PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

Has anyone else had a problem with the b/o list showing out of order? My items are grouped as 1 chaos, then 5 chaos, 15 chaos, 2 chaos, 7 chaos b/o ahaha.

Shop thread at, hope this can be fixed. Great program though!
Kefkas escreveu:
Heya, I recently downloaded Procurement to try it out, but it's giving me a hard time. When attempting to copy to clipboard, nothing happens. It doesn't matter which- or how many tabs I tick or untick. Nothing happens at all.

What's strange is that the very first time I tried it, it worked. Though, the second attempt and everything thereafter have been unsuccessful.

If it's any help, I've tried running it in admin mode. It didn't help. I'm using Win7 if that's relevant as well.

Really hope I can get some help as this program appears to be immensely useful. Thanks!

That's pretty odd, when you tick/untick tabs is there actual text generating?

PJP2810 escreveu:
Hey Sticky,

I had an idea for a new advanced search feature, not exactly sure how easy/difficult it would be to implement or who (other than myself) would actually want to be able to search for this, but I was wondering if there could be a way to search for all items what will (and will not) show up in your shop, based off of the current forum template that is selected (and buyout options currently set).

How this idea came about

I have many tabs which I just throw my IDed rares into, and allow procurement to add any/all of those items to my shop (based on the forum template that is selected). Which allows the ok-good items in there to be added to my shop and advertised, whilst leaving the trash ones to just sit in there gathering metaphorical dust. As I don't have an infinite number of tabs (or money to buy an infinite number of tabs), eventually I will run out of space and have to sort through this dump/sale tabs and vendor the trash leaving the good stuff to stay on my shop.

However, as you might imagine, going through 10+ tabs of randomly assorted rares looking for stuff that's good enough to leave in your shop is tedious and time consuming (maybe not that time consuming in some peoples eyes, but I like to be as efficient with my time as possible).

And thus the idea to be able to search for all the items that aren't showing up on my shop anyway (because they're trash), so that I can know where they are and vendor them all quickly came about. Since they are literally never going to get sold since they are not even being advertised.

As I said, I'm not sure how easy/difficult this would be to code in. However, I do know I'd love this to be an option especially with the ability to combine this search with other categories so you could look though all the helmets you have for sale, or all the gems you are advertising on your shop page.



It would be a bit of work, but possible. It would first have to parse your forum template and work out what your template has in it, the other issue would come in with which tabs you normally select, and lastly I think it could potentially be a bit slow.

Bermag escreveu:
Yes I have thought it might be something like that. There does not seem to be any tags to catch rest of the gems. Will try to look into documentation and see.

There are gem template tags for every category imaginable, the issue is that there are so many categories for gems in PoE that I can't think of a nice generic template for all the gem types, so it is up to the user to look at the wiki and come up with a template that suits their need.

kamilrogoz escreveu:
Thank you Sticky for creating this software!
I'm playing for couple of months now but could never get into trading as much as I want to.
There was an AH in every MMO I've play in the past and could not stand the way its done here. Boring, unpractical and time consuming... until today.
As I created another few mule characters for my loot I decided to give trade another shot and did some research on forum.
So I created my first shop few hours ago by using Procurment and PoEMarkets as a price checker.
In last two hours I've sold around 15 items which gave me 47 chaos and couple of great traded items.

Always nice to hear success stories, glad Procurement has been so helpful!

_Eddi_ escreveu:
anybody got this to work in wine?

To my knowledge no one uses Procurement via wine, my suggestion would be to rather try run it in a WinXP VM.

Hi, First, thanks for these great app.
I downloaded the source but it seems i got some compability issue with VS 2013, will soon load it on vs 2010.

I came to say thanks and off course ask a few questions:
The "leveled up gem" filter has been ditched ?

could you give me a little pointer about where you did the filter, that way i could add mine and give it back to you.

I stopped running a shop and bought tab instead..but now, the only mean i have to do a search is to publish then to use to search for what i need ( +dex or +att items, corrupted item etc ;)

hf and see you im gonna play a bit :)

Thanks for the support, for your questions:

1.) I use VS2013 - make sure you're opening Procurement.sln

2.) Leveled up gem filter has been replaced with more granular ones, ie: {Level3Gems}, {Level15Gems} etc, the advanced search for leveled gems is currently bugged - will be fixed soon.

3.) Advanced search now has Increased Str/Dex/Int

LadyLoriana escreveu:
Has anyone else had a problem with the b/o list showing out of order? My items are grouped as 1 chaos, then 5 chaos, 15 chaos, 2 chaos, 7 chaos b/o ahaha.

Shop thread at, hope this can be fixed. Great program though!

I'll look into that, how are you doing your buyouts, tab wide?
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
Thanks, will look into it,currently my runtime error are due to some Library :)

good job!


found a workaround for the character screen (Inventory), using the keyboard Arrow is the only way to check for the 8th to the 24th character :)
striked cause irelevant found the 5 chance recipe inthe code i should not have the needed item in stock, will check tomorrow, but i think i have many where i have 3: 1 unique, 1 rare, and i miss the blue or the white one

5 Chances: 1 of each rarity, i think it hasent been implemented yet.


In the Advanced search, you have put Cold, Lightning and fire damage, but not phys damage.
I dunno if that is feasible, but separatiing the radio button with a line for exemple:

all micro transactions
All elemental resistance
Chaos Resistance
Cold Resistance
Dual Resistance
Fire Resistance
Lightning Resistance
Triple Resistance

and so on, but i m'thinking that it's issued from a Template and could be very difficult to sort or modify (need some sleeps before diving in the architecture :O )

By the way:
Recipe tab---> TExt are truncated for
1 or of alchemy
2 orb of augmentation
1 rb of augmentation

Same in compact mode

that's all for a small (intented )edit

You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
Última edição por WIKARINA em 18 de jul de 2014 22:37:48
Stickymaddness escreveu:

LadyLoriana escreveu:
Has anyone else had a problem with the b/o list showing out of order? My items are grouped as 1 chaos, then 5 chaos, 15 chaos, 2 chaos, 7 chaos b/o ahaha.

