[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy
" I mean in your showcase video you're moving three times as fast as me while channeling Cyclone. I'm not trying to disagree with you or anything I'm just saying for some reason my Cyclone speed is slow as all heck. It feels like you just got it at lvl 28 with no movement speed boots on. |
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" I'm still on the champion train, I don't know if an extra 2M DPS is worth it at the already high numbers. The big bonus in my eyes are better leech, more aoe and phys reflect protection. The leech still seems strong enough on the champ, I tweaked the Tree to hit a few more aoe + range nodes, so it feels better to run, and I can reroll mods for phys reflect. I like the idea of more protection from 1 hits, but I'm also new so take my advice with some salt. Champion Bladestorm Super Tank - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2785401 Última edição por GonzoHarratec#5923 em 10 de jun de 2019 16:31:16
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Hello I follow your build at the moment and I am gearing up at the time. I have every gem link you and 280 dps weapons. I have some serious defense problems, I feel veeeery squishy. And I find the game play very frustrating with 7 buttons to press besides attack and leap slam. Phase run every 3 seconds, blood rage, vaal haste middle mouse button for totem and 2345 for flask. How do you feel about the survivability? Doing t9-11 aat the moment.
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could do lvl up the pob ? i see all slot with green+green... im looking for weapon or gear to lvl up im in lvl 27
ty im watching every moment this guide |
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" 5.5ex? o.O its 1 alch :'D Ye I'm still working through my atlas, sitting at T13 atm, at T15 I'll upload a video. " Dunno, do you got all the mods on flasks? Also I never channel that long cause everything dies quite quick, so you can move on fast. " Try to grab a basalt flask instead of jade, also I updated the gems a bit, so we have perma fortify + endurance charges now which does help a lot. Other then that you should be fine, besides some more life. regarding the button problems, idk I use bloodrage at the start, then its basically jumping and cyclone. phaserun once in a while and whenever you jump into packs or bosses you pop vaal haste + totem. That's 3 Buffs + 2 active skills we use, since we neither place banner nor do we have to swap stances - only if you feel like needing it. But it is by no means necessary. " There's multiple skilltrees in PoB, you see the colors in the skill-section or here on the forum in the Gems section. Streamlink: https://www.twitch.tv/szynima Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwoAYZn8wbwAwE1260cMdw My Builds 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2514647 Última edição por Szynima#2964 em 10 de jun de 2019 17:15:25
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Im playing casually and in early stages of mapping, just went from Champion to slayer and its 100 % worth rn for completing atlas just like OP stated.
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i keep getting one shot by everything, probably something wrong with my evasion or armour but i really dont know im following everything step by step res are capped ofc and im at 4.258 hp any tips?
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What auras should we run as slayer version? With all 4 i got 12 mana so not realy possible
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so you are on slayer, but still run dual foils? Doesn't the slayer ascendency benefits more with 2h? Or am I misunderstanding something here?
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So for Slayer do we follow the ascendancy as posted initially?
I feel that taking out Bane of Legends for Impact is beneficial since once weapond is fully upgraded the cull effect is rather pointless as we do so much damage and in return we get +2 range and up to 50% increased in AOE |
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