PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

elitedesolator escreveu:
Not sure if you've had other users run into this problem before.


I'm in no way affiliated with Sticky (the creator) I'm just a fellow user of this awesome program, who tries to help answer questions I know the answer to, in order to lessen the load on Sticky when possible. I have no clue what the error means, ou'll have to wait for Sticky to respond, though I'd suggest going to the wiki and reporting the bug on there:

Sorry I couldn't be any real help.

kompaniet escreveu:
Excellent. Are there any plans to make it possible to do this within the program so we don't have to this in the Buyouts.xml file?

Yeah, that's the plan.

Gwmngilfen escreveu:
Apologies if this has already been asked, I can't seem to find a search-in-thread option :)

Stickymadness - how difficult would it be to replace WPF with another windowing toolkit? I have no Windows boxes, and Mono have no implementation of WPF at all, so I can't run Procurement, which makes me a sad panda, as manging a shop thread by hand is painful (as we all know, or we wouldn't be reading this thread).

I'm assuming the answer is going to be "no chance what-so-ever" - I know I certainly wouldn't want to do such a piece of work on my own apps. But on the offchance you want to support other operatingsystems, I'd be happy to help test... I do suck at C# though (I'm more of a Ruby/Rails guy).

Cool app, in any case - nice work!

Yeah I'd actually looked into wpf+mono after I first released Procurement, and linux players wanted to use the app - as you've noted there is no wpf support for mono unfortunately, so the only way to go about this would be to port everything over to something more cross platform be it java, c++, etc.

In terms of how easy it would be to replace WPF, the UI layer is pretty decently decoupled from the infrastructure and transport layers of the app, so that wouldn't really be a problem, but more that you'd have to port everything over to something more portable.

RagnarokX escreveu:
Uhm. I have set buyout tabs for my Ambush League.
But it also counts for my standard league. Now im selling standard items for 2 Chaos because they are in the same tab...surely you can specify tab AND league in the buyouts.xml ?

No, as mentioned in the wiki the buyouts use the name of a tab regardless of league.

Dregos escreveu:
Dregos escreveu:
Ok, since 1.5.4, I can't get Trading Forum Export to generate anything.
Thanks for any help.

I guess there is no support for this app. Not even from users. :(

Anyway I unzipped into a totally different folder and started over. This time instead of overwriting the default template file, I added my own template file and added it to the Settings.xml's AdditionalTemplates section. I also added just my trading tabs to "MyTabs" to try to reduce the loading time. When started app and selected the Trading tab, it seems nothing happened again. The template selected was the default, but nothing showed. (This may be ok because no tabs were selected on the left). I then selected my template and it showed my template filled out. Not sure what the problem was but at least it's working now.

Just wanted to detail my solution in case it may help anyone out.

A suggestion would be to have a forum of it's own somewhere else so it's easier to get and provide help. It's just a pain going through or searching all the posts in a huge thread like this.

There is support for the app, but it is something I'm only able to work on "when I have time". As far as a support forum etc goes, if you take a look at my first post, you'll see this image:

As you noted the forum moves too fast for me to give proper support here, so the best way to get help is on the github issue tracker or the google code issue tracker. There is also the wiki that covers several topics and has a few videos the community has made.

b0nk69 escreveu:
sorry if this was already posted but I rather not purse the 116 pages on this thread.My question is how do you post Vaal Fragments? I checked the wiki and there wasn't a code for it

There isn't a way to do this in Procurement, I'll add it in a future release.

elitedesolator escreveu:

Unable to connect to the remote server
---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

That's your issue right there, your firewall/router etc is blocking Procurement's connection to or the update check to github.

PJP2810 escreveu:


I'm in no way affiliated with Sticky (the creator) I'm just a fellow user of this awesome program, who tries to help answer questions I know the answer to, in order to lessen the load on Sticky when possible. I have no clue what the error means, ou'll have to wait for Sticky to respond, though I'd suggest going to the wiki and reporting the bug on there:

Sorry I couldn't be any real help.


The help is much appreciated!

Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
I just looked through the last 20 pages or so and I have to say to the users of this program, this guy made it for free. Has input updates continually to keep it up to date with what people are asking for in his free time so ---

HOW ABOUT SAYING THANK YOU TO HIM without tacking it onto a complaint or request for more features.
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia

Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks!

My beloved pets....

PJP2810 escreveu:
elitedesolator escreveu:
Not sure if you've had other users run into this problem before.


I'm in no way affiliated with Sticky (the creator) I'm just a fellow user of this awesome program, who tries to help answer questions I know the answer to, in order to lessen the load on Sticky when possible. I have no clue what the error means, ou'll have to wait for Sticky to respond, though I'd suggest going to the wiki and reporting the bug on there:

Sorry I couldn't be any real help.


No problem man. I submitted the bug report. Hopefully will be a way around it soon.
So im trying to setup procurement i got the alias i've set teh Value of session id to "True" i get the SSID from mozilla options AND STILL GETTING ACCESS DENIED also running as admin PLEASE HELP!!!!
why does it have to scan every single characters inventory whenever I start it up?

takes way too long, I just need it to check ambush fast.

SassyBeard escreveu:
why does it have to scan every single characters inventory whenever I start it up?

takes way too long, I just need it to check ambush fast.

Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
devia escreveu:
So im trying to setup procurement i got the alias i've set teh Value of session id to "True" i get the SSID from mozilla options AND STILL GETTING ACCESS DENIED also running as admin PLEASE HELP!!!!

Stilll cant find an answer to that problem :S
devia escreveu:
devia escreveu:
So im trying to setup procurement i got the alias i've set teh Value of session id to "True" i get the SSID from mozilla options AND STILL GETTING ACCESS DENIED also running as admin PLEASE HELP!!!!

Stilll cant find an answer to that problem :S

Have you checked the wiki? There's a guide named "Login with session ID" - it even includes a youtube video.
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
Stickymaddness escreveu:
SassyBeard escreveu:
why does it have to scan every single characters inventory whenever I start it up?

takes way too long, I just need it to check ambush fast.

thanks! I should have checked that before hand.

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