👻3.20👻 Kay's Summoner💥SRS Bomber💀Poison SRS💀Melee SRS🕷️Spiders💀Skeleton Mages

BoondockSaint escreveu:
Hi Kay, few questions pls about srs build.

1. I plan to use curse spectre as support for my srs build, which curse is better in your opinion, flammability or vulnerability as offensive curse?

2. I don't scale auras, so which offensive aura should i use, hatred or pride since i ll be using vitality and 1 off aura and 1 off curse?

3. I won't be taking misstres of sacrifice, so idk which offering is better to buff my minions for dmg, Flesh or Spirit offering?

4. Also are Carnage and Host Chieftan worth it for srs and do i need to use Lifetap with them?

SRS is 100% fire conversion now, so Flammability. But I prefer Punishement because it works for all damage type, adds explosion damage and makes bosses die faster after 50% HP.

Hatred is always the best. It gives the biggest damage bonus. I use it for melee SRS (DPS version).

Flesh is better because you don't reduce chaos res.

Don't need lifetap anymore! Carnage first then Host. Crit damage is very strong with minions, so I think you should use it.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
MattiaV escreveu:
League starting as skeleton mage isn't fine right since damage will be bad till you grab a Dead Reckoning? Just start as army necro and reroll later on?

Correct, I did that with scourge without issue. I built up some currency before making the switch as a 5 link Fleshcrafter is important to start with.

kayella escreveu:
6_din_49 escreveu:
You can also go for rare gloves with "% chance to Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit" or "% chance to Unnerve Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit", depending on minions used.

I am updating my AG guide for 3.17 finally! I will recommend rare gloves with corrupted blood mod.

I think a lot of people lose AG in Sirus fight because of die beam + corrupted blood. There is no way to clear it, so this mod will help keep AG alive. Sirus is now just fragment boss, but who knows about other bosses and monsters in future?
Had no idea this mod can roll on gloves, lol.

For Sirus, shock + spinning lasers + ignite are also painful, I'm not sure a 40k hp AG can survive two Die beams in last phase.
kayella escreveu:
SRS is 100% fire conversion now, so Flammability. But I prefer Punishement because it works for all damage type, adds explosion damage and makes bosses die faster after 50% HP.

Hatred is always the best. It gives the biggest damage bonus. I use it for melee SRS (DPS version).

Since SRS are now 100% fire, is hatred really better than using flammability + anger ?
Never thought about Punishment though, sounds like a good alternative to ele weakness to increase both SRS fire dmg and hatred's ice dmg.
You should add it on your build first page ^^

No offensive auras worth for SRS Bomber ? I see you're using only Tempest shield ?
Harvest in a nutshell : https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/48/6/1701517918-poeh.jpg
Ultimatum : https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/48/6/1701517789-ultimatum-league.png
Expedition : https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/48/6/1701518028-poe-expedition-in-a-nutshell.png
kayella escreveu:
BoondockSaint escreveu:
Hi Kay, few questions pls about srs build.

1. I plan to use curse spectre as support for my srs build, which curse is better in your opinion, flammability or vulnerability as offensive curse?

2. I don't scale auras, so which offensive aura should i use, hatred or pride since i ll be using vitality and 1 off aura and 1 off curse?

3. I won't be taking misstres of sacrifice, so idk which offering is better to buff my minions for dmg, Flesh or Spirit offering?

4. Also are Carnage and Host Chieftan worth it for srs and do i need to use Lifetap with them?

SRS is 100% fire conversion now, so Flammability. But I prefer Punishement because it works for all damage type, adds explosion damage and makes bosses die faster after 50% HP.

Hatred is always the best. It gives the biggest damage bonus. I use it for melee SRS (DPS version).

Flesh is better because you don't reduce chaos res.

Don't need lifetap anymore! Carnage first then Host. Crit damage is very strong with minions, so I think you should use it.

