Love playing PoE? Tired of trading or RMT - or do you enjoy either? Vote here!

Targeted loot tables for specific bosses to drop specific build enabling uniques, no more weighting of fusing/jewler orbs specifically intended to fuck you, and no more dropping lvl 1 base items with lvl 65 mods, or lvl 65 base items rolling lvl 1 mods, and I'd be all over it.
No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
Already 175 votes. That means that there will probably 10000 votes in favour after a few months. Looking good. GOGO SFL! Raise your dongers Kappa
gotta love selection bias
IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
demivion escreveu:
gotta love selection bias

Actually, you might be surprised by this. For the first two days the poll was only in the Feedback forum, with a much more bland title about a SFL - at that point (after c.100 votes, it was tracking over 93% in favour or maybe in favour of a test SFL (7% not in favour). With the more emotive title in General Discussion, the balance has swung back a bit to be about 86% in favour or maybe in favour (14% not in favour).

I think the reason is that, when I had "Self Found League" in the title, only proonents of a SFL clicked the thread and read the message/poll - however, when I gave it a mroe emotive title, more people (including nay-sayers) have voted.

I am pleased we seem to have a broader spectrum of voters now.

Why do you need a league to play self found ? that's beyond me.
If you are asking for an easy loot mode, then go play D3.
Thotor escreveu:
Why do you need a league to play self found ? that's beyond me.
If you are asking for an easy loot mode, then go play D3.

The contention is that playing self found in a trading league is nothing like playing in a dedicated Self Found League. This is because the compare/compete mindset of online gaming (including PoE) is core to the gamer's experience. Does that help explain why this SFL movement exists?

And no, I don't believe the majority of proponents are seeking an easy loot mode, but thanks for eating the low hanging fruit anyway.

Thotor escreveu:
that's beyond me.

think harder
Phrazz escreveu:
Yes it would. You can play SF as it is

You can, but the experience is rather lackluster.

Everyone KNOWS that when a game is centered around trading, drop rates are too. The drop rates in PoE is designed with trading in mind, forcing players to trade - IF they want to enjoy most of the things the games has to offer.

If you enjoy playing SF - AND have a life (you know, kids, girlfriends, family etc.), you can forget about 5L, crafting and end game maps.

I just don't understand why GGG aren't interested in keeping that player base, because it's a big player base. We HAVE leagues. So why not? Give players a choice.

GGG wont make the game easier especially for people that play self found compared to what they want us to do, trade. The game will never be easier than SC.

SFL and increased drop rates go hand in hand and thats why it will never happen.

There are no other reasons to play SFL than better drop rates therefore you can play SF already without participating in trading.

Anarchy was easier than standard in that it had desync flasks and evasion flasks.

If you claim a league that had an increase of drop rates but no trading is easier than a league with trading, without figures of those increased rates or information on what exactly was increased, just point blank easier because there is an increase of some sort, somewhere, while disregarding the potentially much greater offset of no trading; then you have to agree that anarchy was easier because of the flasks.

There is no getting out of this, if the 'can't be easier' card was a rule to be taken as strictly as is taken by you and others when opposing a SFL, then none of the leagues other than standard and hardcore would ever have been passed.

You also played the 'splitting the community' card. Again, very poor. If splitting the community was an issue, it would be more of an issue splitting the shopping and grouping community than giving a choice separation of part of the community that either don't trade or would rather not trade and also a large number that don't group, either. Yet, again, the 4 month leagues cleaved right through the population without a care.

There are many reasons SFL isn't the answer. Neither you, GGG nor most of your fellow anti-SFLers can find those reasons and throw these lame excuses, daily.

She's a witch, she likely needs to burn, but not because she weighs the same as a duck and not because of that parsnip you stuck on her nose. Claiming so just makes you look, well, silly. Not least because you are all along fully supporting other duck-weighted parsnip faced friends.
Casually casual.

Última edição por TheAnuhart em 25 de mar de 2014 10:58:13
TheAnuhart escreveu:
Anarchy was easier than standard in that it had desync flasks and evasion flasks.


have you seen Ambush cartographer box screenshots?

these "easier than baseline" drones maybe should go play D3 themselves...
SFL.. already doing SFL other than currency trading, which I could do at vendors but it's more fun to scam noobs out of their currency drops. That is the point to the trade system right ? Wasn't it even mentioned that it was the point of trade to feed the pyramid scheme for 4 months, rinse and repeat every 4 months?

I hate, nay LOATHE, the WTB & WTS/public party board and who can spam useless shit the fastest channel. Actually the trade channel reminds me an aweful lot like a real time stock ticker. Except you can't monitor a single stock so you are watching the whole exchange listing fly by with an update( spam ) every couple seconds.

Alas there will never be SFL, since how are the P2W'ers going to RMT ?

echo "The world is full of smart people" |sed -e 's/smart people/sheep/'

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