New Forum Policy: No Hateful Posts

Yay! Excellent move GGG!
runnin17 escreveu:
Meh, I understand the change, but it might help a bit if GGG would make good on some of the promises it has made to the player base.

Great game, has tons of potential. Many bugs and crap to fix. Seems Chris just doesn't care that much at this point IMO. Hope I am wrong and GGG turns it around, but I have serious doubts.

What promises? Besides, player owned leagues and cutthroat... pretty sure everything else is in.
"the premier Action RPG for hardcore gamers."

Happy hunting/fishing
This is great to hear. I feel my conviction in supporting GGG further bolstered with their continued active stance in keeping the community clean and progressive.
I am with you all the way!! Excellent move!!
Charanjaydemyr escreveu:

So here's to hoping this move, this outcry of No More, signals a return to form for what was and should be again one of the great free to play communities.

PoE falls, no more.
not play again for two weeks, waiting for the main character passives ...

When guild Stash repaired? Guild introduced, and the normal operation when organizing? Moving Stash tab, logs?
You know you've got a god-awful community when even the main people over at the game have to step in and make topics like this and make a "new policy" (which is no different, a bit wanky really)
why will "in before nurf" getting deleted?

thats not hateful at all.
"Path of nurfs" - LVL 100 + LVL 100 + LVL 100 ENDGAME REAVER
"1.3.0 Path of nurfs 3. expansion"
Shops: 1031762,774343,883462,371756,1091096,1099789,1260674
Reaver Videos:
Good. Maybe the devs will now be able to start reading this forum again. There are things in the game that DO need addressing, but who can blame them for not wanting to wade through the cesspool the forums have become.
Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt
Tempest/War Bands T shirt
Love this change!
How to make a build:
Current guides: N/A

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