[3.11] Shaper = Stunned, Tidebreaker Heavy Strike Stunner Build
Hi, I have a few questions regarding mana consumption and cyclone
1. How can I use enduring cry while I'm channeling cyclone without interrupting the cyclone? Maybe it's the key bindings?...not sure. Because as soon as I use the enduring cry, my cyclone stops automatically and I can get blown up because I automatically stay in one spot. 2. Is a -7 or -8 NON-CHANNELING Skills have # to Total Mana Cost and 0.4% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana combined enough to sustain my attacks and skills? .....since I can't afford the # to TOTAL Mana Cost of Skills. 3. Should I make my tidebreaker to 30% quality? 4. Or barring that, is 0.4% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana and -4 to TOTAL Mana Cost of Skills combined good enough to sustain my attack and skills? Thanks! Última edição por MasterChief22530#1273 em 4 de abr de 2020 00:43:59
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" 1. Make warcries instant by anoint your amulet with Battle Cry notable, then it won't interrupt Cyclone. 2. The total mana cost of skills if I recall correctly is only obtainable from temples now? You certainly don't need that. It depends on your set up if you will run into mana issues or not. Generally, the non-channeling reduction works for Leap Slam and the channeling reduction works for Cyclone. You can go for either one, or both if you have some serious mana problems. And again, having Enlighten linked with your auras or having Blood Magic linked with Leap Slam will help with your mana problems; also spamming a low cooldown warcry helps as well. 3. If you won't be changing its colors frequently and don't want to gamble for a Fortify corruption and won't have access to a 28% quality crafting bench from a Betrayal safehouse, then yes, make it 30% quality. 4. Any mana leech is equally good. So your 0.4% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana is as good as 4000% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana. This is due to the leech cap. So, we just need to call it mana leech. Having mana leech is almost good enough by its own without seeing mana problems, almost. Having -4 to total mana cost would definitely solve the problem and you will very rarely run into mana problems, and I will call it a win. Also, there are alternative ways to solve your mana problems, as I already talked about them in #2 above. |
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Thanks for the reply.
1. What are the chances of getting a tidebreaker with a stun support or fortify support implicit through corruption? 2. I'm confused about the ryslatha's coil thing: You said: if we get a perfect roll of 40%/30%, our damage goes up to 245, which means a 22.5% more damage. So does that mean I can get a 48% and 31% and it will be good? How bout a 48% maximum damage and a 40% minimum damage...is that good? 3. I see you link blood rage to ancestral warchief..does the blood rage buff makes the ancestral warchief attack faster?....does the blood rage really have to be linked to ancestral warchief to apply the buff to make it attack faster? Última edição por MasterChief22530#1273 em 4 de abr de 2020 22:42:22
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" 1. To get Stun Support, the chance is 0; it's a legacy mod that's no longer obtainable. Fortify Support has a 2.44% chance. For a detailed list, see: http://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=Sacrifice_of_the_Vaal#Two%20Hand%20Maces 2. A perfect roll of 40/30 is for the 0% quality version, at 20% quality, the perfect roll goes to 48/36, and this is as good as it gets. One point higher in the max is as good as 3 points lower in the min; in other words, a 47/36 Ryslatha's is as good as a 48/39 one. You can play with the rolls in PoB and watch how your DPS changes. 3. It's technically incorrect to say that I linked Blood Rage to Ancestral Warchief. They are both active gems and they don't interfere with each other. The Blood Rage buff does make warchief attack faster and that's because the attack speed of warchief is simply determined by the owner who casted warchief; and it has absolutely nothing to do with where I put my Blood Rage gem. |
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1. Hmm...seems very strange. I tested the Ryslatha's coil on POB with different numbers.
