[3.0] Dzz1rt's Crit Bow for Proficient players/Expensive/ALL Map Mods/Shaper/U.Atziri/Guards Videos/
to be honest, i'd use signal fire +1 for barrage,
i tested with skalpo's quiver, which is best rare quiver at the moment, signal fire was way better than mirrored quiver. just saying. i'm using something very similar build to yours, the difference is i sold my my leg kaoms and i'm a bit glass cannonish(7.8k health with leg kaoms) and my tree relies on vinktar usage and has a lot damage penetration. i kill T15 kaoms in 2 shot with barrage. don't take it as im bragging about it, this is the way i'd like to promote/advertise signal fire. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Última edição por Rupenus#5905 em 10 de out de 2016 16:53:36
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" I do use +1 of course. It's just an example in the thread. I think i should change it to +1/or neutral, some ppl have been asking questions, why cold already ;-) By the way did u test elemental weakness curse? Is it worth it? I had an idea to get rid of BR, take skyforce and set a second curse on blasphemy)).. But it's too radical i suppose))) P.S. Changed the Quiver)) IGN:Jane_Has_A_Gun Última edição por Dzz1rt#4733 em 10 de out de 2016 17:16:35
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Hi, thanks for a great build. I'm really appreciating this!
I'm currently using this bow: I would like your opinion on changing the bow to GGG BB R, and use your gem combination. Im currently having this setup in main attack: TS + FA + GMP + ICS + ICD + Physical projectile attack damage Do you have any estimate on damage difference? EDIT: I managed to answer the question myself: As the damage change was easy to test out, I did so with a Tabula. The change in dps was at additional 18% unbuffed, uncharged and without flask. Fully buffed, charge and flask, gave 30% more dps. Which means a change of bow is most likely very beneficial. Thanks again for a great build! Última edição por Deppoo#0106 em 16 de out de 2016 15:16:12
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Hey man loving the build at the moment but I cannot afford a legacy Vinktar's right now or a +2 TS projectile's Rat's Nest. What would you recommend as a substitute for these 2 until I can afford them?
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for first thanks very much for the help with this build.. on game and on forum. This is my setup:
I can switch other gems or link for increase the damage? in city have 18k and in HO without frenzy charge have 23. This is my tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAICAABeAdwFLQW1CC4NjREvE9oVQxa_GYoZjiF2I9Mj9iT9JpUqCyo4KwouUzBxMHwx-jY9N9Q51DpCQzFHfkp9S3hM_02STipRR1PPVUtbr13yYeJirGVNaU5sjG5pbydwUnTtdct293fjeu99dX8rhMWE2YbOh3aJ04w2jX2Nfo2_j2CXBppqm42btZ2qoJ-jiqlusQG0xbVIu-O9Nr6nwTPC7MM6xKLNmM9e02_TftQj1fjawd0N3ajjn-dU6mLrY-0_7YPuDu96_MX-uv_e?accountName=emix86&characterName=xXxEssence_RangeRxXx |
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" Thx for appreciating the build. Yup, GGG-BB-R will be more universal, and can be used great with physical mirrored quiver and signalfire However, the GG-BB-RR will give us even more damage if we use it with signalfire we just swap PPAD for EFS(elemental focus).. the damage with barrage will skyrocket) " Thx for appreciating the build. Well i'd recomend +1Ts projectile (not that expensive), and NoN-Legacy vinktar. But u should have instant leech, so it's either Acuity gloves or vaal pact. I strongly not recommend using vaalpact cause it gives us the feeling of being uncomfortable when using Blood Rage. And the build on this ammoun of currency is everything about comfortable and solid play. I\d also recomend the second bow (NoN legacy 6link RotC will do) with barrage+signal fire. Gem links are updated for single target. While u have TS weak, this wiil greatly boost u on t15+maps when fighting hard things like t15 Rogvald or t16 guardians.. " Thank you for trying my build. I'am sure u will love it once u get a bit more into it in time and investment. Well let's say that gem levels are not high enough, but the gem setup is good. The bow on the other hand is not that good. We do take Hb bows for crit, your's has very little crit modifires. So i'd recomend trying Reach of the council 6 link until u won't be able to afford a good HB crit bow. but that is not n1 priority).. U do have minor mistakes in the tree. Untill u have not enough points to get to the life-wheel just rerol those 3 stat point+2 unneeded mana points(mana flows+mana) for 5 damage points on the bow wheel(Deadly Draw nod). U will also feel the difference. Everyrhing else seems to be ok. So let's sum it up: 1)Level your gems 2)Edit ur tree a bit as i told u. 3)Make a 6 link Reach of the COuncil for barrage. I reccomend GGGRBB colours so u can have 1 bow and switch the gems when u take kaom's armour. Everything else is fine... Thank u all again. Any questions feel free to ask, will answer them shortly.. IGN:Jane_Has_A_Gun Última edição por Dzz1rt#4733 em 17 de out de 2016 12:51:39
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Hello Dzz1rt and thanks for the build. I have been itching to play a TS build for a bit now. Was the first build I really started off at on POE and haven't gone back.
