PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

hey stickymadness, i hope you can help me.

I made a shop at begin of rampage league and got to 89 with a character. I used procurement and it worked perfectly.

Then, 2 days ago, I made a new character and since then, my items are still on, but without ign. Needless to say, that potential buyers cant pm me then. I edited the thread with both my 89 char's ign and the new char's ign and bumped several times after that.

Still doesn't work. Here, as example:

that are the 78's maps in rampage, I'm selling a few for those 25c b/o. You can immediately see that my maps are listed and the link to my shop works correctly too. ign is ppl cant whisper me, see if im online etc..
#31 of Rampage League after 7 days played.
2 Issues:
Version 1.8.2
Windows 7 64bit

Reinstalling did not fix these issues.

1. Procurement downloads an empty "Tab 1" even though I don't list it in MyTabs in Settings.xml. Also, my tab "1" is not empty. Possible thoughts are it relates to reordering my tabs, "remove only" tabs, or maybe "10" isn't the correct notation?
Settings.xml (partial)
<Setting name="AccountLogin" value="**removed**" />
<Setting name="AccountPassword" value="**removed**" />
<Setting name="UseSessionID" value="False" />
<Setting name="FavoriteLeague" value="Beyond" />
<Setting name="FavoriteCharacter" value="Ninessa" />
<Setting name="CompactMode" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyLeagues" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="True" />
<Setting name="CurrencyDistributionMetric" value="Chaos" />
<Setting name="EmbedBuyouts" value="True" />
<Setting name="BuyoutItemsOnlyVisibleInBuyoutsTag" value="False" />
<Setting name="OnlyDisplayBuyouts" value="True" />
<Setting name="CheckForUpdates" value="True" />
<Setting name="Enabled" value="False" />
<Setting name="Username" value="" />
<Setting name="Password" value="" />
<Setting name="Domain" value="" />
<Shop League="Standard" ThreadId="" ThreadTitle="" />
<Shop League="Hardcore" ThreadId="" ThreadTitle="" />
<Shop League="Beyond" ThreadId="1026883" ThreadTitle="Ninessa's Shop" />
<Shop League="Rampage" ThreadId="" ThreadTitle="" />
<List name="MyLeagues">
<Item value="Beyond" />
<List name="MyTabs">
<Item value="8" />
<Item value="9" />
<Item value="10" />
<List name="MyCharacters">
<Item value="Ninessa" />
<List name="AdditionalTemplates">
<!--Add yours own templates here. Eg-->
<!--<Item value="LvlingShop.txt"/>-->
<List name="IgnoreTabsInRecipes">
<Item value="9" />
<Item value="10" />
<Item value="Ninessa" />

Here's an image of what my Procurement looks like. Note that my tabs are ordered left to right 1-10 in Beyond, though, they may be different on other servers.

2. Right clicking and refreshing tabs 8 through 10 does not work most of the time and recently produced these errors in the log.
Error refreshing tab: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
at POEApi.Model.Stash.RefreshTab(POEModel currentModel, String currentLeague, Int32 tabId)Error refreshing tab: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
at POEApi.Model.Stash.RefreshTab(POEModel currentModel, String currentLeague, Int32 tabId)Error refreshing tab: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
at POEApi.Model.Stash.RefreshTab(POEModel currentModel, String currentLeague, Int32 tabId)
Loot Filter --
Filter Parser --
Última edição por ffhighwind em 30 de ago de 2014 03:56:32
Tomtah escreveu:
I just made a thread but for some reason my IGN shows up as cargoyle and it shows me as offline even though I'm online on . Any thoughts on why this is? Cargoyle is an old character name I used way back I think. Haven't played for 8 or so months. I believe I had the same problem last time I tried doing a shop but I resolved it somehow, but don't remember how. Do I have to be on the ladder? Cause Im not high enough level do be on the ladder yet

Thread can be found here:

Insomniask escreveu:
hey stickymadness, i hope you can help me.

I made a shop at begin of rampage league and got to 89 with a character. I used procurement and it worked perfectly.

Then, 2 days ago, I made a new character and since then, my items are still on, but without ign. Needless to say, that potential buyers cant pm me then. I edited the thread with both my 89 char's ign and the new char's ign and bumped several times after that.

