PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

Strange thing - procurement doesnt update template after I add stuff to my shop. When I press update forum thread it deosn't add new items to shop. Can someone help me with this problem?
xxanderr escreveu:
Strange thing - procurement doesnt update template after I add stuff to my shop. When I press update forum thread it deosn't add new items to shop. Can someone help me with this problem?

Uncheck and recheck the checkboxes of tabs you want procurement to put into shop. It will then update the items correctly. Works for me ;)
Getting a very strange error...

Loading characters...                                                                     [OK]
Loading ParryPotter's inventory...                                                        

[Error] Error reading character data for ParryPotter, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. Make sure that your account name is entered correctly and with the correct casing. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.

I logged ingame as well and it works fine there. But procurement cant open it for some reason.
Can anyone shed some light on this.
Please do not leave this great tool! Come back Stickymaddness!
It would be nice if there was a way to update Procurement while keeping the settings. But maybe, I am doing it wrong. I know how to save the forum template but how do you save the other data between versions?
Is 1.9.5 ver. working correctly?

Just has this error

Loading Tempest Stash Tab 5...                                                            [OK]
Loading Ilikerings's inventory...                                                         

[Error] Error reading character data for Ilikerings, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. Make sure that your account name is entered correctly and with the correct casing. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.
I had the same problem and this was coming from an incorrect lowercase/uppercase use in my account name.
Once I set the Account Name properly, everything was fine.
Hope this helps.
Última edição por iSkiv em 4 de set de 2015 01:16:03
I figure it out ^^

Última edição por MrShifti em 8 de set de 2015 12:17:57
I am having an issue with one of my items not posting:

When I post a tab to forum export, this is the only item that does not post. When I enter it manually, it shows up on my thread but does not go to POE Trade. Any idea what might be causing this?
Última edição por CPK em 8 de set de 2015 15:52:15
plz add auto update shop how in Acquisition

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