Shop thread at, hope this can be fixed. Great program though!

I'll look into that, how are you doing your buyouts, tab wide?

Nope, my buyouts are for each individual item. My settings are embed buyouts, with buyouts items only visible in buyouts tag and only display items with buyout both turned off.

Thank you very much for looking into this!
IDEA: Add a function as in Diablo 3, when you press the right mouse button on item in your stesh(Procurement window), further, "Procurement" automatically opens a web page & then automatically fill the modifier window to search for separate items.
"meaning of the idea is that when we automatically go to the site, there is automatic search fields are filled with the values ​​that are listed on an item".

It is possible ?

P.S. Sorry for my bad English. i Hope you understand what i'm trying to say :) ? big thnx for program !
SC legues V
Hi, can someone give me some help here? I put a few flasks on my "sell" tab, gave them a price and proceeded to copy/paste everything to my shop thread, but the flasks don't show up there. Everything else copies just fine, except the flasks.

Thanks and sorry if this has been answered before. I googled, but didn't see anything that helped.

Edit: I've just noticed that gems that don't fit any particular category aren't showing up either (like arc).
Última edição por Ithilien em 23 de jul de 2014 13:15:35
All right, I'm having an unfortunate, troublesome error. :(

Procurement *was* working fine for me. However, I think my cookies must have expired this morning, because it was time to re-enter login information on all my sites. This happens sometimes. However. I can now no longer log in to Procurement. Before you ask, I did update my sessionID information to reflect the new login cookie, but now Procurement gives me the message Error: The interface is unknown. This is a message in the Procurement login window, not a popup message from Windows or anything like that. I tried redownloading Procurement, but that didn't help either. I did a Google search for this problem but didn't find anything; I also ran a Find search on the Issues page but nothing came up there either. (Sorry if this is already addressed there and I'm just blind.)

I'm going to try restarting my computer quick to see if this fixes the problem. If so, I'll post here to let you know.

UPDATE: My apologies. Restarting my computer and getting new cookies from fixed the problem.
Última edição por AllisonW em 23 de jul de 2014 06:11:34
Thanks, will look into it,currently my runtime error are due to some Library :)

good job!


found a workaround for the character screen (Inventory), using the keyboard Arrow is the only way to check for the 8th to the 24th character :)
striked cause irelevant found the 5 chance recipe inthe code i should not have the needed item in stock, will check tomorrow, but i think i have many where i have 3: 1 unique, 1 rare, and i miss the blue or the white one

5 Chances: 1 of each rarity, i think it hasent been implemented yet.


In the Advanced search, you have put Cold, Lightning and fire damage, but not phys damage.
I dunno if that is feasible, but separatiing the radio button with a line for exemple:

all micro transactions
All elemental resistance
Chaos Resistance
Cold Resistance
Dual Resistance
Fire Resistance
Lightning Resistance
Triple Resistance

and so on, but i m'thinking that it's issued from a Template and could be very difficult to sort or modify (need some sleeps before diving in the architecture :O )

By the way:
Recipe tab---> TExt are truncated for
1 or of alchemy
2 orb of augmentation
1 rb of augmentation

Same in compact mode

that's all for a small (intented )edit


I'll look into the category separation for the advanced search, and the false positive for recipes.

AllisonW escreveu:
UPDATE: My apologies. Restarting my computer and getting new cookies from fixed the problem.

Glad you got it sorted.

Ithilien escreveu:
Hi, can someone give me some help here? I put a few flasks on my "sell" tab, gave them a price and proceeded to copy/paste everything to my shop thread, but the flasks don't show up there. Everything else copies just fine, except the flasks.

Thanks and sorry if this has been answered before. I googled, but didn't see anything that helped.

Edit: I've just noticed that gems that don't fit any particular category aren't showing up either (like arc).

Check the wiki, flasks aren't in the default template, you need to add them. For gems, again look at the wiki, there are far too many categories for there to be a generic layout in the template (If someone has one, feel free to share it with me and I'll add it), so you need to create your own based - the wiki has a list of tags you can use, eg:

ColdSpellGems, BowAttackGems, etc

zaregu escreveu:
IDEA: Add a function as in Diablo 3, when you press the right mouse button on item in your stesh(Procurement window), further, "Procurement" automatically opens a web page & then automatically fill the modifier window to search for separate items.
"meaning of the idea is that when we automatically go to the site, there is automatic search fields are filled with the values ​​that are listed on an item".

It is possible ?

P.S. Sorry for my bad English. i Hope you understand what i'm trying to say :) ? big thnx for program !

This would require a fair bit of work and integration with, which while possible I don't have the time for unfortunately.
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
Encountered this error:

"[Error] Username or password incorrect. User"

Pretty sure my username and pw tallies as I still can login to

Some help here please? Procurement has been so awesome, can't live without it!
found answer
Última edição por POEhavshiy em 24 de jul de 2014 13:08:44

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