PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

As some of you have noted Procurement needs to be updated to support Perandus Coins, unfortunately it may be some time before I am able to release a new version of Procurement which adds support.

In the meantime the best you can do is put the coins in a tab that you don't load in Procurement.
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
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Stickymaddness, and what about character shop limit?
Stickymaddness escreveu:
As some of you have noted Procurement needs to be updated to support Perandus Coins, unfortunately it may be some time before I am able to release a new version of Procurement which adds support.

In the meantime the best you can do is put the coins in a tab that you don't load in Procurement.

how can not select tabs?
IGN: MENT - My Loot Filter
ment2008 escreveu:
Stickymaddness escreveu:
As some of you have noted Procurement needs to be updated to support Perandus Coins, unfortunately it may be some time before I am able to release a new version of Procurement which adds support.

In the meantime the best you can do is put the coins in a tab that you don't load in Procurement.

how can not select tabs?

drop the coins in some area, back to the town, then run procurement. after procurement loaded, select only standard league to download, also back to the area and pick up your coins. i dont know better way until sticky fix that.
Is there a way to make Procurement load only stash tabs, and not characters? That way Perandus coinds can remain in invetory.
How to exclude some stash tabs from being loaded? (I have 4 vanilla stash tabs and I want only the 3rd one to be loaded).
Ok so here is my issue . I downloaded this and it opens fine. But when I change the xml file to only open certain stashes the .exe does not work anymore when I save the file. I am trying to get around the coin issue . Any advice I am changing the file using notepad++ cause when i open the xml with internet explorer i cant adjust the text . After i change settings file and save it . i go back and open it and it opens it through Internet explorer and shows nothing writen there.
Última edição por ALonardo em 6 de mar de 2016 10:46:25
For anyone with the Perandus Coins error / wanting to configure Procurement to only download certain tabs, take a look at this link.

erasera666 escreveu:
Stickymaddness, and what about character shop limit?

The 50k character limit is a limit imposed by the GGG forum, Procurement warns you about this so that you don't waste time trying to update your shop with shop text that forum will reject.
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
[07-03-2016 0:58] System.Exception: Downloading stash for Perandus, details logged to DebugInfo.log, please open a ticket at and include your DebugInfo.log
в POEApi.Model.POEModel.GetStash(String league, String accountName)
в Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.LoadStashItems(Character character)
в Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.<LoadItems>d__6.MoveNext()
в System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
в System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
в Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass2.<Login>b__1()
в System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
Hey this might be a bandaid fix Can you put the coins in your guild stash, load procurement bypassing the error or will it recognize the coins in the guild stash also?

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