Thx for answering. I think i will go with Hatred with generosity and Defiler spectre with Ele weakness. Shame there is no spectre that casts punishment. Also i ll take both chieftans. TY vm.

Also last question. How much accuracy do i need for my melee SRS build. I can't seem to find answer anywhere. People say just take what is on the talent tree, should be enough.
But do you maybe know would like 2-3 ghastly jewels with like 300 minion acc be enough, or maybe Gravepact wheel on passive tree would be enough?

Or should i not aim for any accuracy for minions?
Última edição por BoondockSaint#2040 em 2 de fev de 2022 07:04:13
Romados escreveu:
Correct, I did that with scourge without issue. I built up some currency before making the switch as a 5 link Fleshcrafter is important to start with.

Actually, I think it's fine to start the build as soon as you get Dead Reckoning + Tabula.

I just uploaded my skele mages build and I also included transition build (no fleshcrafter) :)
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
6_din_49 escreveu:
]Had no idea this mod can roll on gloves, lol.

For Sirus, shock + spinning lasers + ignite are also painful, I'm not sure a 40k hp AG can survive two Die beams in last phase.

I think many people don't know? I noticed a lot of people still recommending Southbound...

40k life AG is a big risk! I always try to get close to 100k...
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
fistoz escreveu:
kayella escreveu:
SRS is 100% fire conversion now, so Flammability. But I prefer Punishement because it works for all damage type, adds explosion damage and makes bosses die faster after 50% HP.

Hatred is always the best. It gives the biggest damage bonus. I use it for melee SRS (DPS version).

Since SRS are now 100% fire, is hatred really better than using flammability + anger ?
Never thought about Punishment though, sounds like a good alternative to ele weakness to increase both SRS fire dmg and hatred's ice dmg.
You should add it on your build first page ^^

No offensive auras worth for SRS Bomber ? I see you're using only Tempest shield ?

Anger is only good if you have a low level SRS. It only gives +155 damage vs Hatred 29% phys gained as cold.

It's easy to get Level 25 SRS even with bad gear. 136 cold vs 131 fire (include SRS 15% added damage penalty)

The Minion Instability explosion doesn't seem to scale from any aura, so just use defensive auras :)

🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
BoondockSaint escreveu:
Thx for answering. I think i will go with Hatred with generosity and Defiler spectre with Ele weakness. Shame there is no spectre that casts punishment. Also i ll take both chieftans. TY vm.

Also last question. How much accuracy do i need for my melee SRS build. I can't seem to find answer anywhere. People say just take what is on the talent tree, should be enough.
But do you maybe know would like 2-3 ghastly jewels with like 300 minion acc be enough, or maybe Gravepact wheel on passive tree would be enough?

Or should i not aim for any accuracy for minions?

Accuracy is only a problem for low level minions, but you can get level 25 SRS with bad gear (21 SRS, +2 unnatural strength, +1 fire wand, +1 fire shield). It will have enough accuracy :)

I will update melee SRS guide tomorrow :)
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Retired 3.16 build


>>> Watch build guide video on YouTube <<<

Key mechanics: Skeleton Warriors Necromancer


1. Aggressive Skeleton Warriors / Skeleton Army
Summon Skeletons/Vaal Summon Skeletons with Maw of Madness for aggressive (teleport) From Dust

2. Phys/Impale
Scaling physical damage with impale + dread banner + pride aura.

3. Double Curse with Vixen's Entrapment
Poacher's Mark 20% quality for frenzy charges and Punishment.

4. Support minions
Carrion Golem for extra base damage. Linked to Feeding frenzy and maim for extra buff/debuff.

*One socket is available for Animate Guardian.

