PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

Is it working after the last update?

I can't log into it no matter how I try.
♣ IGN: DoctaMagicFinder
♣ My YouTube channel:
♠ Proud brazilian player.

Don't know what I'd do without Procurement which is why I've been tearing my hair out all morning after the leagues merged.

I'm getting the following in the debug log:
[02-10-2015 5:40] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at POEApi.Model.Map..ctor(Item item)
at POEApi.Model.ItemFactory.Get(Item item)
[02-10-2015 5:40] ItemFactory unable to instanciate type : Promenade Map
[02-10-2015 5:40] Error downloading stash for Standard, exception details: System.Exception: ItemFactory unable to instanciate type : Promenade Map
at POEApi.Model.ItemFactory.Get(Item item)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at POEApi.Model.Stash..ctor(Stash proxy)
at POEApi.Model.POEModel.GetStash(Int32 index, String league, Boolean forceRefresh)
at POEApi.Model.POEModel.getAllTabs(String league, Stash stash)
at POEApi.Model.POEModel.GetStash(String league, String accountName)

Just hazarding a guess that the latest map tier changes with 2.0.4 and old (pre-2.0 maps) is causing a problem.

I've had to use the tab list ability (thank god for that!) to get around it for now, however with the leagues merging I have a couple of hundred tabs easy. Fortunately all my rare name matching tabs are named the same but colour coded.. so at least I can prune those.
need update
[Error] Downloading stash for Standard, details logged to DebugInfo.log, please open a ticket at

I've got this error, already send the issue to the current page, but don't know what else to do, did someone has the problem resolved already?
IGN: Haylamscrunch
Yes, same here.


[02-10-2015 12:40] System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
bei POEApi.Model.Map..ctor(Item item)
bei POEApi.Model.ItemFactory.Get(Item item)
[02-10-2015 12:40] ItemFactory unable to instanciate type : Thicket Map
[02-10-2015 12:40] Error downloading stash for Standard, exception details: System.Exception: ItemFactory unable to instanciate type : Thicket Map
bei POEApi.Model.ItemFactory.Get(Item item)
bei System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext()
bei System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
bei System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
bei POEApi.Model.Stash..ctor(Stash proxy)
bei POEApi.Model.POEModel.GetStash(Int32 index, String league, Boolean forceRefresh)
bei POEApi.Model.POEModel.getAllTabs(String league, Stash stash)
bei POEApi.Model.POEModel.GetStash(String league, String accountName)
[02-10-2015 12:40] System.Exception: Downloading stash for Standard, details logged to DebugInfo.log, please open a ticket at
bei POEApi.Model.POEModel.GetStash(String league, String accountName)
bei Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.LoadStashItems(Character character)
bei Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.<LoadItems>d__6.MoveNext()
bei System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
bei System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
bei Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass2.<Login>b__1()
bei System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

I belive either

a) Procurment can't handle very old maps (I still have some with the old icons)

b) Procurment can't handle the new Tier-System

c) Procurment has problems with this Remove-Only stash tabs

Or othing from this and somethink else went wrong ;).
I get the error when Procurement trys to load my Tab 4. It contains my Divine Cards, Some unique maps (The Coward's Trial, Vaults of Atziri, Oba's Cursed Trove, Acton's Nightmare) and Sacrefice maps.
jcottage escreveu:

I've had to use the tab list ability (thank god for that!) to get around it for now

Please explain how you did that so we can also do it.

thanks :)
Última edição por Raveman1000 em 2 de out de 2015 09:42:49
Same, crashing because of my very old maps.
Raveman1000 escreveu:
jcottage escreveu:

I've had to use the tab list ability (thank god for that!) to get around it for now

Please explain how you did that so we can also do it.

thanks :)
jcottage escreveu:
Raveman1000 escreveu:
jcottage escreveu:

I've had to use the tab list ability (thank god for that!) to get around it for now

Please explain how you did that so we can also do it.

thanks :)

You the real MVP.

Update will be out as soon as I can, as some of you have guess GGG's latest patch has broken Procurement. This is unfortunately what happens when the devs have zero support for 3rd party developers.
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
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I'm doing something wrong or tab list ability don't work for me :/ Well i think i'll wait for update

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