Ban the person above you

Banned for being able to hear text.
banned because INB4 you could edit able into your post.
'An open mind is like a Fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded'.
Banned for lying. It's been there right along.
^Banned for moving right along.
"Withdrawing in disgust is not the same as apathy"

Banned in the name of me!
^Banned because it's been a while for me.
If GGG chickens made an action RPG, what would it be called? Path of Eggxile, a Peck 'n' Slash RPG.
Why was the helmet spluttering? It was a coif.
Banned for sexual language
'It is good to contact a moderator if you feel someone is being a twat' Charan, Forum Moderator

Sometimes, we have to cross a ditch.
Sometimes, we have to cross an ocean.-Rhys, GGG
Banned for failing to ban someone that totally didn't ban someone.

Banned for exceedingly high volume of far to clever troll posting
IGN: EviiLe

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