Desecrate with awakened spell cascade doesn't create all the bodies instantly, rather, it spawns them sequentially. By positioning the gems correctly you can explode 5 corpses with DD and spawn more than 12 VD balls in one attack trigger.
Here is my VD/DD and desecrate setups on my items:
I don't have the means to record a video right now, but I took an SS after one single barrage frenzy attack (which has multiple shots), and what happens is that the first barrage projectile tries to proc desecrate, dd and vd in that order. Only desecrate procs because there wasn't any bodies for dd and vd to activate (they don't even go on cooldown). Desecrate starts spawning corpses but as I said, its sort of sequential. You can check this yourself by using just the desecrate spellslinger and paying attention to the corpses spawning. When the first batch of corpses from spell cascade is ready, the next projectile shot from the same single barrage frenzy attack tries to proc Desecrate then DD then VD. Desecrate is still casting and still in cooldown. So those two will start exploding corpses semi sequentially just as it happens with desecrate. By the end I have 4-5 corpses exploded by DD, 14-15 VD balls floating around, and two remaining corpses, because the timings aren't perfect. This is an SS from after this single barrage frenzy attack:
As you see, 14 balls there. So yea, awakened spell cascade DOES make a huge difference in DPS even in single target scenarios. For clear speed it goes without mention that it uses 100% of the corpses available from monsters you're steamrolling.
This is consistent with my testings.
I have no scientific explanation on how Spellslinger works exactly since we dont know how its coded and no GGG dev ever said a detail about how Spellslinger exactly interact with corpses VD/DD. But my theory was similar that its procced based on frenzy projectiles supported with barrage. In the end i was attacked by Cast on Crit guys that told me im wrong and it doesnt fit their world view.
So i go by approved testing. And according to this aporoved testing (T19 100% delirious viable damage in 63% resist all map mod in 3.13 no Headhunter needed) 2* Awakened Spellcascade is major DPS upgrade fullstop.
If someone doesnt like to use 2*Awakened Spellcascade and stay with 500k dps setup with no Herald of Ash fine i can not convice everyone to get the best if they dont want to.
Would the 2nd awakened cascade still help on a build that doesn't run the Frenzy 6 link and Helmet VD | DD\
Would apporeciate some advice.
Should I stop spamming this one now and just clear the suffix and craft crit?
Is the %increased spell damage good enough or should I remove it and continue to try and get %increased fire damage?
I am worried about the damage I loose when the spelldamage does not add to corpse explosions.
My goal is to clear all content, not craft a t1 wand.
The spell damage mod is more than good enough to clear all content in the game. What like 80-90% of our damage comes from the spell component, so you are more than good enough.
Would apporeciate some advice.
Should I stop spamming this one now and just clear the suffix and craft crit?
Is the %increased spell damage good enough or should I remove it and continue to try and get %increased fire damage?
I am worried about the damage I loose when the spelldamage does not add to corpse explosions.
My goal is to clear all content, not craft a t1 wand.
The spell damage mod is more than good enough to clear all content in the game. What like 80-90% of our damage comes from the spell component, so you are more than good enough.
Would the 2nd awakened cascade still help on a build that doesn't run the Frenzy 6 link and Helmet VD | DD\
Thank you!
I guess you mean Frenzy in 4 Link Inward Eye? Yes
VigorDracul escreveu:
So I decided to get rid of the speed modifer and try my luck on a aug crit:
Dude dont do this. Craft proper 1.5 APS wands. Yours are too slow to reach trigger cap.
I do craft a different wand atm but I see no reason not to upgrade my current one if there is a cheap opportunity. Its not two different wands its the same before and after the "anul speed" "aug crit". I just thought it was worth the 60c until I will finish a proper wand.
Última edição por VigorDracul#2148 em 13 de fev de 2021 07:24:05
I have the helm and I think it's time to socket vd/dd setup there. So my frenzy goes to 6 link but I don't have awakened hextouch, what links should I use then?