[3.16] LL VD Spellslinger | 8.2 k ES | 75%Block / 75% Spell Block | not recommended anymore

zzang escreveu:

Check the videos of my edit. I tested it one time all i did was replace cascade and awakened cascade.

I can remove bone offering too if neccessary.
Why remove DD though? Its part of the complete setup. I can try when im back from work if this makes any difference.

As i said, maybe more than 1 time desecrate was casted while you fire frenzy (bcuz ping issue, or you held your mouse 1/100 second longer).
Yes, since i self-casted VD, you only need to remove bone offering to avoid trigger mod on weapon, removing DD is not necessary.
Última edição por phuaoyama#1910 em 12 de fev de 2021 07:39:15
phuaoyama escreveu:

As i said, maybe more than 1 time desecrate was casted while you fire frenzy (bcuz ping issue, or you held your mouse 1/100 second longer).
Yes, since i self-casted VD, you only need to remove bone offering to avoid trigger mod on weapon, removing DD is not necessary.

I dont think this has anything to do with how long i hold my mouse. One attack is one atrack.

I will do more recordings later without DD/Bone Offering to see how much Volatile Dead will be created ON TRIGGER as this one is the most important aspect.

We do not self cast VD so test properly please with trigger setup not self cast.
Última edição por zzang#1847 em 12 de fev de 2021 07:43:27
zzang escreveu:
phuaoyama escreveu:

As i said, maybe more than 1 time desecrate was casted while you fire frenzy (bcuz ping issue, or you held your mouse 1/100 second longer)

I dont think this has anything to do with how long i hold my mouse. One attack is one atrack.

I will do more recordings later without DD/Bone Offering to see how much Volatile Dead will be created as this one is the most important aspect.

But in my test, it is clearly that you only made 12 corpses regardless you are using normal or awakened version of SC. Let's image we are play self-cast VD, not trigger.
phuaoyama escreveu:

But in my test, it is clearly that you only made 12 corpses regardless you are using normal or awakened version of SC. Let's image we are play self-cast VD, not trigger.

Okay lets imagine we play THIS build with trigger. So please test with Spellslinger trigger and report back.
Última edição por zzang#1847 em 12 de fev de 2021 07:51:23
Hi everyone,

I could use some help.

First with my wand:

I know it lacks +1 but I think its ok for now. Should I remove speed and add crit or do something completely different?

Second my Helm:

I would like to take the base and start crafting on it. I plan to buy an Inward Eye (with mana reservation) for the mean time to wear. Anything wrong with that? (I know I lose mana reservation and cold resistance but I plan to skill back into commander of darkness and gain another mana reduce note)

Thanks in advance

P.S. Any other helpful tips are welcome of course.
gottypro escreveu:
Balgobind escreveu:

Am I blocking prefix right?
Haven't gotten %ES all night, hope I'm not being stupid lmao

Your crafted mod and %ES share the same modgroup. Oops. If you want %ES you should block +flat ES or "+ES +life", it's a different modgroup to both flat ES and %ES.

You should play around with craftofexile's crafting emulator and/or look up mod groups on poedb.tw

Can someone clarify on this?

I have imprint of boots, with t0 cooldown, and t1 flat ES.
I want to aim for t1 ES %.

Options to block for hybrid:

1. % increased armour and energy shield
2. % increased evasion and energy shield

3. % increased armor and energy shield, flat life
4. % increased evasion and energy shielf, flat life
5. % increased energy shield, flat life
6. % increased armor, evasion, es, flat life.

I do not see any option to block hybrid flat ES + life.

Looking at mod group on poedb,
it says
ModGroup: BaseLocalDefencesAndLife
But this is not available on the craft bench??
Hello and thank you for the build information. I'm starting on the budget build today. This will be my second time playing as a witch. Wish me luck.....

phuaoyama escreveu:
zzang escreveu:
phuaoyama escreveu:

Sure, it work with corpses from monsters, but that is not the point in my test. The point is how many corpses we can make w/ or w/o Awakened SC.

For my testing i looked how many Volatile Dead i spawn from the corpses on first trigger with Spellcascade or Awakened Spellcascade linked to Desecrate.
My result is that i spawn roughly 8-9 with a normal Spellcascade while i can spawn consistently 12 Volatile Dead with the first cast on Awakened Spellcascade. Dunno if RNG but that observation is my reason to use 2* Awakened Spellcascade.

i tested by removing spellslinger, bone offering, DD. Self-cast desecrate one time and then consume all copses with VD untill no corpse on the ground. In both case w/ and w/o Awakened SC bring the same number of VD balls.

The problem with this test is that it doesn't take into account that there is an "interaction" when desecrate and vd/dd start their casts using barrage/frenzy, and its important to take into account the gem's position on the item, and I'll refer to this order further on (https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/kyosh1/trigger_order_of_skill_gems_has_changed_its_very/gjjrwmq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).

Desecrate with awakened spell cascade doesn't create all the bodies instantly, rather, it spawns them sequentially. By positioning the gems correctly you can explode 5 corpses with DD and spawn more than 12 VD balls in one attack trigger.

