PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

Masonic_ escreveu:
Encountered this error:

"[Error] Username or password incorrect. User"

Pretty sure my username and pw tallies as I still can login to

Some help here please? Procurement has been so awesome, can't live without it!

There's not much I can do with that error unfortunately, if GGG returns invalid username/password, that's what their server returns.

Quite a while back there was someone who had this issue, we never managed to track down the cause, but it did eventually start working again.

So the only thing that I can suggest is that you login using sessionID.
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
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Stickymaddness escreveu:

Ithilien escreveu:
Hi, can someone give me some help here? I put a few flasks on my "sell" tab, gave them a price and proceeded to copy/paste everything to my shop thread, but the flasks don't show up there. Everything else copies just fine, except the flasks.

Thanks and sorry if this has been answered before. I googled, but didn't see anything that helped.

Edit: I've just noticed that gems that don't fit any particular category aren't showing up either (like arc).

Check the wiki, flasks aren't in the default template, you need to add them. For gems, again look at the wiki, there are far too many categories for there to be a generic layout in the template (If someone has one, feel free to share it with me and I'll add it), so you need to create your own based - the wiki has a list of tags you can use, eg:

ColdSpellGems, BowAttackGems, etc

Ah, ok. I've read (most of) the wiki, but I thought those tags were for further customising your template and flasks (or generic gems) would still appear, just not with any specific tags.

I'll give it a more in-depth reading and try to write a template then.

Thanks very much for your answer. And for the wonderful program you've built!
Stickymaddness escreveu:

zaregu escreveu:
IDEA: Add a function as in Diablo 3, when you press the right mouse button on item in your stesh(Procurement window), further, "Procurement" automatically opens a web page & then automatically fill the modifier window to search for separate items.
"meaning of the idea is that when we automatically go to the site, there is automatic search fields are filled with the values ​​that are listed on an item".

It is possible ?

P.S. Sorry for my bad English. i Hope you understand what i'm trying to say :) ? big thnx for program !

This would require a fair bit of work and integration with, which while possible I don't have the time for unfortunately.

To bad :(
This function can simplify things saling process, and will increase interest to your program.
SC legues V
Stickymaddness escreveu:
Masonic_ escreveu:
Encountered this error:

"[Error] Username or password incorrect. User"

Pretty sure my username and pw tallies as I still can login to

Some help here please? Procurement has been so awesome, can't live without it!

There's not much I can do with that error unfortunately, if GGG returns invalid username/password, that's what their server returns.

Quite a while back there was someone who had this issue, we never managed to track down the cause, but it did eventually start working again.

So the only thing that I can suggest is that you login using sessionID.

Working for me normally already, thanks!
Any chances to add dexterity to advanced search? I need some +dex gear and I need to find them within 50 stash tabs :d.

Última edição por CookieVortex em 26 de jul de 2014 14:39:28
CookieVortex escreveu:
Any chances to add dexterity to advanced search? I need some +dex gear and I need to find them within 50 stash tabs :d.

It's already there, scroll right to the bottom "Increased Dexterity"
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
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Stickymaddness escreveu:
CookieVortex escreveu:
Any chances to add dexterity to advanced search? I need some +dex gear and I need to find them within 50 stash tabs :d.

It's already there, scroll right to the bottom "Increased Dexterity"

Oh dang silly me :).

Hi, this looks nice and useful ! However...

I can't use this at all, I do not know how to login.

Are there some options to setup with the account ? I got server errors no matter how I try to login, email or ID is the same.

EDIT: Nevermind, finally got it. What a tedious way to login via SessionID :(
Última edição por DjParagon em 27 de jul de 2014 12:04:41
DjParagon escreveu:
Hi, this looks nice and useful ! However...

I can't use this at all, I do not know how to login.

Are there some options to setup with the account ? I got server errors no matter how I try to login, email or ID is the same.

EDIT: Nevermind, finally got it. What a tedious way to login via SessionID :(

That's as simple as logging in with email/password is going to get without an API unfortunately.
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
Yeah, that's too bad...

Nice work on the program though, it looks like it is a must have for high traders !


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