Still doesn't work. Here, as example:

that are the 78's maps in rampage, I'm selling a few for those 25c b/o. You can immediately see that my maps are listed and the link to my shop works correctly too. ign is ppl cant whisper me, see if im online etc..

Your name not showing up correctly on is a issue. If Procurement generated your shop correctly with the name you want, then Procurement's job is done. From there it's up to, I would suggest reading his documentation and if you don't find an answer seek help in his thread.

maddoxeu escreveu:
Odoakar escreveu:
The tool often freezes when I try to update the tabs.

Same thing happens here , every time I right click and refresh it freezes.

This is due to the way the refresh was implemented, it's an old feature from long ago that never got updated. Basically the whole program waits for the refresh to complete before giving control back to the UI, I'll sort this out in the next release.

MikeOxlittle escreveu:
Any chance we can get a deselect marked tabs button on the FORUM EXPORT tab?

Procurement does about 90% of the automation of my shop but I still manually add a couple things here and there and having to uncheck 30+ tabs one by one gets tedious.

I'm going to try my best to add this for the next release, having to tick/untick tabs every time you run Procurement is a ball ache, I know!

ffhighwind escreveu:
2 Issues:
Version 1.8.2
Windows 7 64bit

Reinstalling did not fix these issues.

1. Procurement downloads an empty "Tab 1" even though I don't list it in MyTabs in Settings.xml. Also, my tab "1" is not empty. Possible thoughts are it relates to reordering my tabs, "remove only" tabs, or maybe "10" isn't the correct notation?

Here's an image of what my Procurement looks like. Note that my tabs are ordered left to right 1-10 in Beyond, though, they may be different on other servers.

Jerle escreveu:
Hi guys, can I check what is wrong with the following syntax? cant seems to make procurement download only specific tabs (its downloading data from all my tabs)

<List name="MyTabs">
<!--If you only want Procurement to download specific tabs list them here, eg :-->
<!--<Item value="Shop" />-->
<item value="Red Gems" />
<item value="Blue Gems" />
<item value="Green Gems"/>
<item value="Shop Gears"/>
<item value="Flasks Shop"/>
<item value="Uniques"/>

Sticky, might u be able to help with this?[/quote]

The format is correct, however a few users have reported that tabwide buyouts aren't working for them, so I am looking into it.

In the meantime, you can always use the {Stash:MyTabHere} tab and add the buyout in the spoiler section.


Hi sticky, just saw your reply. Thanks but my issue wasn't setting tabwide buyout. I'm having problems getting procurement to dl specific tabs. ie. after indicating to procurement I wanted only the specific tabs to be downloaded, the programme went ahead to download data from every single tab I have in the league (which adds to the prog start up time).[/quote]

There is currently an active ticket on google code for this issue, I'll get it sorted as soon as I can.

Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
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Última edição por Stickymaddness em 30 de ago de 2014 05:50:31
I couldn't tell what part of the last post was directed at me. The quotes got a little misformatted. Here's a little more information on the issue... my loading dialogue. Seems to load tab + 1? I set it for 8-10 and its getting 1 + 9-11. hth
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Filter Parser --
Stickymaddness escreveu:
Tomtah escreveu:
I just made a thread but for some reason my IGN shows up as cargoyle and it shows me as offline even though I'm online on . Any thoughts on why this is? Cargoyle is an old character name I used way back I think. Haven't played for 8 or so months. I believe I had the same problem last time I tried doing a shop but I resolved it somehow, but don't remember how. Do I have to be on the ladder? Cause Im not high enough level do be on the ladder yet

Thread can be found here:

Insomniask escreveu:
hey stickymadness, i hope you can help me.

I made a shop at begin of rampage league and got to 89 with a character. I used procurement and it worked perfectly.

Then, 2 days ago, I made a new character and since then, my items are still on, but without ign. Needless to say, that potential buyers cant pm me then. I edited the thread with both my 89 char's ign and the new char's ign and bumped several times after that.

Still doesn't work. Here, as example:

that are the 78's maps in rampage, I'm selling a few for those 25c b/o. You can immediately see that my maps are listed and the link to my shop works correctly too. ign is ppl cant whisper me, see if im online etc..