Here is my VD/DD and desecrate setups on my items:

I don't have the means to record a video right now, but I took an SS after one single barrage frenzy attack (which has multiple shots), and what happens is that the first barrage projectile tries to proc desecrate, dd and vd in that order. Only desecrate procs because there wasn't any bodies for dd and vd to activate (they don't even go on cooldown). Desecrate starts spawning corpses but as I said, its sort of sequential. You can check this yourself by using just the desecrate spellslinger and paying attention to the corpses spawning. When the first batch of corpses from spell cascade is ready, the next projectile shot from the same single barrage frenzy attack tries to proc Desecrate then DD then VD. Desecrate is still casting and still in cooldown. So those two will start exploding corpses semi sequentially just as it happens with desecrate. By the end I have 4-5 corpses exploded by DD, 14-15 VD balls floating around, and two remaining corpses, because the timings aren't perfect. This is an SS from after this single barrage frenzy attack:

As you see, 14 balls there. So yea, awakened spell cascade DOES make a huge difference in DPS even in single target scenarios. This respects the 12 corpse limit because as I explained, the corpses spawn along a short period of time rather then all at once, allowing for VD/DD to start their casts meanwhile. For clear speed it goes without mention that it uses 100% of the corpses available from monsters you're steamrolling.

PS: I should mention that it's important to not start and then stop attacks during real life scenarios, either start with a clear arena or keep spamming frenzy. Worst case is you attack a little when entering the arena, then after the boss spawns you start attacking. Explanation: Taking for example the scenario in my SS. The balls explode and I'll have two corpses lying around. If attack again, the whole thing will suck because desecrate will proc, but DD/VD will proc as well in the first projectile, since there are corpses already lying around. And there are only a handful. Then they will have to wait their cooldowns (hopefully .33 sec if you got 82% CDR) to proc again with a decent number of corpses. Either start clean or keep spamming to have a flow of procs going on.
Última edição por jms8svn#0802 em 12 de fev de 2021 09:45:41
jms8svn escreveu:

The problem with this test is that it doesn't take into account that there is an "interaction" when desecrate and vd/dd start their casts using barrage/frenzy, and its important to take into account the gem's position on the item, and I'll refer to this order further on (https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/kyosh1/trigger_order_of_skill_gems_has_changed_its_very/gjjrwmq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).

Desecrate with awakened spell cascade doesn't create all the bodies instantly, rather, it spawns them sequentially. By positioning the gems correctly you can explode 5 corpses with DD and spawn more than 12 VD balls in one attack trigger.

Here is my VD/DD and desecrate setups on my items:

I don't have the means to record a video right now, but I took an SS after one single barrage frenzy attack (which has multiple shots), and what happens is that the first barrage projectile tries to proc desecrate, dd and vd in that order. Only desecrate procs because there wasn't any bodies for dd and vd to activate (they don't even go on cooldown). Desecrate starts spawning corpses but as I said, its sort of sequential. You can check this yourself by using just the desecrate spellslinger and paying attention to the corpses spawning. When the first batch of corpses from spell cascade is ready, the next projectile shot from the same single barrage frenzy attack tries to proc Desecrate then DD then VD. Desecrate is still casting and still in cooldown. So those two will start exploding corpses semi sequentially just as it happens with desecrate. By the end I have 4-5 corpses exploded by DD, 14-15 VD balls floating around, and two remaining corpses, because the timings aren't perfect. This is an SS from after this single barrage frenzy attack:

As you see, 14 balls there. So yea, awakened spell cascade DOES make a huge difference in DPS even in single target scenarios. For clear speed it goes without mention that it uses 100% of the corpses available from monsters you're steamrolling.

This is consistent with my testings.

I have no scientific explanation on how Spellslinger works exactly since we dont know how its coded and no GGG dev ever said a detail about how Spellslinger exactly interact with corpses VD/DD. But my theory was similar that its procced based on frenzy projectiles supported with barrage. In the end i was attacked by Cast on Crit guys that told me im wrong and it doesnt fit their world view.

So i go by approved testing. And according to this aporoved testing (T19 100% delirious viable damage in 63% resist all map mod in 3.13 no Headhunter needed) 2* Awakened Spellcascade is major DPS upgrade fullstop.

If someone doesnt like to use 2*Awakened Spellcascade and stay with 500k dps setup with no Herald of Ash fine i can not convice everyone to get the best if they dont want to.
Última edição por zzang#1847 em 12 de fev de 2021 09:44:26
hey lads, i just rerolled to this build and im currently lvl 68

so far i bought the obvious things such as 6l shavs, prism guard, chayula etc

but at this point i dont know where to do the best investment, anything besides the items mentioned above is more or less garbage, and i got about 65 exalts budget at the moment, can add another 60ish to that if needed

where will you guys suggest i should start to get most out of my investment and also have a easier time fitting everything together in the end ?

check my current toon " Slingdis " in my profile to see where im at

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