[3.0] Dzz1rt's Crit Bow for Proficient players/Expensive/ALL Map Mods/Shaper/U.Atziri/Guards Videos/
![]() ![]() Hi ppl, My name iz Dzz1rt and i'have been playing this game for quite some time now. This is my first attempt to write a guide, also i'am not very good with my english(not native), will try making it as flawless as i can, thx for understanding. Will begin with simple information but will update later adding graphical content for easy and comfortable reading. WHY i'am doing this? There are plenty of archer builds most of them are pretty solid, but every once in a while i see 90+ rangers with high DPS, but no survivability at all.. They do have problems with phys reflect (even if doable, still very risky and fragile..).. After helping those players with maps/bosses it was clear that most of them had no idea about what awesome machine they could become, and after opening their eyes a bit, i decided to create this thread, to redirect them here in future..Also many talks in chats about archers beeing weak.. WHAT?!! Can u belive it?!.The concept of my build is a ranger-pathfinder that fears nothing with the highest utility possible. Be aware that it is not a beginner guide, so no simple things will be covered here. For basic ranger guide do tryhttps://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1041989, and when u will encounter problems u are wellcome here. This guide is oriented for 90+ rangers that want to improve their build to the high-end point.. 2.5 Changes Truth to tell saw no difference in my opinion flasks recharges are just faster now. Idealy u want 5 aps on ur atacks to maximise flask recharge rate, but wit 3.6+ i feel more comfortable then in 2.4 with TS. Of course +2 add arrows is a huge must now, as we need as much arrows for comfortable farming. Reach of the Council is also BIS unless u have a very Good HB bow 450 Dps+..So no changes really, keep enjoying the build! 2.6 Changes Well, we became stronger, we gain great elemental wheel near arrow dancing. Sure we got Forces of Nature moved, but those still can be taken if u are planning a glass canon build style. We are not affected by the elemental conversion fix. Yup a bit of new items, and will be updatimg shortly..Have a nice time in 2.6. 3.0 Changes Well, i'll be short here. I see no major changes that have effected the build. Still as good as it was. We have a small shift from crit to pure elemental damage caping. So there is an option for ele weakness instead AM now and diamond flask as an option to keep the crit thing going. We get some new gems, that are quite good (onslaught and DoFL Support) I will update the most preferable links very soon as the GP choices as i see them... I have reorganised the build a little bit. It's a bit more offensive now, i have trashed some defensive mechanics like CWDT+IC and Phase Acrobatics due too a bit faster gamplay with a bit more AoE (Chain+Onslaught+Rigwald's) PROS AND CONS PROS: + High DPS (totaly depends on ur gear) + Very high survivability (facetank nearly all content with few exeptions) + Very high clear speed + Reflect viable(even double with tweaks) + Easy to play + Very mobile + Superb build utility (flask based) + All content EASY, even the SHAPER and his Guardians + U do have this skill envolved thing (doging and point shooting) so that u don't get bored + Can do ALL Map modes CONS: - Expensive or even Very expensive (but it's not a begginer guide) - Can't do "No leech" mods in normal setup( but still doable on hp/mp surgeon flasks if it's the goal) ![]() Ok, now what is the main concept. 1) We DO NOT wear evasion armor, we take Kaom's Heart Why this armor? It gives us tremendous hp pool, alowing us to survive most of oneshots, standart evasion guys won't. U do not have to use legacy variant u can have the usual one for 500 life. What does the usual bow ranger have? 4500-5500 life? U can get up to 7000 life with standart kaom's And up to 9700-9800 with legacy ones and top life mods on gear and jewels, while STILL maintaining about 75% evasion if done correctly. 2) We Do take Pathfinder, other ascendancies are so pale compared to pathfinder, we won't even be mentioning them, u can read about them in the guide i linked before.. So what does pathfinder give us? Unlimited utility. Need armor? U can have it. Need evasion? Sure. More damage? resists? onslaugts? phasing? Run speed?