Deadandlivin escreveu:
DontThinkJustClick escreveu:
Will Jade flask still be useful if they change it like they've done to Basalt ? Imo, despite they haven't mentioned the change it will be in patch notes, as it's quite irrational to change one flask and skip another one, which used to be similar.
Defensively, there's 4 different flasks we're looking to use:
- Granite: 3000 Armour
- Jade: 3000 Evasion
- Basalt: 20% more armour (15% flat phys dmg reduction before 3.15)
- Quartz: 10% spell and attack dodge.
The strength of Granite and Jade flasks is that they get affected by global defense modifiers. Since we're running a Skin of the Lords/Loyal for majority of the league which grants 100% increased global modifiers, this means those flasks give 6000 Armour and Evasion instead of 3000 which is ALOT of additional survivability.
The thing about Armour and Evasion is that they have Diminishing return, so for every point of evasion or armour you get it loses effectiveness.
If we'd continue to use Basalt it'll add 20% more Armour. So lets assume you have 10k armour in total with Granite up. If you pop basalt you'll go from 10k to 12k.
The problem here is that the Diminishing return atually will provide very little phys dmg mitigation. It'll go from something like 60% to 67% or something like that.
The thing that made Basalt so strong was that the phys dmg mitigation was just added additively. Meaning, if we use the earlier 10k armour example giving 60% phys dmg mitigation, popping a basalt would result in 60 + 15 = 75% phys dmg mitigation. The strength of Basalt basically was that the flat phys mitigation BYPASSED dminishing returns.
This is why using a Quartz Flask may actually be the optimal choice for us. Since, just like Basalt 10% dodge is a flat modifier which allows us to cap dodge. (35/35 from Vaal Grace, 0/30 from Skin of the Lords, 10/0 from Watchers Eye, 10/10 from Quartz Flask = 55/75 attack/spell dodge)
They might nerf Granite and Jade flasks, but as I described above, the reason why they nerfed Basalt was because it bypasses armour diminishing returns.
If anything, I think there's a bigger chance they¨'ll nerf Quartz flasks rather than Basalt. Granite and Jade flasks are only good for builds that have very low armour or evasion. That's where you get the most value.
A build that already has like 20k Armour/Evasion or something like that, almost gains nothing from Granite/Jades. But they get ALOT from a Basalt, being the reason why it was nerfed.
My bad, I confused Basalt and Granite Flasks.
Postado porIts_OP#0728em 20 de jul de 2021 07:23:48
DontThinkJustClick escreveu:
Btw is there a leveling PoB ? Not the Act 10 one, but the intermediate ones.
There's a Starting PoB and a Low Budget PoB.
The Starting PoB takes you from level 1 to Maps.
The low budget PoB is what you transition into when you get into maps.
Check under the PoB section and you'll find them.
Postado porDeadandlivin#2745em 20 de jul de 2021 07:25:43
Postado porIts_OP#0728em 20 de jul de 2021 07:28:15
Any information about how much Wraithlord (helm for +2 to socketed minion gems) worth right at the start of the league ?
Postado porIts_OP#0728em 20 de jul de 2021 09:59:31
DontThinkJustClick escreveu:
Any information about how much Wraithlord (helm for +2 to socketed minion gems) worth right at the start of the league ?
Somewhere between 1 alch and 2 chaos for a 4-link. During Ultimatum I saved up all my Chaos Orbs for when I hit Act5.
Once I got to Act5 I transitioned into Golems + Spectres since we got access to all our gems by then.
Can't remember the exact prices of everythign I got.
But I bought my Helm for 1 chaos, 5-link Ambus for 1 chaos, 4-link Bones of Ullr for 1 chaos, Clayshaper for 7 chaos and Victario's Charity for 2 chaos.
I personally always buy items fully linked during league start to save up on fusings.
Última edição por Deadandlivin#2745 em 20 de jul de 2021 10:03:59
Postado porDeadandlivin#2745em 20 de jul de 2021 10:00:22
Deadandlivin escreveu:
DontThinkJustClick escreveu:
Any information about how much Wraithlord (helm for +2 to socketed minion gems) worth right at the start of the league ?
