" Boots no longer have +1 frenzy charges corruption, they are on gloves now |
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" Then How about a way to search poe.trade for such a pair of gloves? I tried searching for gloves using the MOD: +# to number of maximum frenzy charges and nothing comes up at all?? So no boots or gloves ? Then How about a way to search poe.trade for such a pair of gloves? Thanks in advance.. If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy. Última edição por jesterx93#2143 em 13 de jun de 2018 19:26:36
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" /abenohoamitoka There are plenty of results just tweak it and find the right one for you Edit: I wasn't clear enough. the code goas after the POEtrade search/ then follows the code Última edição por MFDreamless2#0138 em 13 de jun de 2018 20:03:34
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Things I've learned while leveling this build and reading the thread... maybe will help others trying to get going with this.
I am leveling with an Oni-Goroshi sword: Linked with Molten Strike / Multistrike / EDWA / Ancestral Call / Elemental focus / Added Fire Damage With this you can follow the tree almost as it runs in the POB except for 7 points to respec when ready to equip Oro's at 67: 1. Tweaks to the tree using projectile damage instead of 2 H damage under the Duelist starting area Easy to respec this at 62-67 ish 2. Also use 2 Wildfire Jewels: 1 in place of the fireborn and the other put in the socket just above the juggernaut passive (respec these 2 points when you get to 67 and can change to flicker). For a more detailed look at my Ideas Here I am at lvl 59 use Path of building and Import from pastbin: https://pastebin.com/UT2hNb2d Here is the BUDGET/STARTER option at level 67+: (USE PoB) https://pastebin.com/VzRwLZJ9 5l => Flicker - Chance to Ignite - Multistrike - EDwA - Immolate Changes: -5l ONLY costs about 50-100 c - using Emberwake ring costs about 2 c -Helmet NO ENCHANT ele resist and life costs vary -Darkray without +1 frenzy costs about 5c -NO Kaom's Heart body ele resist and life costs vary -NO Xoph's Blood ammy ele resist and life costs vary -NO Taming ring ele resist and life costs vary -NO Spiked Gloves ele resist and life costs vary When ready to upgrade If you want to get max dps fo for : - helm with enchant X%damage per frenzy charge - XOPH'S BLOOD - DARKARAY BOOTS - Taming ring Order for ascension: normal- Get Impact first it just helps so much. Cruel/Merc- Aim for Brutal Fervor Uber- Headsman Prices right now for items listed in build... 6l = 7 ex xophs = 7ex koams = 3 ex Taming = 3ex helm with enchant = 1-3 ex lvl 4 enlighten = 5ex Gloves with +1 to frenzy charge corruption = ?? search for these on poe trade using: http://poe.trade/search/abenohoamitoka at least 26 ex More to come as I keep leveling =) If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy. Última edição por jesterx93#2143 em 13 de jun de 2018 21:48:20
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I have to say I am a little underwhelmed by the build. I am level 86 now running a somewhat tuned down version not using the taming and xoph's blood. I am also lacking the +1 frenzy enchant. None the less I can not really do any maps above T7/T8. This is in part due to the fact that my 5k hp just get oneshot by almost any T8+ boss and partially due to the massive lack of damage.
I am using +30% meele gloves, carnage hearth, emberwake, wiseoak and darkrays. As an exmpale: a T8 incursion architect takes 10-15 seconds to die, most T8 bosses take even longer. The map clear is good to greate I would say but tough unique mobs or map bosses just take "ages" to kill. The Omnitect for example is absically unkillable because I get oneshot every 3 seconds and the fight takes about 30-45 seconds to complete because damage is so low. obviously I am using fortify and blood rage. Any idea what might be going wrong, especially on the damage part? I am about 150c in and the build is worse than some of my selffound only builds at level 75. |
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Got all the gear like author suggested, and Emberwake feels too weak now.
Isn't there a better options? I believe this set was OP before 3.0 (I didn't played back then), but now isn't a double Taming better? Or anything else? EDIT: Seems like Poe Builder can't properly count Ignite dps. With Emberwake + Taming + 1 stacks of ignite = 717k total and 15k ignite With Emberwake + Taming + 2 stacks of ignite = 735k total and 16k ignite Why extra stack gives so little? And with 2 Taming and 1 stack of ignite = 750k total and 28k ignite So, 2 Tamings are clearly better, or Builder is faulty. ign: Kissmyastma Última edição por Vitalidze#4976 em 14 de jun de 2018 07:31:17
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Also, what is the best enchant/corrupt for Darkray boots now, since we lost Frenzy charge?
ign: Kissmyastma
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So what about Ascendency? In the Screenshot he show remove 20% Kill, on his PoB he show Remove Lifeleech thing.
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which is better?
10% increased life lecheed per second or +3% of maximum life per second to maximum life leech rate I do not know the difference |
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I still slacking with bosses =/
Última edição por Sweetdeal89#4103 em 14 de jun de 2018 16:06:57
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