- Yes. Anything u want. So u are playing a transformer. U do customize ur character as u see fit. So there is no situation that is fatal or undoable for u. This build can do everything. We take Master Alchemist (4 nods) and Master Surgeon(4 nods). Both are the MUST, no variations here. 3) We use TORNADO SHOT on both Map Farming and Single targets(The only exeption where we can't use TS is Atziri, just use Frenzy/barrage instead). The skill is great and we have new item in 2.4 to power it to unlimited hights)) So the combo is: . So what Does the usual TS give us? 1 main arrow+ 3 additional. Ok, let's combine it with GMP gem, so i'ts 5 main arrows + 5*3=15 additional ones, 20 arrows total. Now let's apply the enchant +2 additional TS projectiles. 5 main arrows +5*5 additional ones, 30 arrows total. And the final tweak, the Dying Sun, +2 main projectiles. We get 7 main arrows +5*7 additional ones, 42 arrows total. U see? 1 Flask +1 helm enchant give us TWICE the damage we had in our standart 6 link That is extremly OP. Combined with clever point-firing (Just pointing behind the Boss)) and taking Point Blank nod on T16+Shaper farming u can achive OP Dps for a Ranger.. Dealing with Reflect I've got lot's of questions about the inability to run reflect maps by ranger phys bow builds.. Let's try to answer them. First of all u must take a FULL physical weapon with NO base elemental damage in it. Like RotC or Harbringers listed in the Gear section. No we have some elemental maps lets make it 3 stages. phys reflect,elemental and both alltogether.. 1)Physical reflect: This is the most simple one, the PTL gem converts our phisical damage from 100% physical to 50% phisical and 50% lightning. PTL is our main gem with WED in both setups (barrage/TS) So u need either to run some more conversion like ToH (30%)+20% phys Vinktar's or make it easy and take Signal Fire Quiver wich most of u surely have for another 50% conversion. So PTL gem+Signal Fire Quiver give us IMMUNITY too physical reflect. 1)Elemental reflect: A bit less comfortable for us cause we don't have easy conversion. What can we do? The easiest way is to take out PTL gem and replace it with Crit gem(ICC or crit multi gem), and WED being useless now can be replaced for empower 3/4. We loose about 30% of damage in that setup. And of coourse we use a rare quiver in this setup, not Signal fire or u will kill yourself. U can sustain Hatred aura though if u have enough dodge/evasion mechanics, i will point it a bit more specificly below, when talking about double reflect. 1)Double reflect:This is the most dangerous one and should be done very causiously. So what is Must for it: 1)Vinktar's must be up! Don't try to run it without unless u have top end mirror gear and plenty of Life Leach nods. 2)Point Blank nod Must be taken. And the range should be at screen border. Don't try shotgunning anything in 0-100 range. It will be your end. 3)Arrow Dancing nod must be taken. We deal RANGED dammage and the reflected damage we recieve is also ranged. So this nod is very usefull. I recomend it to ALL bow builds even if u don't run reflects it will help u much with evasion+Acrobatics u will have about 15% chance to get hit by range atacks wich makes ur ranged life quite easy. In our case this NOD is a must. 4)Try to have as much evasion if possible. I strongly recommend switching Hatred aura to Grace 5) Be sure to cast manualy endurance cry for ur IC-CWDT setup before engaging a large group of monsters. If all this is done properly double reflect will not be an issue (if it is 18/18 of course). Very rare 24% version were not tested but i have seen such map only once in t15 corrupted version, so we won't be bothering about it.. ![]() My gear is high-end, but i will post the standart setup gear soon enough. U just need an average harbringer 350-450 DPS 6Link(Reach of The Counsil is also insane,cause u can go crit multi instead of GMP in ur 6 link), +500 Hp Kaom and Acuity(vaal pact is surely an option but higly not recomended). But u Do need legacy Vinktar's and Legacy Taste of Hate to make it shine. So i suppose u can do Very good in 80-150 ex aproximatly. I ASSURE You all videos u will see are 100% doable on 80-150ex setup, will take u a bit longer, nothing more. And u can always play with +/- survivability/damage depending on what gear u have.
