PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

itzreapers escreveu:
[Error] Error reading character data for WhySoSeriousRanger, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.

any idea how to fix?

I had the same issue, all you have to do is write your correct account name, including capital letters, and it will work. It has to be exactly how it is written when you are logged in to the pathofexile website in the top left (Logged in as ...)
Malone escreveu:
Procurement is no more supported ? It's fully broken today ( many crash and shop doesnt update ), kinda disappointing

Last edited by Stickymaddness on April 25, 2015 2:18 PM
author is probably on holidays. it's been a long time since an update.
I'm getting this when i try to login.

[Error] The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.

version 1.9.2

any help?
rip procurement
Ign: Rezev
no option to sell only items with buyouts, was largely a waste of time for me. Not worth moving 250 tabs of loot around into unsorted piles just to use this program.
Última edição por mardukthewolf em 13 de jul de 2015 10:50:49
Rip. :(
g00fy_goober escreveu:
iSkiv escreveu:
ArdyBacardi escreveu:
I've fixed it myself, the forum thread url is coded into the POEApi.Transport.dll (HttpTransport.cs in the source) if you change that url to https it works again.

I can provide my changed POEApi.Transport.dll (including the changed Transport project), use at your own risk:

Can you ELI5 pls

Just download his file and extract it in your Procurement installation folder.
This solves the problem.
GJ Zerul !

fixed mine too! ( except the bumping, but i can update now )
Última edição por Zokat em 13 de jul de 2015 11:58:19
Here's where i'm currently at .. downloaded 1.9.2 setup my forum template using custom spoilers;

I've used procurement in previous leagues and I think i'm doing the spoilers right but I feel like on line 2 I might be doing it wrong? does it need to be {stashtab=Unique}, or {stash=Unique} something like this?

(used incorrect brackets on purpose for sake of showing) [ and ] are correct I know
1 {spoiler=" Uniques "}
2 {Unique}
3 {/spoiler}

otherwise after I get all my spoilers setup and trade settings with my thread id & shop title, I head over to the "Forum Export" tab and start highlighting the tabs I want included select about 30 or so and no item id tags move into the text editor? I try re-clicking / re-selecting 1-2 of the tabs just to see if it refreshes is and no change no tags get imported.

tried this "procurement fix" people are talking about restarting procurement and still same issue above happens.

also tried medved 1.9.7 version but this doesn't work same issue, + the fix .dll file doesn't work with this version can't even log in with that dll in place.

can anybody help thanks :p?

okay after a bit of googling I remembered / figured out what I was doing wrong and hope this helps other people.. i reinstalled procurement again (you don't need to do this) used the default template started checking things off and item id tags were getting imported to the default spoilers.. so I tried to make my own custom spoilers again and nothing was happening.. what you need to do is this

(spoiler brackets purposely made wrong so you can see);

{spoiler=" Custom Spoiler "}
{Stash:CustomSpoiler"] <-- you need to add "Stash:" before the tab name + the tab name after

also making a note that I did NOT download this "FIX" .dll to make procurement work, I just cleared temp files and did a fresh install and it works almost as good as my previous usage other then the fact that ;
update thread & bump thread do NOT work, simple enough just copy and paste code into your thread manually.
IGN: @Steppy
Última edição por Steppy em 13 de jul de 2015 16:17:14
Short one

My UPDATE doesn't work. But it says "Forum thread updated". I can update manually though (works).
Christmas comes early - The Awakening!
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Última edição por rusher21 em 13 de jul de 2015 14:47:48
Update coming, will release as soon as possible.

Regarding the lost buyouts, as some have pointed out this is due to the site change using https. The url for the items image is used as part of the hash, changing it from http to https results in a new hash.

If you were to open your .bin files after updating Procurement and changing all the occurrences of 'https' with 'http' and start Procurement in offline mode, your buyouts would be back.

This is not so much Procurement "deleting" your buyouts as it is the data changing which results in Procurement seeing it as a new item. I have been begging for better community developer support for years from GGG but I don't think it is a priority.

I know it's frustrating, but it's out of my hands when surprise changes appear.

Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
Última edição por Stickymaddness em 13 de jul de 2015 17:49:00

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