[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
Thank you again for your awesome work. This league I was testing all-Specters build and I find 101 Golemancer better (and faster and easier to ramp-up damage). In my opinion (I will test this next league) flame-golems + TV should work best agains end game bosses. Can I ask you for first post update? Some things changed when it comes to maximising damage. FAQ section would also use some expanding. 1. What is the best (damage-wise) and optimal (best dmg when on the budget) Skin of the Legion? 2. As for the current patch, which build variant is better? (4-1-1 elementalist vs pure flame-golem necro vs flame golems and specters combo)? |
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" Hello :) Without Specters or high level Golems damage might be bit slow but Golems will get the job done eventually. I have not really tried Occultists damage without Specters, so I can't say exactly how much TVs affect boss kill speed but my rough estimate would be 50% of damage. You can however use TV specs in any 4-link item, as they will be adding nice damage boost already with : Specters -> Minion damage -> Minion Resistance -> Minion life Elder helmets usually become pretty cheap in first few days so it might not be that hard to get one. Even minion life or damage support in helmet helps already. " Thanks fur support ^^ Thanks for the tip, I fixed the line! It meant that AG will get chance to block from with shields if using both Rathpith in AG and any shield with "Necromantic Aegis" and giving shield benefits to minions. Sorry, that I can't link 2r2g2b in default guide. Both 2r1g3b and 3r1g2b Sotls were pretty cheap before I made the guide. Seems like price fixers are hoarding them to sell for profit, people are corrupting them so the bricked ones exit the trade pool and some players just have many of the same color combos. Price fixers usually check guides gear recommendations to know what colors / items to buy for cheap and sell for profit. I haven't linked 2r2g2b in guide and its still dirt cheap for 3rd league in a row. I try to mention it every few pages so that thread readers will have cheap start armor in leagues ;) " Hi and thanks for support :) Glad to hear you like the setup! Flame Golems as main skill supported by TV Specs for boss should be pretty much best best mix of minion damage atm. Not sure what you mean by updating guide? 1) - 2r1g3b, guides default Sotl has Best damage if using Elemental Equilibrium actively. It has most raw damage, while still being able to ignite trash mobs - 3r1g2b is very close as Fire Pene lets you do more damage while EE is not up. Its very nice combo for more lazy players or those who cant keep EE up every 4 seconds - 2r2g2b is very cheap alternative with Difference between 2x first armors in list is explained in FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS -> CONTROLLED DESTRUCTION OR FIRE PENETRATION FOR GOLEMS? Quoting myself from answer before this : Sorry, that I can't link 2r2g2b in default guide. Both 2r1g3b and 3r1g2b Sotls were pretty cheap before I made the guide. Seems like price fixers are hoarding them to sell for profit, people are corrupting them so the bricked ones exit the trade pool and some players just have many of the same color combos. Price fixers usually check guides gear recommendations to know what colors / items to buy for cheap and sell for profit. I haven't linked 2r2g2b in guide and its still dirt cheap for 3rd league in a row. I try to mention it every few pages so that thread readers will have cheap start armor in leagues ;) 2) I have rough scoring between Ascendancies in FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS -> NECROMANCER, OCCULTIST OR ELEMENTALIST? Section has list of differences and rough estimate about overall DPS, boss DPS and defense. It is extremely hard to say which variant is "best". Even in guild there is lots of debating about which one is better as different players like different attributes. Hope this answered your questions :) UPDATE Deathless Hall of GM run with Elementalist 4+1+1 variant. https://youtu.be/o8grtnYiZnc [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 11 de mai de 2018 00:38:15
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Hi, pls help me with decision. What's better: five 26 lvl golems, or six 24 lvl golems? Adds one golem will inc AoE, add 20% damage (if not considering lvl decrease). But how much i lose (offensive/defensive) if decrease golems lvl by 2? (sry 4 my bad English)
Última edição por Cusanduru#7304 em 10 de mai de 2018 18:51:41
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Sorry I'm just confused with the projectile weakness in the 2r2b2g 6 link. As there is no curse on hit any enemies would usually be affected by both temp chains and elemental weakness I didn't think a third curse could be used. What about something like culling strike? I am completely new to summoning build so this is unfamiliar territory.
Thanks! Última edição por konsherps#3813 em 10 de mai de 2018 21:49:51
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" I think mika meant faster/slower projectiles (map clear/bossing) |
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Curious if OP is gonna make use of this new gem.
![]() When righteousness falters
And chaos threatens to prevail I take on a physical body And manifest myself on earth. |
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" Hello :) I guess you are using the +1 level staff and Shav's with Golems after I checked you char? I think that Shav's is overkill as chaos damage is quite low in endgame, and its easy to cap with rare rings and crystal belt if needed. Sotl would give 6l, +1 level and more ES than Shavs. Staff has ES, block and +1 level but spell damage from it wont affect Golems. As for you question, each level on Golems gives roughly 10% more total DPS and HP per Goles. +2 level would be 20% Total DPS as +1 Golem would be 17% total damage. They are very close to each other so both are good options. 4+1+1 would give about same DPS to Golems and also give you elemental immunity, so that might be worth consideration too ;) " " Hi! Sorry, my typo. Was writing answers dead tired and had some mistakes -_- Meant Slower Projectiles instead of Projectile Weakness. " Hey :) 6 seconds is pretty short time even with longer duration and can be used realistically only once per fight. Tukohama Vanguard Specs don't even hit, so they would not get any boost at all. Reflect does not really kill Golems, so even fire immunity is not very good. I think Vaal haste would boost total damage more, if really wanting to use some temporary buff. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 11 de mai de 2018 13:22:29
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" Hello, ty for ur attention. I use staff, so have 63/66 block (attacks/spells) with 4 reckless def and rainbows, 7.3k es. Also use temp ch in vertex /w blood magic and 4lvl enhance, so only 347 life left, that because shav. Infeblee, discipline and arctic armor reserves mana. 25% chaos res, about 100% all ele (overcap if weakness maps, want more). Dream fragment to avoid frozen, chill. Flame golems grants immune to ignites. Soul of Aracaali is a little decrease of shock. Thats my idea, not best, but works)) im asking, bcose thinking 6l shav, change stave to claishaper and rathpit in offhand. But thinking in this way is better to change shav to Sotl and thinking, what to do with temp chain. Maybe will try it later, thx again and have fun with your awesom build! |
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Is conc good on this? Is it any good?
Sorry I'm trying this build and not 100% sure on gear choices. Didn't find anything mentioning conc effect, only the other mods on the helmet. Thanks a ton! Última edição por FaustoFanti#1658 em 12 de mai de 2018 01:50:28
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At the moment it seems my specters do nothing while I kite. Is there something I can do to motivate them to attack without standing still and dying? They simply seem not to be aggressive while I run around the boss and the golems run crazy towards the boss. My gear is still suboptimal, but I managed most stuff without a carry, still I can't get the shaper down while the TV specters are doing jack. I'm aware that the TV don't need to attack to do damage, but they don't even cast their totems that do all the work. Only when I stay and channel Storm Burst they do anything. This is almost never possible in some endgame boss fights (Shaper, Uber-Atziri, etc).
Char is Gindrala, Bestiary league. Última edição por AasfresserSteam#5590 em 12 de mai de 2018 11:31:07
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