3.10|Stress-Free PoE| TRIGGER HAPPY |Use Any Items You Want|1 Button Gameplay|Easily Customizable
Hi. What would you say is the BIS weapon on this build?. Soultaker?. And what about the shield?.
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sorry I posted under wron thread :-)
Última edição por Elvymir#6128 em 6 de abr de 2020 09:07:42
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New to PoE, this is my first real character and build, I am 83 and having a good time.
I am curious how you handle chaos damage? Looking at your gear, I don't think I see much chaos resist? Just the helm with 13? Is chaos damage just not a threat? Am I missing something? Thanks! Última edição por HexDex#7417 em 6 de abr de 2020 14:25:44
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Hi !
I'm replaying again after maybe 6 months to a year and I wanted to thank you for your build, out of my previous 5 characters, it's the first one that doesn't die immediately and does pretty good damage ^^ It's very fun to play with my friends, we are currently in the Act 9 in Delirium League ! I have two questions if you have enough time to answer them : - First one, during the time when we don't have a 5/6L armor, what support gems do you think are the best suited for Bladestorm ? In which order should we add them to have a nice build ? (right now I have a 4L and I'm currently not using Fortify and Melee Physical Damage Support) - Second one, I've spend some time on the wiki to scout unique shields, armours, etc. and I wanted to know how to modify a little your filter to highlight the base item category of the uniques I found to try to upgrade them with an orb of chance ! I'm thinking it's around "# All NON-TOP-GEAR" but I'm not sure where to put the lines ^^" Thank you for your answer (if it's another player, thank you as well) ! I hope you are all enjoying your game during the confinment (depending on the country ^^") Best regards |
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I am enjoying this build very much, it's very tanky and quite easy to play. If you have any time could you look at my build and recommend any upgrades or any nodes I could sacriface in favor of some clusters. Thanks for the build !
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Thanks for the build! What anointment for amulet would you recommend?
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"Hey sirjulix1! Soul Taker is a good weapon for sure, but not the best. For a weapon, this is what I'd look for (though getting T1 rolls on everything is pretty unrealistic): Prefix: - (75–79)% increased Physical Damage/+(175–200) to Accuracy Rating - (170–179)% increased Physical Damage - Adds (20–27) to (41–49) Physical Damage Suffix: - (26–27)% increased Attack Speed - Anything else you want. These are basic mods, nothing fancy from influence or anything. But a one-handed weapon with over 200% increased damage and flat physical damage that can be over 40 would be HUGE! I hope that helps. Oh right, the shield. Prefix: - +(100–109) to maximum Life - +(43–95) to Armour/+(29–33) to maximum Life - (31–36)% increased Armour/+3% Chance to Block Suffix: - +(7–8)% Chance to Block OR +(11–12)% Chance to Block Projectile Attack Damage - Resists BUT check out some of the amazing influence mods that can drop from so many different types. Pretty sweet. http://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=Shield&an=str_armour,str_shield https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey HexDex! Fun! Progress is exciting hey? I'm glad you're having a good time! You're quite observant for sure. Chaos Damage is a big threat. Lots of bosses and Metamorphs use it, along with almost every Syndicate member as well. I wish I had more Chaos Resist. I just need to sit down and really prioritize an hour to re-roll some gear. If you find a piece of gear with great life and resists, but has a free suffix, they are perfect for adding Chaos Resist to it. You're not missing anything. Chaos damage is what I die most to and I really should prioritize it on my character. Good eye! And thanks again for the thanks. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey Scarfayss! I love the name! (And the movie.) I'm glad you're having fun! That's for the thanks! You're very kind. 1. All 5 listed supports are all really good...and all are honestly ok to leave out of a 4 link. Fortify is a weakest but it's the only damage mitigation we have for hits that aren't blocked. Brutality gets rid of elemental damage :( but gives us tons of physical damage. Close Combat is stronger than both Brutality and Melee Physical so if you were to min/max levelling, I'd put Fortify and Close Combat. Then you can't choose wrong with the other 3. 2. I'll be making a big filter update shortly with all the new colours and such. I've re-organized the internal layout of my filters as well. Now, you likely know that the higher the code, the more priority it has. If you want all shields of the proper Basetype to show up, I'd put them above everything else. Sooooo...let's see...I'd probably put it right above "6 sockets". So then it'd even be above item level 84 gear. May as well until you get what you want. Do you know what to do for adding it? Or do you want me to give you a little help for what to type (Sorry, I don't know how much about filters you know.) Thanks again for your kindness and encouragement! I hope you're doing well as well. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey G963258741! Thanks for the thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying yourself! I took a quick look at your gear and it's way better than mine! The only gear you have really min/maxed are your rings. But judging by your other gear, you likely know what to improve there (Steel Rings with good life and resists). In terms of the tree, I don't actually have anything specific for you to remove. The thing with Cluster Jewels is that what you remove from your default tree is what you'll be adding to your clusters. If you get a good block chance cluster, you'll remove block chance from your original tree. The tricky thing about this build is that most of its damage from the tree is from nodes that are coupled with Blocking Perks. So it's honestly just replacing what you're getting...except of course you're hopefully getting better perks from the jewel. I'm sorry that wasn't very helpful. But does it at least make sense? https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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