yeah. Fortunately for us, our triggered spells are not linked to support gems so their mana costs are very low. Flesh Offering is 30 mana and BV is 16 mana. Increaed duration adds a 140% mana multiplier on the spells so they'll be ~42 and ~22 mana They will trigger every 8 sec as usual. I ran 90 unreserved mana which should be enough to have no issues. Since Dash is getting nerfed we'll be spamming it alot less which means our mana should be topped of pretty much all the time. If worst comes to worst, we'll just craft -10 mana reduction on one of our Rings assuming Mana management is a problem. But I think we'll be okay without the craft anyway. Second Wind got completely annihilated though so Dash in general will feel extremely scuffed. We'll just be dashing less and rely more on Phase Run for mobility. I'm trying to figure which 4 greens we'll be running in our Gloves though. Currently it looks like: 1. Phase Run 2. Vaal Grace/Vaal Haste 3. Dash/Smoke Mine/Withering Step 4. Desecrate/Enhance Support/Precision lvl 1 Losing CDR and Second Wind might actually make Dash feel really bad. Might experiment with running Smoke Mine instead. Smoke Mine provides both a blink and a movement speed buff which might just be superior. Might even use Withering Step instead. Will need to read up on some green gems to see what we'll use. Última edição por Deadandlivin#2745 em 20 de jul de 2021 06:07:23
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" Will Jade flask still be useful if they change it like they've done to Basalt ? Imo, despite they haven't mentioned the change it will be in patch notes, as it's quite irrational to change one flask and skip another one, which used to be similar. |
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Btw is there a leveling PoB ? Not the Act 10 one, but the intermediate ones.
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" Defensively, there's 4 different flasks we're looking to use: - Granite: 3000 Armour - Jade: 3000 Evasion - Basalt: 20% more armour (15% flat phys dmg reduction before 3.15) - Quartz: 10% spell and attack dodge. The strength of Granite and Jade flasks is that they get affected by global defense modifiers. Since we're running a Skin of the Lords/Loyal for majority of the league which grants 100% increased global modifiers, this means those flasks give 6000 Armour and Evasion instead of 3000 which is ALOT of additional survivability. The thing about Armour and Evasion is that they have Diminishing return, so for every point of evasion or armour you get it loses effectiveness. If we'd continue to use Basalt it'll add 20% more Armour. So lets assume you have 10k armour in total with Granite up. If you pop basalt you'll go from 10k to 12k. The problem here is that the Diminishing return atually will provide very little phys dmg mitigation. It'll go from something like 60% to 67% or something like that. The thing that made Basalt so strong was that the phys dmg mitigation was just added additively. Meaning, if we use the earlier 10k armour example giving 60% phys dmg mitigation, popping a basalt would result in 60 + 15 = 75% phys dmg mitigation. The strength of Basalt basically was that the flat phys mitigation BYPASSED dminishing returns. This is why using a Quartz Flask may actually be the optimal choice for us. Since, just like Basalt 10% dodge is a flat modifier which allows us to cap dodge. (35/35 from Vaal Grace, 0/30 from Skin of the Lords, 10/0 from Watchers Eye, 10/10 from Quartz Flask = 55/75 attack/spell dodge) They might nerf Granite and Jade flasks, but as I described above, the reason why they nerfed Basalt was because it bypasses armour diminishing returns. If anything, I think there's a bigger chance they¨'ll nerf Quartz flasks rather than Basalt. Granite and Jade flasks are only good for builds that have very low armour or evasion. That's where you get the most value. A build that already has like 20k Armour/Evasion or something like that, almost gains nothing from Granite/Jades. But they get ALOT from a Basalt, being the reason why it was nerfed. |
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