It seems like the higher the percentage of the more maximum physical attack damage and lower the percentage of the less minimum physical damage results in higher average damage and total dps. So I guess I should focus more on getting a higher roll of the more maximum physical attack damage and getting a lower roll of the less miniumum physical damage then?... like for example: 48% maximum physical damage/30% minimum physical damage 2. How can you run three auras: Dreadbanner, Pride, and flesh/stone and still have enough mana to spam your abilities? Do you use any form of reduce mana reservation or something similar?..cause I'm constantly running low of mana. |
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" 1. Use some common sense and it's not difficult to see. The #% more Maximum Physical Attack Damage modifier is a positive bonus, and you want more of it; and the #% less Minimum Physical Attack Damage modifier is negative - it reduces your DPS - so you want less of it. The range of rolls is 30%-40% for both max/min rolls at 0% quality, and 36%-48% at 20% quality, which means, there is absolutely no way to obtain a Ryslatha's at 48% maximum and 30% minimum as you suggested. The best rolls are, certainly, 48%/36% for 20% quality ones, or you can go for 40%/30% ones at 0% quality and use catalysts yourself to raise its quality and get them to to 48%/36%. 2. No I do not have any form of mana cost reduction or reservation reduction. It's possible that you run out of mana from using Cyclone or spamming Leap Slam if you don't have mana cost master-craft on your jewelries. I gave some advice earlier on how to solve the mana issues, below I will also give some advice regarding your playstyle. You should be able to sustain mana using Cyclone as long as you're hitting mobs and leeching mana off them. So, if you're constantly running low on mana, stop using Cyclone if there's no mobs to hit nearby. Also, Your warcries will replenish your mana, so use them frequently helps as well. I see that you still don't have Battle Cry enchant on your amulet, you should get one soon, it's very helpful. You can also switch to using Rallying Cry and this helps a bit with your mana problems. Also most other skills besides Cyclone cost less mana. But again, you should be able to solve your mana problems completely from your gears and gem setups, following the list of solutions I gave earlier. |
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Hello there, i find this build very interesting and fun, so i'll give it a try. Only issue is I'm playing the game for a month now, maybe less, and i'm checking items' prices to see if I can afford them; from my perspective, Tidebreaker seems quite expensive in Standard (30c min), while cheaper in Delirium (2c). On the other side, for istance, Starforge is less expensive in Standard (2ex) than it is in Delirium (7ex). Why this difference? And overall, where can i find the cheaper prices? Anyway I've got no chars in Delirium, so I'm not sure it makes sense to give it a try as a "league starter".
Then I focused my attention on jewels: they seems very specific ones, so my question is: do i need to craft them or there's a chance to find them on trade? Again, what's the average cost for crafting and for buying (if possible)? Last thing, could you just link a guide to jewels crafting please? It seems pretty expensive, but maybe it'll be necessary for T12/13+ maps. Última edição por _SigmunD#6320 em 7 de abr de 2020 11:13:16
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I made a Berserker in Delirium to check out the new cluster jewels we have talked about here. I actually wanted to try hollow palm technique and frenzy, but I applied some of the thoughts laid out here in picking cluster jewels to test with the build. I managed to test out 1 x cry wolf (I am using enduring cry on my build as it is already a bit of a glass cannon) and 2 x mob mentality.
With the enduring cry cool down helmet enchant plus second wind, I can war cry about every 1.3 seconds. Also, 1 x cry wolf allows you to get to max endurance charges within seconds, even with no mobs around. The 2 x mob mentality is pretty crazy with berserk, although I ultimately can’t justify the extra mob mentality with my hollow palm/frenzy build and went back to using just 1. But I think this permastun build is going to really be able to take advantage of the new cluster jewels to an even greater extent, since it can get endurance charges through tidebreaker and can therefore opt for rallying cry instead of enduring cry and thus take advantage of stacking cry wolf. Really looking forward to testing out the new jewels on the build once they come to standard. Última edição por JaguarXXX#5097 em 7 de abr de 2020 12:24:48
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hi everyone, which timeless jewel should we use? the kiloava one?
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" Lethal pride timeless jewel is what you want. If It doesn’t give you the correct mods, you will have to spam divine orbs on it until you get -10 R.E.S.T. or more if you get lucky. |
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