So just switched over to one on essence (level 91 pathfinder) and I can't put my finger on it but something just seems off. Let me give you specs quick maybe you can help me and im just missing something obvious...
Have 6.5k life 6% phys reduction 23% evasion 40% dodge 30% spell dodge max res (well actually lightning is a smidge under, will fix that with gear rerolls) 34k dps in hideout with no charges/flasks 69% crit (80% with 3 power charges) 486% crit multi Idk if I am just messing something up, but I feel like seeing ur videos ur dps is like 20x mine. Granted I am on essence league and you are doing mirror gear on standard but still. Map clearing is pretty easy and not much of a problem done up to t14's just switched build like a day ago so haven't played much yet. Problem seems to be single target or bosses. Like T13 Lair boss rigwald kills me a couple times before I can kill him. I also feel like my evasion should be like double. I know we have acuity + kaoms so not a lot of evasion on gear overall. Was wondering two things. 1.) Do you think you could put up offensive/defensive screen shots of your char? 2.) Do you think it would be worth the minus life (especially with non legacy kaoms and only 500 life + bonus's) to switch to like a 2k evasion armor with some life/res and put 6l barrage setup in it for single target? Any pointers would be appreciated! Última edição por g00fy_goober#7177 em 18 de out de 2016 06:39:09
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" Hello. First of all pls give me a link to ur tree, maybe we can ajust it a little bit to fit ur gear.. So what do we need to get u good survivability and good single DPS. As u read in my guide if u use the budget bow, u need a barrage link on solo target+signalfire. And u do not have even+1 enchant on helemt wich is most important for the build. +2 enchant boosts TS damage nearly twice) So main damage+survival(the more damage u have the more crit-leech survivability u have) ussues IF U want to use TS for single target also: 1)no elemental damage+ on jewelry 2)no signalfire quiver 3)no TS+1/2 enchant on helmet(most important) 4)no ToH flask(defences +damage) toH is must have, no excuses 5)need to see ur tree and jewels 6)u do need CWDD+IC, otherwise u will br dying very often. it's a Must. 7)Ur evasion should be around 60% with flasks up, or need to see the tree if not.. Easy solutions: just swap barrage gem on ur existing 6 link, and change ur quiver for signalfire, and get ToH instead of quicksilver, when killing hard bosses. Quicksilver flask is a luxury when u have enough defence and dps, or when it is crucial for survivng like chimera t16 boss, otherwise it's not needed. If u are so fond of running fast just swap ur hatred aura for haste(same color) on maps and change back on bosses and trash quicksilver, or take a 40% onslaught flask instead for 8 seconds, still will be better... And get rid of useless arctic armour) Take CWDT+IC instead. Well these are main changes u need to make, and w8ing for ur tree. After u do all i listed above ur goal is to craft 380-400+ Dps HB bow with crit nods. It's not that difficult, even 350+ will be enough but do try to make it 400+, then it will shine. And +2 TS enchant, if u get a barrage +2 don't trash it) just get another Rat for TS) U will have 2 helmet's for t16/shaper swap in future, will be cool... IGN:Jane_Has_A_Gun Última edição por Dzz1rt#4733 em 18 de out de 2016 09:01:26
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Thanks so much for the reply. I know enchants are huge, I don't have any on gloves, boots, or helm and is something I will work on next. Just respec'd to build night b4 last so need time to get enchant.
For now I switched kaom's out for 6l belly and put barrage setup in it and I am really really liking it now. I know bow should get better, but as I only play temp leagues don't want to pour currency into a 400+dps bow to only use it for another month. Also took out cwdt > gmp > actic breath > chain setup and put in spell totem > wither > faster cast > inc duration and like that 100x more on bosses as well. IC should be good to prevent one shots but w/o endurance charges always feel like its a waste. Have had no issues so far, though for t16 bosses + shaper its probably 1000% must. Anyway tree is same exact as yours, I just took the other frenzy node, and dropped 2 life points in big scion wheel to grab them. So far all is going great. Thanks again! |
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does this build also work with non legacy flasks ?
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