Your name not showing up correctly on is a issue. If Procurement generated your shop correctly with the name you want, then Procurement's job is done. From there it's up to, I would suggest reading his documentation and if you don't find an answer seek help in his thread.

maddoxeu escreveu:
Odoakar escreveu:
The tool often freezes when I try to update the tabs.

Same thing happens here , every time I right click and refresh it freezes.

This is due to the way the refresh was implemented, it's an old feature from long ago that never got updated. Basically the whole program waits for the refresh to complete before giving control back to the UI, I'll sort this out in the next release.

MikeOxlittle escreveu:
Any chance we can get a deselect marked tabs button on the FORUM EXPORT tab?

Procurement does about 90% of the automation of my shop but I still manually add a couple things here and there and having to uncheck 30+ tabs one by one gets tedious.

I'm going to try my best to add this for the next release, having to tick/untick tabs every time you run Procurement is a ball ache, I know!

ffhighwind escreveu:
2 Issues:
Version 1.8.2
Windows 7 64bit

Reinstalling did not fix these issues.

1. Procurement downloads an empty "Tab 1" even though I don't list it in MyTabs in Settings.xml. Also, my tab "1" is not empty. Possible thoughts are it relates to reordering my tabs, "remove only" tabs, or maybe "10" isn't the correct notation?

Here's an image of what my Procurement looks like. Note that my tabs are ordered left to right 1-10 in Beyond, though, they may be different on other servers.

Jerle escreveu:
Hi guys, can I check what is wrong with the following syntax? cant seems to make procurement download only specific tabs (its downloading data from all my tabs)

<List name="MyTabs">
<!--If you only want Procurement to download specific tabs list them here, eg :-->
<!--<Item value="Shop" />-->
<item value="Red Gems" />
<item value="Blue Gems" />
<item value="Green Gems"/>
<item value="Shop Gears"/>
<item value="Flasks Shop"/>
<item value="Uniques"/>

Hi, just one question.
As a PoE lover just like everybody else in here, would it be too much if I ask for a Taiwan Garena verson?or any tips for us players in taiwan server to do some translation or something else?
Última edição por jackyng9182 em 30 de ago de 2014 10:00:29
I can't seem to use this..
Any idea why this happens?

edit: nevermind I fixed it.

great work anyway :)
Última edição por ticaw em 30 de ago de 2014 18:02:05
Answering a few questions, though I'm not the OP.

Tomtah escreveu:
I just made a thread but for some reason my IGN shows up as cargoyle and it shows me as offline even though I'm online on . Any thoughts on why this is? Cargoyle is an old character name I used way back I think. Haven't played for 8 or so months. I believe I had the same problem last time I tried doing a shop but I resolved it somehow, but don't remember how. Do I have to be on the ladder? Cause Im not high enough level do be on the ladder yet

Thread can be found here:

Your thread shows your IGN as refusedeath. FAQ (bottom of their page) has the answer to this issue. They can still message you if you're online on a different character. If it used to be the other name it could be because you didn't set a favorite character.

jackyng9182 escreveu:
Hi, just one question.
As a PoE lover just like everybody else in here, would it be too much if I ask for a Taiwan Garena verson?or any tips for us players in taiwan server to do some translation or something else?

It's already listed as an issue on their page. The program has quite a few issues that are getting fixed right now, so it may get added later.

Somebody else could always translate or fix the code since I believe it's open source:
It's written in C# and uses .NET, so you will have to look for a C# compiler for your language/locale if it exists. You will need Git or maybe Tortoise SVN to download Procurement's codebase.
Loot Filter --
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Última edição por ffhighwind em 30 de ago de 2014 19:51:46
n/m issue fixed
Última edição por obake1 em 30 de ago de 2014 20:04:35
Feature request:
Would it be possible to make a forum template based on buyout prices?
What i want to do:
Everything worth more than 20 chaos in own section(so Buyoutprice>=20chaos for example)
Everything with a buyout at 3 chaos in own section
Everthing with a buyout at 1 chaos in own section
After updating to the latest version and running the program nothing happens after inputting my login details and clicking login.

It just sits there doing nothing.

Procurement 1.8.2 Initialized.

Nothing more.

Edit: rebooted computer to see if it was of any help alas nothing again. Should we downgrade to a previous version?
Última edição por kompaniet em 31 de ago de 2014 13:02:42

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