[3.3] The Swordmaster - Dual-wield crit Champion / Slayer - All Contents (updated June 5th)
" Cyclone uses both weapons to attack per spin, to maximize the dps output, you'll need a off-hand weapon that matches the dps of your main hand, so Death's hand is not a very good option here, you'll want something like Soultaker axe or something else since Death's hand have very low pdps. You don't need a Belly of the beast, a rare 6L Astral plate or any AR/EVA based armour with 100+life and good resists is also a very good option, which is as cheap as 2-3ex (or lower, it's almost end of league now). Other than that, you are doing fine, try to look for gears with flat life roll. You might want to try my Blasphemy + enfeeble combo, which is very good for defense. Switch out Abyssus in hard hitting bosses if you're using one. Good luck and sorry for the late reply. |
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" Thanks fore the reply. Alright sweet, i took Ruthless out. What skills do you use with the cyclone build? I'm using BF, Ancestral Warchief, Vaal lightning trap, Vaal haste, Ice golem, Herald of Ash, ASsassin's mark. You are right my life is 3500. I'll try get some better gear with health too. I plan to use this character in regular season for a bit too to try reach some high level maps. |
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" Thanks for the reply! So, basically you're saying that at this level, the stat-stick conversion advantage for "Unholy Might" and the exta crit chance isn't enough to warrant Deathshead in the long term? I'll pick up a Soultaker and test it out. (Is close to my mainhand dps.) Since I've only played this for a couple of weeks in this current League, I'll probably play the same build in the next. It's a lot of fun, thanks! PS - I've found your presentation of this build, the wealth of information you've supplied, and the discussions of gear and mechanics specific for this build to be among the very best examples of how a PoE Build should be presented. Outstanding job in all respects. |
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Sorry, couldn't find the ascendancy skills that you've picked. Opened the links for the skill tree and yet failed to see them. Sorry again.
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" They're on the Slayer tree. ie: "Brutal Fervour then Headsman" written in the Passives section. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Slayer |
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" For Cyclone, if you want to keep the color 1G2B3R: Cyclone - Damage on Full life - Melee phys - Maim - Inc crit - Conc effect/Inc aoe. But I'd prefer 2G for faster attack, remove Maim if you do so. Última edição por Brown14#0471 em 23 de fev de 2018 01:13:27
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Abyss is going to end and 3.2 patch is just around the corner, I'll probably update the thread once the patch notes announced, at this point, I'm so excited about the revamped Ascendancy, Champion is looking so sweet now, if only his Taunt can be applied on top tier bosses...but anyway, let's hope there are no more Slayer nerf...
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" Pretty sure that there's no more atziri acuity nerf. But i'm afraid for the slayer's life leech and blade flurry ... :( |
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Thank you for your build. I didn't follow it exactly as I re-worked my old cyclone charachter in Standard, so left some of its features. With the coming changes to ascendancies you might find it interesting. It does not look even close as DPS as your build, but works just fine for me. I'm not THAT good in this game, so my variant may have some stupid mistakes, will be happy if you point them out.
So, it is Champion. Current tree (lvl 91): Target tree: I have taken Sentinel and Lightning resistance to close gaps I have in my gear. Otherwise the tree is much the same to yours. Appart from Ascendancy, of course. I went to a more tankier Champion with constant Fortify. My gear includes: - does not seem great, but permanent Onslaught and +1000 to both both Armor and Evasion in stats. Don't mind if anyone proposes something really better than this one. Other gear:
For some situations, like Lab, I have Rat's Nest instead of Abyssus. As a result, I have capped ele resists, -1% chaos. Standing in HO: Armor - 7708, Evasion - 3415. The problem with me gear is the high number of Uniques and Corrupteds, that forced me to take resists on tree. Gems: Flurry-Maim-IncArea-FasterAttacks-MeleePhysDamage-IncCriticalStrikes. AncestralProtector-AddedFireDamage-MeleePhysDamage-CullingStrike IceGolem-BloodRage-ArcticArmor WhirlingBlades-FasterAttacks-BloodMagic Assassin'sMark-Blasphemy-HeraldofAsh-Enlighten ImmortalCall-IncDuration-CWDT-VaalLightningTrap Atziri's Promise and Taste of Hate. Currently I'm attempting to full clear the Atlas. Feels good in T16 maps, but struggles with some bosses (at least with damage map mods :) ). Absolute easy run in Lab. Thank you for any comments. Última edição por MisterAL#7047 em 25 de fev de 2018 06:51:06
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" The way I look at it, seems like you're making everything harder for yourself, if you lack resistance, you can just take Cloth and Chain right next to Golem's blood in Duelist area or Diamond skin in Marauder area...your ring and talisman are not a very good choice, a simple rare with decent res like mine are cheap to buy. And finally, a simple rare jewels with double resistance mods is enough instead of going all the way to Scion area. While your belt does seems good for Champion, I'd still go for a Stygian vise with additional abyss jewel. Another thing worth mentioned is that your sword has the potential, if you can master craft to keep the prefixes then scour the rest, you can multicraft it with crit chance (must) + atk speed. 6.5% base crit is a bit low. |
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