[3.3] The Swordmaster - Dual-wield crit Champion / Slayer - All Contents (updated June 5th)
" You have Resolute technique for 16 secs, which means you can't crit, there's no point in investing this much crit and wait for ele overload to trigger, you would lose a lot of damage since your crit multi does not apply when you have Ele overload on. |
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Disregard. Figured it out.
Última edição por solomanstone#7295 em 15 de fev de 2018 02:43:00
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First let me thank you for awesome build. So far for amulet I am using phys impresence, because it give largest flat phys on amulet i had access to, not sure if there are better combination on rare amulets under like 2-3 exalts. But i like having free vulnerability because I am not used to work on last few bits of mana. I am well aware of my lack of accuracy. Having 87% hit chance... did not found spirit to go and get another well rolled diamond ring with accuracy... Hopefully i will find a nice amulet to replace impresence. I managed to defeat shaper with my swagbuckling. On second attempt this league. Unfortunately following two attempts i died way too many times to the yellow ball triplets. And Unfortunate whirling blade bullshit (WB out and immediately back on the same spot.) I learned o avoid most of his attacks but this one is still the hardest for me. Therefore I am asking for any help on survivability against the triplet balls. Or what kind of gear upgrade to get. So far my aim is to replace impresence and probably upgrade the chest. Thanks for build, will probably try it again next league, depending on the new content. |
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" Hi there, thanks for your feedback, regarding Shaper's series of frost ball, getting hit will always result in your death, it's the same for almost every build and I found that WB is the best way for melee build to dodge these balls and leech back your life. Im afraid you will have to cope with it. I was also nervous back then and whirled myself in these balls all the time. But you don't have to do it like what i've done in the vids, Shaper attacks are quite slow, you'll know when he's going to unleash these balls and just circle around him, try not to get greedy with hits. About the amulet, i have already said that the new Elder influenced amulet is bis for this build, check out my What's new section. |
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Hello Brown14,
At this end league time, my feed back about this build (who was the only one I played this season) : I can say that's a very good build :) : ![]() All end boss kill at first try. For the shaper, I'm able to facetank the ball, and his poor cac attacks. But I need to dodge the rest. My build is slightly different that yours (my profil is public), and i'm playing the version with the jewel "Pure talent", who is a great dps upgrade to the build (switch the IAE for increase critical damage support). But i think it need to have the "12% BF area of effect" enchant on helm for good mapping (especially that I do not use the node "Amplify"). I was lucky to bought a "curse on hit" Elder"s ring in early league (for 1.5 ex). And, with a enlighteen level 4, I use 3 auras (herald of ash, hatred and arctic armour). I'm positively surprised by the defensive power of AA. I have 14,661 dps on tooltip (with aura, golem and IcritDamage), and 17k with ConcEffect) And just for fun, according to PoB : - In map with ICritDamage, full buff (auras, kill recently, ennemy maimed, full charges, onslaught, ... ) : 1,601,465 without flask, and 2,470,096 with flasks. - Shaper (less buff, but without conceffect) : 1,140,571 without flasks, and 1,690,452 with. The levelling and scalling damage/stuff was really pleasant. Good job mate ! :) Ulren (sorry for mistakes, not English native) Última edição por Ulren001#1172 em 15 de fev de 2018 08:41:42
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First, I wanted to say thanks for this build- "Thanks!" This is my first playthrough win POE (Abyss League) and I'm having a lot of fun with this build. (Had only briefly tried another class/build and wasn't having as much fun as I am, now.)
