Really torn between Skeleton Mage, Raging Spirits, and Spectres.
Has anyone played RS in 3.17? How did it feel for you?
How much more expensive is Spectres compared to Skeleton Mage? I'm an average player and not hardcore by any means. My EX budget will probably be between 10-30.
Postado porRaGe0uS#2336em 10 de mai de 2022 21:39:08
Baddsoul escreveu:
Is the "Endgame Build" section supposed to have the same POB as the "league starter" section? Because as of right now they both do (POB:
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: 🔶🔷🔶
Postado porkayella#0845em 10 de mai de 2022 23:35:21
RaGe0uS escreveu:
Really torn between Skeleton Mage, Raging Spirits, and Spectres.
Has anyone played RS in 3.17? How did it feel for you?
How much more expensive is Spectres compared to Skeleton Mage? I'm an average player and not hardcore by any means. My EX budget will probably be between 10-30.
I focus on mapping, so I use spectres mostly. It's pretty cheap actually because you can't scale it too much for DPS (thanks GGG nerf raise spectre many times) but just scale attack speed for fast clearing. Easily cost me less than 10ex.
SRS was fine too. I used it for early league but changed for testing other builds. The downside is recasting. But the SRS are really really fast clearing with Ashes 30% quality and 2x minion speed rings. It's fun to see them zoom off screen :)
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: 🔶🔷🔶
Postado porkayella#0845em 10 de mai de 2022 23:39:07
kayella escreveu:
RaGe0uS escreveu:
Really torn between Skeleton Mage, Raging Spirits, and Spectres.
Has anyone played RS in 3.17? How did it feel for you?
How much more expensive is Spectres compared to Skeleton Mage? I'm an average player and not hardcore by any means. My EX budget will probably be between 10-30.
I focus on mapping, so I use spectres mostly. It's pretty cheap actually because you can't scale it too much for DPS (thanks GGG nerf raise spectre many times) but just scale attack speed for fast clearing. Easily cost me less than 10ex.
SRS was fine too. I used it for early league but changed for testing other builds. The downside is recasting. But the SRS are really really fast clearing with Ashes 30% quality and 2x minion speed rings. It's fun to see them zoom off screen :)
How where they for bossing? Was the dps adequate?
Postado porRaGe0uS#2336em 11 de mai de 2022 07:05:52
kayella escreveu:
GravBeam escreveu:
Hi Kay,
Thanks for the Golem build - it was the first time I beat all the bosses!
Regarding the 3.18 update, I think the masteries for the golems should be corrected:
Minion Masteries
1. Minions have 100% increased Critical Strike Chance
>>2. Minions penetrate 8% of Enemy Elemental Resistance
>> should be as the golem build PoB, right?
2. Minion attacks overwhelm 20% of physical damage reduction
3. 20% increased effect of Offerings
It would be nice to include advice on which mods to get on the large cluster jewels, until one is able to save enough currency to buy/craft the large jewel with Vicious Bite, Renewal and Feasting fiends. I took longer to try the build because the large jewels were 5ex and I wasn't sure if the build would suit me. Later on it was not that difficult to craft (20~ tries in my case) with bound + aetheric + deft fossils. Having cheap start options makes the build easier to adopt.
From your comment on Apr 22, 2022, 3:19:41 AM
kayella escreveu:
large cluster
you can craft cluster with harvest, just keep using critical craft even if you just have vicious + renewal it is enough.
I assume that one can start cheap with critical harvest crafting and get Vicious bite + Renewal, right?
Thanks again for the fun build!
Yeah, sorry I didn't say much about it in the video! 3 mod jewel is best, but you can use 2 mod. Or even 1 mod (just vicious bite!). I played most of archnemesis with 1 mod large jewel because it was too annoying to take it out for harvest crafting :P
I think I will change my recommend to vicious bite + feasting fiends though. A little bit of leech will help your main minions!
For 3.18, I'm changing the builds a little to 1 cluster set and you can use 8-12pt large. I think this will make it easier for people to start using cluster jewels and also you can self-craft your own instead of paying someone 5ex or 10ex.
Thanks for finding mistake!! I have so many build so sometimes I forget to check everything!
Hey Kayella, thanks for your builds. I had tons of fun with your skelly mages last league (strong and almost immortal with with max block and molten shell). I 'm going for your carrion golems build this time, so was wondering when you would have your changes out for the updated carrion golems build?
Also, I see in your leveling guide you are mainly using skeletons. For carrion golems build, do you think carrion golem can also be used for levelling? And how do you think these two match up against absolution?
Thanks again for your guides, theyre amazing.
Postado porGeobruh#4086em 11 de mai de 2022 16:06:52
Hey guys is there a written animate weapon guide that i could follow rather than a utube or POB guide?
Would prefer to stick with Kay's if possible.
Postado porEDMOSES#3434em 11 de mai de 2022 18:57:18
EDMOSES escreveu:
Hey guys is there a written animate weapon guide that i could follow rather than a utube or POB guide?
Would prefer to stick with Kay's if possible.
I have an AW build
My big advice is level up with SRS+skele (minion army) until you get bladefall in act 3. AW with weapons on ground is not reliable...
You can use the Minion Army passive tree (no clusters).
I a lot of mid league in 3.17 with a low buget AW build. Even Sirus fight and resummoning AW during 3rd phase :) Remember to focus on tankiness.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: 🔶🔷🔶
Postado porkayella#0845em 11 de mai de 2022 21:52:19
Geobruh escreveu:
Hey Kayella, thanks for your builds. I had tons of fun with your skelly mages last league (strong and almost immortal with with max block and molten shell). I 'm going for your carrion golems build this time, so was wondering when you would have your changes out for the updated carrion golems build?
Also, I see in your leveling guide you are mainly using skeletons. For carrion golems build, do you think carrion golem can also be used for levelling? And how do you think these two match up against absolution?
Thanks again for your guides, theyre amazing.
Level up with Elementalist so you get 4 golems without jewel and clayshaper.
Buy clayshaper if it's cheap. 5 golems will carry you easily. Change to necro for more DPS when you get the jewels.
I didn't have time to try levelling up with pure golems, but I think it will be OK. good point is no resummoning. bad point is melee minion slow clearing.
You can run 4L skitterbots to help with clear.
Not sure when I can make the update... soon I hope :\
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: 🔶🔷🔶
Postado porkayella#0845em 11 de mai de 2022 22:09:29
Once again thanks Kay, your help and support is valuable.
Postado porEDMOSES#3434em 11 de mai de 2022 23:25:38
EDMOSES escreveu:
Once again thanks Kay, your help and support is valuable.
No worries :) Good luck with league :)
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: 🔶🔷🔶
Postado porkayella#0845em 12 de mai de 2022 11:03:20