Passive Tree & Jewels, Ascendancy, Pantheon and PoB Pastebin


Use POB Community Fork*

No awaken, No influence POB: https://pastebin.com/kx9z05cR
Full build POB: https://pastebin.com/L5xQFMF5

1. Minion Offence: Minions attacks overwhelm 20% physical damage reduction
2. Minion Offence: 20% increased effect of Offerings
3. Mana: 15% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
4. Life: +50 to maximum life
5. Life: 10% increased life/10% reduced recovery


• From Dust
• Ghastly Eye: Taunt, Life, Damage


• 2x Large (8 or 9 points): Call to the Slaughter, Renewal (optional: Feasting Fiends)
• 1x Medium (4 or 5 points): Blessed Rebirth (optional: Renewal)
• 1x Small: Fortress Covenant
• 1x Small: Quickening Covenant
• 1x Small (2 points): Surging Vitality
• 1x Small (2 points): Enduring Composure

*Blessed Rebirth makes skeletons immune to damage for 4s when summoned. It is very important!


Kill all


1. Commander of Darkness
2. Mindless Aggression
3. Unnatural Strength
4. Mistress of Sacrifice


Major: Lunaris
Minor: Shakari

Gear, Gems Links & Flasks


Enchant: +40% skeleton damage

Maw of Mischief gives makes Skeletons aggressive so you don't need to link Feeding Frenzy. Aggressive gives skeleton warriors Dash skill so they will teleport to enemies.

Dread Banner + Generosity (+impale in 6L) will give skele 100% impale chance.

Self-cast Punishment will trigger Poacher's Mark in gloves.


Extra gem levels:
+1 active gem = shaper / warlord.
+1 intelligence = faceted fossil.
+2 duration = corruption

If you feel mapping is a bit slow, you can try swapping multistrike to melee splash.


Vixen's Entrapment will trigger socketed curse when you self-cast another curse.

Enchance 4 gives 24% quality to linked gems:

Poacher's Mark 20% quality gives 5% chance to get frenzy charge. 44% quality gives 11% chance.

Pride 20% has 40% increased range. 44% quality is 88% increased range.

Level 1 Flame Dash for mana efficiency. 20% qualty is 10% cooldown. 44% is 24%.


+2 minion boots from delve

Feeding Frenzy to buff skeletons.

Maim to make enemies take more phys damage.

Can swap:


Try to get +1 minion gems and +1 spell gems (+2 total)
Alternative: +1 gem and minion damage or just minion damage (cheap)
*Trigger craft recommended.

Triggered spells cost extra mana, so use arcane surge to increase mana regen.


You can use two weapons (more DPS) or a shield (tankiness)

Gem links are same for shield or two weapons.

Set CWDT and IC to about 30% HP.



+1 int (Hunter) or +1 int/+1 skele (Hunter + Elder)

Anoint with Death Attunement
When you anoint Death Attunment on your amulet, you can refund the passive points and use them in another place.

+1 to Maximum number of Spectres
Minions have 8% increased Attack Speed
Minions have 8% increased Cast Speed
+1 to Maximum number of Raised Zombies
+1 to Maximum number of Skeletons


Recommend: minion speed to help with clear speed.


Panicked Divine Flask of Staunching - instant life flask & remove bleed
Jade of Dousing - extra evasion & remove burning
Quicksilver of Adrenaline - increased movement speed
Quartz Flask of Heat - phasing & remove freeze
Granite Flask of Iron Skin - extra armour (physical damage reduction)


Build Cost & Trade Links


>>> Watch build guide video on YouTube <<<

Key mechanics: Skeleton Mages Necromancer


[summon skeletons]
The build requires Dead Reckoning. It changes you summon skeletons skill gem to summon Skeleton Mages that cast fire, cold or lightning projectiles.

[flesh crafter]
The other required unique is Fleshcrafter, which allow the mages to completely ignore all elemental resistances.

[maw of mischief]
Maw of Mischief reduces the cost of summoning skeles.

[double curse]
Vixen’s Entrapment gives you double curse.
We have punishment in the shield and assassin’s mark in the gloves. So, when you self-cast punishment, it will trigger assassin’s mark.

