PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

I keep getting this error.
[Error] Access to the path 'C:\Users\Velocity\Downloads\Procurement.1.5.4\' is denied.
Última edição por VelocitySC em 5 de jun de 2014 00:33:10
VelocitySC escreveu:
I keep getting this error.
[Error] Access to the path 'C:\Users\Velocity\Downloads\Procurement.1.5.4\' is denied.

This has happened to me before as well, just retype all your info in and don't copy paste.
To Die Is Not An Option, To Fight Until DIESync Is The Only Answer. ☺☻☺

Happy Hunting Exiles.
Apologies if this has already been asked, I can't seem to find a search-in-thread option :)

Stickymadness - how difficult would it be to replace WPF with another windowing toolkit? I have no Windows boxes, and Mono have no implementation of WPF at all, so I can't run Procurement, which makes me a sad panda, as manging a shop thread by hand is painful (as we all know, or we wouldn't be reading this thread).

I'm assuming the answer is going to be "no chance what-so-ever" - I know I certainly wouldn't want to do such a piece of work on my own apps. But on the offchance you want to support other operatingsystems, I'd be happy to help test... I do suck at C# though (I'm more of a Ruby/Rails guy).

Cool app, in any case - nice work!
Uhm. I have set buyout tabs for my Ambush League.
But it also counts for my standard league. Now im selling standard items for 2 Chaos because they are in the same tab...surely you can specify tab AND league in the buyouts.xml ?
Última edição por RagnarokX em 6 de jun de 2014 18:56:59
Ok, since 1.5.4, I can't get Trading Forum Export to generate anything.

I have a template set up that used to work in 1.4.0, but now it doesn't work.

Template (note the spoilers will get rendered)

Welcome to my shop! (Last Updated {LastUpdated}),

My IGN is {IGN}. Please message me in game or leave me a PM if something catches your eye.

~b/o 1 chaos


~b/o 2 chaos


~b/o 4 chaos


~b/o 10 chaos


Thanks for visiting!

I have tabs named "$1c", "$2c", "$4c" and "$10c" and want to set a buyout for each tab.

I even tried to use the Buyouts.xml file as such and still nothing generated.


<!--Add your tabwide buyouts here Eg"-->
<!--<Item id="TabNameHere" value="1 chaos" />-->
<Item id="$1c" value="1 chaos" />
<Item id="$2c" value="2 chaos" />
<Item id="$4c" value="4 chaos" />
<Item id="$10c" value="10 chaos" />

Yes, I restarted Procurement after the changes.

Thanks for any help.
Dregos escreveu:
Ok, since 1.5.4, I can't get Trading Forum Export to generate anything.
Thanks for any help.

I guess there is no support for this app. Not even from users. :(

Anyway I unzipped into a totally different folder and started over. This time instead of overwriting the default template file, I added my own template file and added it to the Settings.xml's AdditionalTemplates section. I also added just my trading tabs to "MyTabs" to try to reduce the loading time. When started app and selected the Trading tab, it seems nothing happened again. The template selected was the default, but nothing showed. (This may be ok because no tabs were selected on the left). I then selected my template and it showed my template filled out. Not sure what the problem was but at least it's working now.

Just wanted to detail my solution in case it may help anyone out.

A suggestion would be to have a forum of it's own somewhere else so it's easier to get and provide help. It's just a pain going through or searching all the posts in a huge thread like this.
Última edição por Dregos em 8 de jun de 2014 12:22:36
search/filter for each character's Inventry plz
I can't remember which character is having gem.
Great program, simple to use.

What I would like to see in the "Advanced Search" or just the ability to search for items which have "Leech as Life/Mana" affix/mod.

Thanks again for a great program and continued updates!
Your grandchildren will awaken screaming in memory of what I utter today.
can someone teach me how to edit the buyout xml setting so i can have a stash-wide buyout
the wiki doesnt explain it clearly
Hey, I got my shop up and running, but when I search for my item on XYZ, the wrong character name is listed. I don't know how the character got selected, it wasn't the character in the corner of my screen when I scanned my tabs or anything. Anyway. That character is never online but I don't wanna delete it.

How do I change the character names on XYZ?

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