it was answered on one of the earlier pages, but yeah use whatever floats your boat, molten strike, lacerate, wildstrike, whatever You like, feel good about, i went with the standard sunder leveling with 2h weapons, it's fast and let me kill packs from far away,
on a spearate note, i switched to flicker yesterday, have capped res, damage is nice, clearspeed also, but the survivability literally kills me, yeah i know, i need more life = 2,6k hp, but overall i'm unsatisfied with how quickly i die when i "stutter" with flicker, could You guys help me improve my char?
(and damn the lightpoacher looks nice with glowing eyes effect xD)
thanks in advance!
Última edição por CainDarkk#0529 em 18 de jun de 2018 06:33:46
it was answered on one of the earlier pages, but yeah use whatever floats your boat, molten strike, lacerate, wildstrike, whatever You like, feel good about, i went with the standard sunder leveling with 2h weapons, it's fast and let me kill packs from far away,
on a spearate note, i switched to flicker yesterday, have capped res, damage is nice, clearspeed also, but the survivability literally kills me, yeah i know, i need more life = 2,6k hp, but overall i'm unsatisfied with how quickly i die when i "stutter" with flicker, could You guys help me improve my char?
(and damn the lightpoacher looks nice with glowing eyes effect xD)
thanks in advance!
I was in a similar boat until I saved enough to get a Kaom's. After I got that I got a lot tankier, made my health go up by 1k.
I put my build into PoB, cant see how OP's damage gets so high...Even after switching to Xoph's, The Taming, and a 6L wep, my damage is only at 250k DPS, when OP shows 900k+ Any tips are appreciated :)
it was answered on one of the earlier pages, but yeah use whatever floats your boat, molten strike, lacerate, wildstrike, whatever You like, feel good about, i went with the standard sunder leveling with 2h weapons, it's fast and let me kill packs from far away,
on a spearate note, i switched to flicker yesterday, have capped res, damage is nice, clearspeed also, but the survivability literally kills me, yeah i know, i need more life = 2,6k hp, but overall i'm unsatisfied with how quickly i die when i "stutter" with flicker, could You guys help me improve my char?
(and damn the lightpoacher looks nice with glowing eyes effect xD)
thanks in advance!
I was in a similar boat until I saved enough to get a Kaom's. After I got that I got a lot tankier, made my health go up by 1k.
I put my build into PoB, cant see how OP's damage gets so high...Even after switching to Xoph's, The Taming, and a 6L wep, my damage is only at 250k DPS, when OP shows 900k+ Any tips are appreciated :)
You need to configure your calculations in PoB to this https://i.imgur.com/kJXAaZ0.jpg, from there it's just a matter of min maxing your gear and gems + making sure gloves have a +1 to maximum frenzy charge from a corruption roll since it's no longer on boots.
For HC should I still grab Vaal Pact? Not having regen seems a little crazy especially with blood rage for travel times between packs and/or ground effects. Also without Vaal Pact you can save a few skill points for some jewels. I think maybe if I drop VP and the Frenzy gem and replace it with enduring cry for endurance charges with the marauder regen end charge node.
I could totally be wrong and off base, but I wanna try to make FS work in HC.
Hello mate. Im making your build about 2 days. Im 46 lvl slayer now but i think somethings going wrong. Im watching your videos and you hitting flicker strike "ALL" of the mobs you can see. But when i click flicker strike its just hitting "3" mobs why it happens? what i need ? I had 6 link item and put all gems like you. But where im doing wrong mate please answer and help me.
Hello mate. Im making your build about 2 days. Im 46 lvl slayer now but i think somethings going wrong. Im watching your videos and you hitting flicker strike "ALL" of the mobs you can see. But when i click flicker strike its just hitting "3" mobs why it happens? what i need ? I had 6 link item and put all gems like you. But where im doing wrong mate please answer and help me.
Why Ruthless Support instead of Fire Pen? Total damage over 9 hits should be the same, but Fire Pen will make each hit equal in damage instead of loading most damage into hits 7, 8, and 9. (ruthless and multistrike interaction)
Hello mate. Im making your build about 2 days. Im 46 lvl slayer now but i think somethings going wrong. Im watching your videos and you hitting flicker strike "ALL" of the mobs you can see. But when i click flicker strike its just hitting "3" mobs why it happens? what i need ? I had 6 link item and put all gems like you. But where im doing wrong mate please answer and help me.
Start flickering at 67
Dude why lvl 67 ? Is there any important skill or ascendant or something ?
Why Ruthless Support instead of Fire Pen? Total damage over 9 hits should be the same, but Fire Pen will make each hit equal in damage instead of loading most damage into hits 7, 8, and 9. (ruthless and multistrike interaction)
37% firepen is NOT 37% more damage. It's only 37% more dmg if the opponent is at 0% Fire resist. Since we are using so much firepen (skilltree, Xoph's, Wise Oak, Flamability, Combustion) in the rest of the setup opponents are already at -117% fireres (-37% for the Shaper).
If you add firepen support to those you only get 17% more damage against normal enemies (27% against Shaper) which is less than the 133%/3=37% you get from Ruthless
Hello mate. Im making your build about 2 days. Im 46 lvl slayer now but i think somethings going wrong. Im watching your videos and you hitting flicker strike "ALL" of the mobs you can see. But when i click flicker strike its just hitting "3" mobs why it happens? what i need ? I had 6 link item and put all gems like you. But where im doing wrong mate please answer and help me.
Start flickering at 67
Dude why lvl 67 ? Is there any important skill or ascendant or something ?
You literally can only use the REQUIRED unique to make this build work at 67