I'm playing on XBox... I am still a member of the PC Master-race, though. :) But, the game is fun and works really well as a couch-arpg replacement for D3 and in its own right. I have a few questions, just to get a feel for where I am so far in this build, comparatively speaking. I can't link to any stats or gear, so will include what I can that are "noteable." Stats: Level 79 Str 361 / Int 137 / Dex 287 Life 4024, Mana 867, ES 38, Armour 1608, Evasion 2669 Res%: (Not capped yet, I know...) Fire 54 / Cold 68 / Lightning 71 / Chaos -45 Phys Damage Reduction: 14% Chance to Evade: 24% Chance to Block: 25% Default Attack: (For benchmarking?) 3086.9 DPS, .38 Secs To Hit: 90% APS: 2.63 Main Hand DPS 379-1240 ""Physical Damage: 1202 ""Accuracy: 2297 Critical Chance: 37.38% Critical Mutli: 348% Cyclone: (Not sure if Xbox parses it correctly for this psuedo-dual-wield or not) DPS: 17,603.45 APS: 4.93 Main Hand DMG: 472-1548 / Phys DMG: 457-1513 Accuracy: 2297 (rest of stats similar to white damage, above) (Five slot version, so far, for Cyclone) (Rest of the build is Lacerate, Blade Furry, Running Assasin's Mark, Arctic Armor with both Immortal Call and Lightning Trap on CWDT. Also running both Leap Slam and Whirling Blades on Faster Casts for movement.) I'm using Death's Hand (offhand) and Milagaro's Virtuosity (Gloves) with Rares everywhere else and a good rare Primeval Rapier dedicated to Phys damage and has Frenzy accuracy multis on it. (Phys dmg 63-211) I don't have a Belly of the Beast, yet. (The marketplace is very difficult on the Xbox, no decent search features other than a keyword string for one variable, so getting the gear is a matter of hunting for a long time, if you're lucky... More worried about maxing resist than a Belly, right now.) I'm running low level maps, atm. I have no issues with DPS, but have some survivability issues with some big-hit Map bosses, Map bosses with heavy elemental use, and the occasional huge pack of Abyss or Breach mobs, which just gets out of hand on the Xbox. (NOT a build issue and, often, not my fault for terrible resists - Just overloads the Xbox.) Question: For this level, and with this build, am I doing "OK?" :) (I know it's hard to tell without more info, it's just not practical to provide that since I'm on console and can't link it.) Again, I'm a new player, so can only compare my stats loosely with what I see other players report. I know what needs upgrading, as far as gear, I just want to know how my hit points, dps, etc, compares with what's expected for this build at around this level. PS - It's very hard to find gear on the console Marketplace and it's impossible to "fine tune" any searches for more than one variable string. I'm doing the best I can with that. :) Última edição por Morkonan#5844 em 17 de fev de 2018 10:18:02
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Hey, did anyone try to do the Hall of Grandmasters with this build? Wondering if it is doable (need that for map bonuse)
PoE nowadays looks more and more like a fork server with tons of custom weird experimental stuff rather than original game with carefully thought out balance brough live to players.
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Hey Man,
Great build but I'm having some major problems now leveling. Chris started off with a cyclone build and is almost better than me now and I have two weeks on him! I want to show him that your build is the best. I'm at 85 and can run t6-8 maps no problem, but die every now and then which bumps me back 10% which takes about an hour to get back up. Can you check out my build and give me some sweet tips please? Thanks, you are the man! Here's my setup - https://poeplanner.com/AAsAAOcACwQAAHC5HRXsivDEgrCrvqdlTb02R36E2WBBY3ALwVeXQzHawXTtBS1670z_Tioj028nmmoB3HfjqW55aMEEXz8UIO8OUEfkUWebrj7GrsT2cqn3MuoYdqzPfvjrFHHZfIIHG6oQ8PJagTrBB9d-Yxdbrw2Nh3ZKffzF7g6jiiP2TZKNfbGzG60EsXsUDHOVZgOH0359df66MHzUUsv1MbDcvecPdKAGohfcBiBRR-dUJP3_3pJ93COYb-XPKjgLYa9saPLwH6IABLPAZjwF73zz3Whl9kiMzz38WGM31O0_PC2DXwAAAAAA and here are my pieces. |
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" The main problems are quite obvious: - Your sword is definitely not meant for a crit build, no flat phys and low base crit. What I ask for was a rapier/foil (recommended) with at least 300pdps and 7+ base crit, if you are on a budget, just stick to Scaeva or Ahn's might. - Your gem setup, Ruthless no longer work with Blade flurry, check out my Gems section - You gears have too little flat life, I don't think you have more than 5k life. - Finally, All of your gears can be upgraded relatively cheap, it's almost the end of the league now. Check out my gear discussion and FAQ section. Goodluck |
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" I did...though it's not something I feel comfortable about. What you need are: Your gems setup would be: BF - BCR - Melee phys - Maim - Inc crit - Conc effect. For aura, use Blasephemy + Enfeeble. Admittedly, I have never done it deathless with this build, if you can hit your enemies first, it's guaranteed to kill them in 2-3 hits, or else you'll die by getting 1 shot from off screen. I never lack the dps but this build is kinda glass cannon in pvp, moreover, some enemies have passives or gears that prevent you from leeching their life/mana, which is the most annoying problem to this build. Enemies with high regen is not a very big threat, you'll need a second setup for Scorching ray + Frost bomb combo. Pledge of hands is a very good option. |
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