[support minions]
The build uses 1 host and 2 carnage chieftains to provide frenzy and power charges.
The host chieftain and assassin’s mark will help make sure you mages have power charges in boss fights.

Passive Tree & Jewels, Ascendancy, Pantheon and PoB Pastebin


Use POB Community Fork*

Full build POB: https://pastebin.com/yZkmYfQT
No Fleshcrafter, No awaken, No influence POB: https://pastebin.com/tYrqx6T8

1. Minion Offence: Minions have 100% increased critical strike chance
2. Minion Offence: 20% increased effect of Offerings
3. Mana: 15% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
4. Life: +50 to maximum life
5. Life: 10% increased life/10% reduced recovery


• Dead Reckoning
• Ghastly Eye: Life, Damage


• 2x Large (8 or 9 points): Call to the Slaughter, Renewal (optional: Feasting Fiends)
• 1x Medium (4 or 5 points): Blessed Rebirth (optional: Renewal)
• 1x Small: Fortress Covenant
• 1x Small: Quickening Covenant
• 1x Small (2 points): Surging Vitality
• 1x Small (2 points): Enduring Composure

*Blessed Rebirth makes skeletons immune to damage for 4s when summoned. It is very important!


Kill all


1. Commander of Darkness
2. Mindless Aggression
3. Unnatural Strength
4. Mistress of Sacrifice


Major: Lunaris
Minor: Shakari

Gear, Gems Links & Flasks


Enchant: +40% skeleton damage

Maw of Mischief reduces cost of summoning skeles

Zealotry + Generosity gives extra damage and crit chance.

Skitterbots + Ailments for shock effect on enemies.


You must use Fleshcrafter

For bossing, you can swap pierce to hypothermia for more damage. And if you have a white socket, you can swap to elemental focus instead.

Note that spell echo gives lets you summon 8 skeles at once, but the mages don’t get the double cast. However, they do get more cast speed.

*You can skip Awakened SE if it's too expensive.


Vixen's Entrapment will trigger socketed curse when you self-cast another curse.

Enchance 4 gives 24% quality to linked gems:

Assassin's Mark 20% quality gives 5% chance to get power charge. 44% quality gives 11% chance.

Level 1 Flame Dash for mana efficiency. 20% qualty is 10% cooldown. 44% is 24%.

Faster Casting is extra QoL for Flame Dash!


+2 minion boots from delve

Feeding Frenzy to buff skeletons.

The chieftain spectres have a small mana pool and low mana regen, so lifetap lets them quickly recast their power and frenzy charges.
They have low HP, so link to Minion Life to keep them alive.


Try to get +1 minion gems and +1 spell gems (+2 total)
Alternative: +1 gem and minion damage or just minion damage (cheap)
*Trigger craft recommended.

Triggered spells cost extra mana, so use arcane surge to increase mana regen.


You can use two weapons (more DPS) or a shield (tankiness)


The curse should be UNLINKED (for self-cast):

Gem links are same for shield or two weapons.

Set CWDT and IC to about 30% HP.



+1 int (Hunter) or +1 int/+1 skele (Hunter + Elder)

Anoint with Death Attunement
When you anoint Death Attunment on your amulet, you can refund the passive points and use them in another place.

+1 to Maximum number of Spectres
Minions have 8% increased Attack Speed
Minions have 8% increased Cast Speed
+1 to Maximum number of Raised Zombies
+1 to Maximum number of Skeletons


Recommend: minion speed to help with clear speed.


Life: Instant Recovery when on Low Life + Bleed removal
Prefix: Startled, Frightened, Alarmed, Terrified, Panicked
of Sealing, of Alleviation, of Allaying, of Assuaging

Panicked Divine Flask of Staunching - instant life flask & remove bleed
Jade of Dousing - extra evasion & remove burning
Quicksilver of Adrenaline - increased movement speed
Quartz Flask of Heat - phasing & remove freeze
Granite Flask of Iron Skin - extra armour (physical damage reduction)


🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶

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