[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
I've added a patch analysis in the buildguide at the top.
You can read about my initial thoughts regarding 3.15 and the build here: 0. Patch Analysis
- Minion Damage: -10% dmg and -25% life - Hypothermia: -10% damage - Melee Physical Damage: -10% attack speed and Loss of Intimidate(10% dmg) - Vicious Projectiles: -10% damage - Multistrike: 3% reduced damage - EDWA: -20% damage - Awakened Gems Quality bonuses reduced by 50% - Bonechill: Mana multiplier increased from 120% to 140% increasing skitterbots mana reserve - Trigger Wand: 250% mana multiplier to triggered skills. (Offering skills cost 34 base mana) - Second Wind: USELESS - Dash: 0.5 sec increased cooldown and 20% reduced CDR - Flasks: Completely annihilated.
![]() Conclusion: I guess this is the new PoE. 3.15 might look rough to most of us, but I can promise you that we got away with more than most other builds. Some of the nerfs will sure be felt, but we can work around all of it. The damage nerfs shouldn't be too much of a problem since the build already had ridiculous damage to begin with. The biggest problem is working around the new Trigger Wand nerf and the complete annihilation of flasks. Our Golems lost more than 43% damage (Assuming you have a 7-link helm) and 10% attack speed. Our spectres lost more than 50% damage running the old gems. All of this comes from the support gems. This might sound rough, but keep in mind, that all builds got similar nerfs. Some builds were even hit harder because they got additional nerfs to their clusters, their actual skill gems and uniques in their builds. Also keep in mind that most non-minion builds lost an additional 40% damage or more just from the flask nerfs. Dpswise, we lost nothing from flasks. For this reason alone, I believe minions actually will be meta this league since we got away with minor nerfs compared to most other builds. My guess is this league will be all about Minions, Traps and Totems because these archetypes got pretty minor nerfs overall, compared to the rest. However, if you're going to play minions, don't touch pure Phys impale. Impale Carrion Golems and Zombies et.c. got absolutely destroyed. I personally don't think they'll be playable as those type of builds lost close to 70% damage or more just from the support nerfs. And they were already struggling with their clear. The nerfs that will hurt us the most however, is the 250% trigger wand mana increase. Since Offering skills at level 20 cost 27 mana and we already have a 140% mana multiplier from Increased duration this will make Flesh Offering cost 94 mana. Blade Vortex will cost 52 mana. This is a huge problem. I'm not 100% sure how to solve this yet and will have to test during the actual league. But as it looks right now there are 3 solutions we can utilize. Probably in combination: 1. Use lower level gems. Lower level gems has less mana cost so the multipliers don't hurt as much. 2. Enchant -20% mana reserve on skitterbots from Lab Helm enchant. 3. Craft -10 mana cost on one of our rings. This is the best solution as it brings down the cost of BV to 5 mana and Flesh Offering to 17 mana which will make everything more manageable. This will also remove the manacost on Dash and Phase Run which means that mana regen won't be necessary. I'm not sure how the flask nerfs will feel. The nerf to Granite, Jades, Rumis will feel really bad. Keep in mind that Skin of the Loyal still buffs them by 100% though so their values will still be 3k Armour and Evasion. The removal of Bleed, Freeze and Curse immunity will be extremely dangerous though. We will want to get Freeze immunity on boots ASAP. Bleed immunity removal will feel the same since we already have staunching on our life flasks. Removal of Curse immunity is going to be more annoying than detrimental to the build because we will just keep rerolling our maps to avoid any curses. There are alot of changes and I will be updating the rest of the buildguide before league start. TL;DR The build is going to be fine, minions will probably be meta this league because other builds got hit much harder than us. |
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" PURE GOLD! :D Back on Topic. Cant wait for 3.15 Changes to this build. This will be interessting. Im thinking of Leaguestarting with this. Looks still veeeery Solid. Tried it in 3.14 and loved it! Keep up the Good work! |
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" thanks for the effort and quick reaction to update it before league start! |
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Yeah, def looks solid, looking at the state of other builds.