My current Gear
Main 6Link: OR Single Target 6Link: OR OR Helm: Boots: Gloves: Indisponível Other Gems u can use:
Jewels are also simple, u go forthem as in the order listed : 1)7% Hp 2)needed res,atributes 3)needed DPS modes of ur choice
Budget Gear League
So let me tell u about the buget variant. We change a bit of mechanics.. We go Phys+fire here and don't use Legacy VoV. The links we use for our Bow are: For clearing maps we can use Barrage is a very good skill with max start DPS, It lacks 360 angle range of the tornado Shot skill, but requires less currency to use, and is a bit better in single target DPS... But still i recomend TS for map clearing, and U can switch to Barrage on single target.. That would be perfect untill ur TS Dps is comfortable for solo tragets... After u get a bit more currency and get a 350+DPS 6l Harbringer, u can go to Lightning TS variant wich is described above in the Gem section. Now the items Listed: Chest: Just Usual Kaom's Heart for 1-2ex Belt: Any 3 res belt, just be sure the 75% res are closed) The rings: Examples... Diamonds are MUST. Do try to get 2 res + Life on diamonds though, other stats don't matter. Amulet: Is smth u should try to get DPS+HP, the one i listed is just perfect for budget Boots: Is also just any 3 res+30 move speed Gloves: ACuity should have,if not Vaal pact is an option, u just go up to bandit nodes through Vaal pact line Helm: It should be Rat with barrage/TS 1/2 projectile enchant. Flasks: Are as listed but feel free to experiment, that's what the build is about) Bandits 2 passives ![]() U can also go for Forces of Nature(5 nods)sacrificing Hp nods or some flask nodes if u feel being low damage, but i wouldn't recommend it... All the points left if u manage it to 97+ i'd put into HP nods.. ![]() (videos are not perfect and were not recorded for guide purpose, so don't be too critical pls) Double Malachai, T15 DEATHLESS -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvYHfn9STKw Uber Atziri,DEATHLESS -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uyi4x5f_BjI PHOENIX, T16 DEATHLESS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QoQLNgbCYU MINOTAUR, T16 DEATHLESS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuW0iGmt78g HYDRA, T16 DEATHLESS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHEgc1Y8oV4 CHIMERA, T16 DEATHLESS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-94AIU6t9s MINOTAUR, Signalshot+Barrage DPS Showcase - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPgxX_x7sFk The Shaper, SpeedRun,Signalshot+Barrage - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYyMmqiSiTk The Shaper, His BAD_ASSness himeself, DEATHLESS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dlgdmzBD6M The GUIDE will be UPDATED Very Soon. Feel free to write me INGAME. My IGN is Jane_Has_A_GuN. All critics and thoughts are welcome. We can always discuss and update, maybe someone has expirienced some high-end ranger mechanics, let's try. The point of the guide is that not only CI BV or Casual Totems are Shaper/end game viable. Rangers are underestimated.. IGN:Jane_Has_A_Gun Última edição por Dzz1rt#4733 em 27 de set de 2017 16:32:54 Último bump em 23 de ago de 2018 22:25:34
Alguns itens neste post estão atualmente indisponíveis.
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Shaper is easy enough once u get used to him..