Somewhere between 1 alch and 2 chaos for a 4-link.
Nice. It's senseless to put our golem setup there untill we convert to phys version, isn't it ?
Última edição por Its_OP#0728 em 20 de jul de 2021 10:03:26
Postado porIts_OP#0728em 20 de jul de 2021 10:03:06
Deadandlivin escreveu:
DontThinkJustClick escreveu:
Any information about how much Wraithlord (helm for +2 to socketed minion gems) worth right at the start of the league ?
Somewhere between 1 alch and 2 chaos for a 4-link. During Ultimatum I saved up all my Chaos Orbs for when I hit Act5.
Once I got to Act5 I transitioned into Golems + Spectres since we got access to all our gems by then.
Can't remember the exact prices of everythign I got.
But I bought my Helm for 1 chaos, 5-link Ambus for 1 chaos, 4-link Bones of Ullr for 1 chaos, Clayshaper for 7 chaos and Victario's Charity for 2 chaos.
I personally always buy items fully linked during league start to save up on fusings.
5-linked pretty good armour only for 1c in a few hours after the league start ? Pretty impressive.
Postado porIts_OP#0728em 20 de jul de 2021 10:06:41
DontThinkJustClick escreveu:
Deadandlivin escreveu:
DontThinkJustClick escreveu:
Any information about how much Wraithlord (helm for +2 to socketed minion gems) worth right at the start of the league ?
Somewhere between 1 alch and 2 chaos for a 4-link. During Ultimatum I saved up all my Chaos Orbs for when I hit Act5.
Once I got to Act5 I transitioned into Golems + Spectres since we got access to all our gems by then.
Can't remember the exact prices of everythign I got.
But I bought my Helm for 1 chaos, 5-link Ambus for 1 chaos, 4-link Bones of Ullr for 1 chaos, Clayshaper for 7 chaos and Victario's Charity for 2 chaos.
I personally always buy items fully linked during league start to save up on fusings.
5-linked pretty good armour only for 1c in a few hours after the league start ? Pretty impressive.
Yeah, think the reason was because the Ultimatum mechanic literally flooded us with random 5-linked chests.
Choose Ambus because it gives 80 HP and 15 all res which is nice early on.
Postado porDeadandlivin#2745em 20 de jul de 2021 10:08:35
DontThinkJustClick escreveu:
Deadandlivin escreveu:
DontThinkJustClick escreveu:
Any information about how much Wraithlord (helm for +2 to socketed minion gems) worth right at the start of the league ?
Somewhere between 1 alch and 2 chaos for a 4-link. During Ultimatum I saved up all my Chaos Orbs for when I hit Act5.
Once I got to Act5 I transitioned into Golems + Spectres since we got access to all our gems by then.
Can't remember the exact prices of everythign I got.
But I bought my Helm for 1 chaos, 5-link Ambus for 1 chaos, 4-link Bones of Ullr for 1 chaos, Clayshaper for 7 chaos and Victario's Charity for 2 chaos.
I personally always buy items fully linked during league start to save up on fusings.
5-linked pretty good armour only for 1c in a few hours after the league start ? Pretty impressive.
I had a very solid life 5l armour for 2c on day 1 and on day 2 a solid 6l for 14c.
Postado porPerce79#6597em 20 de jul de 2021 10:36:45
"Golem Elementalist no longer provides increased damage per golem. The golem buff effect bonus on Liege of the Primordial now always provides 100% increased Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems rather than scaling with Golem count. This Ascendancy path was providing too much power and defence compared to other high-investment Ascendancy effects, so is now more heavily focussed on the buffs granted by golems rather than generic effects. By changing the buff effect on Liege of the Primordial it creates less of a reliance on having many golems and makes it more powerful in cases where players want to use just a few instead of feeling forced to invest into maximum Golems through various Unique Items."
GG WP Dead build? or?
Postado porinmuna#7252em 20 de jul de 2021 12:57:17