PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

its work, nameing tabs,.. thanks
I figured it out.. you have to remove all maps from stash and inventory. transfer them to another acc if you have one. i did this and it works now
As Stickymaddness has already responded, I'm sure he knows what the real issue is.

Debug escreveu:
[02-10-2015 13:39] ItemFactory unable to instanciate type : Mountain Ledge Map

So I'm gonna go with "new map tier system" is what broke it. (i.e. not tab-naming, and not the fact that the maps are simply old. My tab names are the same, and my maps were only one day "younger" yesterday, and things were working fine! ;))
Maps kinda bugged it, having the same issue.

Vendored all my maps. Lol
Última edição por TSNomad em 2 de out de 2015 14:10:42
Natedogg020691 escreveu:
I figured it out.. you have to remove all maps from stash and inventory. transfer them to another acc if you have one. i did this and it works now

After I vendored the 4 maps I had Procurement works like normal.
Última edição por chrysophylaxx em 2 de out de 2015 16:08:59

[Error] Downloading stash for Standard, details logged to DebugInfo.log, please open a ticket at

- The issue here is the maps. They are currently (10/2/2015) unable to load.

If the maps are moved to a stash tab that is not loaded into Procurement, Procurement loads. (For me I was able to move the maps to a character's inventory...which was set up to not be loaded by Procurement). Some people have sold the maps, used a guild stash (risky), or already have stash tabs which are not loaded by Procurement. Theses are the quick workarounds.

If these are not available or viable options for you, you will need to set up Procurement to only load the stash-tabs that you specify. Instructions follow;

(1) Open your Procurement folder, and then the Settings.xml file.
(2) In the Settings.xml file, locate this section;

<List name="MyTabs">
<!--If you only want Procurement to download specific tabs list them here, eg :-->

(3) Edit the text under this header, listing all of the stash tabs you would like loaded into Procurement. The syntax should look something like this;
<Item value="b/o"/>
<Item value="3alt"/>
<Item value="1A" />
<Item value="1" />
<Item value="2" />
<Item value="3" />
<Item value="4" />

(4) Save the Settings.xml file and restart Procurement.

Hopefully the folks at Procurement get this addressed soon. Some of us have got a bazillion-gazillion stash tabs and changing the names of these in the game will also require updating the list in Settings.xml. Forget about selling maps in ur shop for a bit. On the plus side, this does make Procurement load faster.
Última edição por shankapotumusrex em 3 de out de 2015 03:03:53
It also doesn't work if you have maps in characters inventory. And I can't forbid Procurement all my character's inventories, even though I specify only one or even 0 character in the appropriate xml section:

<List name="MyCharacters">
<!--If you only want Procurement to download specific characters list them here, eg :-->
<!--<Item value="SomeCharacter" />-->
<Item value="Garalagamelle" />

Ranger builds list: /917964
When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch?
If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch.
Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart...
All you have to do is create a new account, open another instance of poe and transfer them to yourself
my procurments is now longer loading up for me som1 please help! I have newest version I believe unless a new version just came out with new patch? I keep getting this error message

[Error] Downloading stash for Standard, details logged to DebugInfo.log, please open a ticket at

my IGN is kingshaunter you can whisper me there and if u help me fix my problem I can reward you. but ill be checking this post frequently !
its saying "ItemFactory unable to instanciate type : Overgrown Ruin Map" in my log as well. Its the old maps it seems as already suggested. Ah well, wait for the fix. The thing is myself and many of us I'm sure would use Procurement at the end of leagues to use recipes, so I hope StickyMaddness fixes this as soon as he finds convenient. Make no mistake, I'm not QQing, this is such an awesome program Sticky!
POE is a constantly evolving game, so expect balance changes, buffs and nerfs STILL!

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