"Charisma" may be a must this time around? Maybe even the Devouring Diadem (ugh...)? Blade Vortex can be lvl 1? :-/ Also, thanks for the effort Deadandlivin! EDIT: 3.14 was already hard with the chaos resistance being very hard to raise, it seems 3.15 will be even more painful? Última edição por LBC_Immortality#2129 em 21 de jul de 2021 13:51:27
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" Yeah, the nerfs could've been so much worse. I was actually expecting it to be far worse with Operatives being neutered useless and our skill gems/clusters getting hit aswell. Have you guys seen the nerfs to other builds yet? :D Archmage is basically unplayable. Cold dots just got deleted (Lost like 80% of its damage) Fire dot builds got deleted. Selfchill ACTUALLY got removed from the game. Bleedbow giganerfed. Slam builds unplayable. Pure phys impale minions giganerfed due to Impale support nerf. The list goes on. This league is actually BRUTAL. So many build creators on suicide watch. Just going through the forums seeing how many builds just got nuked from orbit. I feel especially bad for Enki and his Arc witch build. His build got completely annihilated and he will have to rebuild it from the ground. |
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" Most of our mana issues will most likely be solved through the -10 mana cost craft on one of our rings. Using a mana cataclysts we can get it to -12 mana. This will reduce the mana costs to: - Phase Run: 15 - 12 = 3 mana - Dash: 18 - 12 = 6 mana - Flesh Offering: 27 - 12 = 15 mana - Blade Vortex: 15- 12 = 3 mana Increased duration has a 140% increased multiplier and the trigger will be 250% This makes the final costs: - Flesh Offering: 15 * 1.4 * 2.5 = 52 mana - Blade Vortex : 10 mana This is with max ranked spells. Since the trigger wand has a 8 second cooldown for each spell it means we will need to be able to regenerate 62 mana every 8 second which is more than fine for us. Also, since Dash only will cost 6 mana and Phase Run costs 3 mana we'll always be topped of on mana ready to activate our triggers. Diadem is a no go. Never running that helm :D Early on in the league when our gear is bad and we don't have access to reduced mana cost on rings we'll probably be using low ranked BV and Flesh Offering as bandaids fixes unfortunately. The loss isn't too bad though. For BV we'll lose some area of effect, meaning the BV will be smaller. Rank 1 BV is only 6 mana though, so 21 mana cost with triggers and support gems linked. Rank 1 Flesh offering gives us 20% attack speed and movespeed instead of 30% at the cost of 16 base mana. So it'll cost 56 mana every 8 second which is manageable. Keep in mind also, that second wind will be skipped this league so we'll be spamming dash far less making sure we're always topped off on mana in time for our triggers to go off cooldown. I completely gave up on Chaos resistance in Ultimatum. It simply was too hard to hit and I'll do the same for 3.15. It's annoying getting oneshot by Chaos damage, but fortunately I've never found it's too much of a problem. The biggest hindrance was when trying to AFK blight during ultimatums because there's a spider boss there that puts green pools on the ground which deals chaos damage. Those green clouds basically oneshot me. Other than that I could afk corrupted T16 blights safely. Other than that Chaos damage is still pretty rare imo. I know that Al Hezmin does chaos damage and Alva Incursion missions sometimes have monsters dealing chaos damage. Other than that I usually find it a non issue. Chaos resistance is only a luxury in my opinion. I'll gladly sacrifice any chaos resistance for more dps, movement speed and actual avoidance. Things like Block and Dodge already helps out alot with Chaos damage since you don't get hit to begin with. Just stupid crap like Poison pools on the ground from the aforementioned Blights that consistently are a problem. And that's usually because you're not moving :) EDIT: Okay, I had forgotten about the 140% mana multiplier on Bonechill which makes everything much more complicated. This brings the mana reserve to 35 * 1.4 = 49% while Grace/Hatred remains at 50%. I will have to make some adjustments to the skill tree to fix this. We'll most likely go for Soveregnity and not Charisma. This adds 14% reduced mana reserve which brings Grace to 43% and Skitterbots to 42% which leaves us 15% unreserved mana. This also allows us to get Purity of Flesh for some Chaos Res which is a nice bonus. Última edição por Deadandlivin#2745 em 21 de jul de 2021 14:21:54
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Can replacement of Feeding Frenzy in our boots on lvl4 Enlighten be considered an option? 88% mana multi on 50% reservation skill will give us 6% more of mana pool. Imo, we basically loose nothing but some currency to buy the gem.
Última edição por Its_OP#0728 em 21 de jul de 2021 14:40:03
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" I'm uncomfortable with losing even more dps with the removal of Feeding Frenzy tbh. I think sacrificing some 5% life nodes from the tree to get 14% reduced mana reserve probably is the smoothest solution. For lategame we'll be working towards getting the 20% reduced mana reserve helm enchant on skitterbots which will allow us to get those points back from the tree. |
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Alright guys!
Did some calculations on PoB using my Ultimatum PoB to see the exact dps loss we'll be seeing. During Ultimatum I had: Carrion Golems: 19.4 million dps per golem Syndicate Operatives: 1.967 million dps per spectre (Without shotgunning) I changed my PoB by doing this: - Removed Intimidate - Reduced Hypothermia and Minion damage levels on helms by 10 levels each - Swapped Awakened EDWA for a level 5 EDWA (-20% dmg) - Swapped Awakened melee phys for a level 1 melee phys (-25% dmg, 10% reduction from Melee phys and 15% reduction from Multistrike) - Swapped Awakened minion dmg for a level 15 minion damage (-10% dmg) - Swapped Awakened VP for a lvl 14 VP (-10% dmg) - Swapped Awakened EDWA for a lvl 4 EDWA (-20% dmg) - Changed Hypothermia to level 10 (-10% dmg) Carrion Golem DPS post nerfs: 11.9 million dps per golem SO dps post nerfs: 1.13 million dps per golem Results: Carrion Golems: 11,9/19,4 = 0,613 -> 1 - 0,613 = 38,7% dps nerf SO: 1,13/1,967 = 0,574 -> 42,6% dps nerf Definitely a big nerf. But using my Ultimatum character (Which only uses 1 Cluster setup, no headhunter et.c.) The build still does more than 70 million shaper dps which is enough to kill everything in under 1 second. I don't think I'll be able to beat A9 Sirus on a 1 ex version of the build unless I play flawlessly any longer though. That seems out of reach Some additional thoughts: We might be replacing Hypothermia with an Empower 4 in our Chest next league. Since we're running a Skin body Armour it'll raise our Empower to level 5 giving our spectres 4 additional levels. The damage addition should be similar to Hypothermia but they'll also recieve a large health boost offsetting the Minion dmg -25% life nerf. Última edição por Deadandlivin#2745 em 21 de jul de 2021 15:18:43
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" Is dps loss from rejecting Flesh Offering ench lesser then rejection of FF only for zombies? |
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