Btw the build is half buyed itself out if i can ssay so by shaper drops.. 50+ Shaper runs, 14 swords, 10+flasks... So it was worth it including the expirience... IGN:Jane_Has_A_Gun
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Все хорошо, вот только стоимость билда просто зашкаливает)
Лук 200+ экзов Тело легаси 200+ экзов Мирор кольца - 400+ экзов Пояс - 200+ экзов и так далее. Есть мнение, что любой персонаж в одежде на 1500 экзов будет нагибать) Вопрос такой. Заметил, что в связке в луке стоит камень на крит,а не на повышение скорости атаки как обычно. Чем это обусловлено? Хочу попросить критику моего итем билда. По выбору скиллов - дерево примерно такое же. Вопрос - как бустануть выживаемость. ДПСа, впринципе, пока хватает. Проблемы возникают даже на обычной Азири, постоянно там дохну. Хотя т15 прохожу. С трудом, но все же. Если будут советы, как увеличить дпс - тоже будут благодарен. Денег сейчас смогу потратить в районе 20 экзов
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" Pls, make it English or Do PM me. Let's respect all users. I will rephrase for all to understand. Mr.Ilais is wondering what he should boost next to have some survivability,and Dps..And showing us his Gear. Well, 1-rst of all u don't get the concept of the build. To have survivability u need kaom, flasks and pathfinder... U just have the standart DPS build, like Neverthink's guide.., and the question about why ICC instead FA is also cause u play standart ranger build. We need 95% crit for the build to work. Cause we need permaflasks. That's the mechanics oа the Surgeon nod in Pathfinder. In order to survive follow the Guide, Kaom's,acuity, and Pathfinder flasks. U will see the difference. And about the cost. I did write that u can do it under 100 exalted. high end is not required. If it's not clear do contact me ingame for futher explanations. Thx IGN:Jane_Has_A_Gun Última edição por Dzz1rt#4733 em 27 de set de 2016 12:44:12
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thanks for this guide its a really cool build/char to play!
(on a side note the bow & other mirrored gear is just obscene compared to Leagues etc) Última edição por Revengee#4104 em 28 de set de 2016 11:43:00
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Hey man sweet build
Any chance of adding some low budget gear? |
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" " Hey, m8s, glad u liked it. Will post budget (100ex) gear today or tommorrow, give me a bit of time, don't have all items atm. Meanwhile the issue is what? Bow, rings and amulet? Do try following with me below and feedback me what is not clear? Ok? So let's satrt... We do need acuity. So we need them, tri res belt/boots is smth everyone has at 30%+ if 100 ex build is alright for u)) Kaom is 1-2 ex, so not a problem. On rings u just search for 2 res diamonds to cover res holes. On amulet u take max DPS u can aford. Helmet is rat's nest as it is, and start farming for tornado shot enchants, wich is a MUST HAVE. Now, Bow, well as i said u can go with Reach of the Council, and make it 2G1R3B for Tornado-PPAD-WED-PTL-ICC-Crit multi(instead of GMP,as we have many arrows on the council) or u can buy a 6 link Harbringer in 20-40 ex, it will do just fine... I also state that u do need legacy HoT(10ex), and legacy vinktars (30 ex) So 10(HoT)+30(VoV)+27(acuity)+30(Bow)=107 (U can make it cheaper taking the Council) And leaving 10-15 ex for other gear and jewels. 2-3 ex a piece are descent boots/rings/belts. Do try not to make it cheap on the amulet though(5-30ex). Take the best DPS u can aford... So smth like that.. If u take maximum from what i wrote i wuill have it around 150. But 100 is also nice, after u try it u will upgrade in no time cause 14-15 maps will become a joke for u. After u hit 150 ex+ and polish it a little, the Shaper and guards will also become a joke))) IGN:Jane_Has_A_Gun Última edição por Dzz1rt#4733 em 28 de set de 2016 05:40:41
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Arh I missed that part apologies
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@Dzz1rt i was just referring how the mirrored gear is just insane high-end but like the topic states ''expansive'' so its not an issue
in Leagues its even more difficult to obtain the budget version of the build (110ex~) and like you said with reach of council you would need legacy version of flasks so thats out of the question for a league version of the build |
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" Well, i did update the guide a bit, with an example of some other gear.. It's league doable, without legacy, u can swap lehacy HoT for usual one for sure... ALso updated Main Gem setup and Jewels. IGN:Jane_Has_A_Gun
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