[3.25] Holy Flicker Strike Necro [League start > All content] Phox private league start

im having fun. also, the first time I played a build for a second time.
its a lot less stressful if you kinda know what you need to do.

thanks for the update!
Última edição por luca4k#5946 em 30 de ago de 2022 09:58:03
also, is wild strike viable? i have a +6 additional chain enchant on my helmet.
my guess is that it triggers relic more times if I just press it once? so I dont need to stand still as long.
luca4k escreveu:
also, is wild strike viable? i have a +6 additional chain enchant on my helmet.
my guess is that it triggers relic more times if I just press it once? so I dont need to stand still as long.

What? Of course not. The chain is instant and nova has a cooldown of 0.33-0.264 seconds.
A little update

Simulacrum wave 30 - done.
Absolute aids. AN enemies with 90% damage reduction from mods + 98% damage reduction from Delirium. On a build that doesn't even do damage. Great times.

That being said - somewhat tanky to survie most things. I had to upgrade my AG though. Now it has Garb and Kindamker. Was a bit scared he gonna die in Sim30, but he handled fairly well. With Divergent Meat Shield that is.

Uber Elder is also done. That one wasn't too hard. Lethe Shade saves you from degen zones and beam, AG with Garbs removes slow from the SUCC. Fairy east fight.

Sirus is also done, not a hard fight for the build.

Overall, I'd say its okay-ISH build to play if you wanna try something new and have some fun mapping with explody gloves. The damage is low enough for me to never go into Simulacrum again, and that also means I prolly won't even be able to do Uber bosses. I will try though. The damage is heavily carried by +2 amulet. Its better than Ashes in that regard, but doesn't give you extra block like Ashes and doesn't give you mana reserve. Its still very muchw orth to get
one. You only need +2 levels and don't care about other stats. Anything extra is great. Watch out for negatives.

With next upgrade I try pushing ubers. That would be Empower 4 and a better weapon. Maybe some extra damage oriented megalomaniacs.

Current PoB - https://pastebin.com/rtuQ8njq

Current gear

Another day - another update.

Trying to push the build to its limit and getting ready to try out ubers. Expectations are fairly low - the damage is still not there.

With all bells and whistles I expect it to be around 8.5 mill Shaper DPS.
Pob - https://pastebin.com/txKhi033

Crafted boss killer gloves.

Grab gloves with aura mod from delive, craft minion damage on it, then use red orbs to get more minions damage. Lightning damage leeched as life is a nice bonus - you will start healing from Tempest Shield.

The idea behind current upgrades is - Bosses and Uber Bosses have massive reduction to curse effects. But don't have anything that reduces effect of auras.

So, we just stack Pride aura effect to the max instead of adding vulnerability. Its still work in progress and I'm still tweaking with things, but I think this is the way.

Another part of the process is just to go full on damage. No more defensive auras, no Discipline with its vaal part, no Determination, just more damage to try and kill Bosses faster.

With that - Dawnbreaker still comes up as the top shield for mitigating huge Uber hits, while Surrender provides most survivability in maps. Aegis comes as a third.

Olroth Resolve is tied up with Taste of Hate for the flexible slot - Ward is good for mapping, Taste is good for bossing.
Última edição por Fire_Archer#4037 em 2 de set de 2022 15:07:27
Feared done.
Uber Shaper done.

Can't say I feel great about the build, especially compared to what it was. But looks like its still able to handle the end game well.

Next stop - juiced maps and deli maps. Maybe with a big of MF infusion. Not sure how to approach that yet.

Pob that beat up Uber Shaper - https://pastebin.com/ntJkvSkt
2.8 mill uber DPS. Not bad. Doesn't feel bad in a fight either.
Its still feels a bit weaker than before - Shaper sometimes was able to use his 'ball phase' 2 times per stage.

Where it feels bad is juiced up invitations. With boss DPS around 9.5 mills, heavily modded fight takes too long, and enemies have a pretty good chance to kill you.

Same goes to Feared. With damage this low it might take a while to deal with bosses, drastically increasing the chance that your block will fail and you won't have any protection active at time.

I still feel a bit squishy going full DPS mode, so I might include Forbidden Jewels at cost of about 5% DPS. That being said - those cost a ton this league. 11 ex to spend. You don't really need them, but I like the convenience of just turning my brain off when I play.

Triple/double curse setup is gone, all heil the new king - Aura stacking.

So overall the feeling of the build changed to worse as follows:
1) Much earlier wall in progression with fat archnemesis rares in white yellow maps. Removal of +2all minion gems and early crit makes the build feel very slow and z-dps at the start.

You'd need to get empower and skin of the lords ASAP and that will never happen in early league.

2) Much worse endgame - high quant invitations, sim 30, feared, or even juiced maps(needs further testing) feels a lot harder, a lot more rippy, and when you do them it takes forever in some cases because damage is low.

3) Still fairly durable and still able to do all content in the game.

4) Still fast mapper with explody gloves and Inspired Leaning.

5) Will it handle injection of MF at cost of some damage/utility - needs to be tested.
Update time. Yeah its not dead just yet. Warning - lots of text.

Few words about MF

Don’t think its worth it, I only infused my gear with a little bit or rarity + using Rarity Support gem.
Can’t say I feel much difference.

Tried out build from last league with max Quantity. Same result.
It seems like after the loot nerf, quantity and rarity is pointless if you just do juiced maps.

There is still a case that you will find a loot goblin, but those typically benefit from rarity more than anything, and if you want – you can include a fair bit of rarity into your gear at almost no cost in survivability or damage.
Increased Rarity Support needs few words about it too. It’s a gem that you would slot in instead of Increased Area of Effect in your clearing setup. So you won’t lose any damage but you will lose convenience. Depending on the map you run it can make a huge difference in speed.

Speaking of maps – there are no good maps this league to run. The build benefits from tight and narrow maps, or open maps that has relatively condensed amount of enemies. Toxic Severs, City Square etc.
This league it would be Waste Pool ( not that great as it can generate some messed up middle path), Underground Sea (prolly best map to run on any build right now, but can also generate lots of dead ends) and Cemetery (that is a little bit to wide for my likings).
Atlas passives of my choice were – Blight, Harvest, Ghosts, Ritual, Metamorph. And double altars.
Blight felt pretty damn nice, scarabs very cheap, spawns about 10 rare monster on average, including god-molested ones. Blighted maps felt like a waste of time but you get a lot of them and can just bulk sell. I didn’t. Can’t be bothered. Overall I really liked Blight and will prolly roll with it next league if I will even play it.
Harvest didn’t feel great. I don’t craft myself – the build doesn’t need any crafted items. Selling juice is too bothersome. But it’s a good money if you sell it, and Harvest is extra area with extra rares, so its decent.
Rituals feel great. Seems like if Rare monster dies inside of the ritual, when revived it has Archnemesis mods randomized. So its extra shot on getting loot goblins on top of fair bit of good rewards from rituals. Not too taxing on the mind, you just kill, press ritual, then kill again. Love it.
Metamorph gives you a chance to preserve some juicy Archnemesis part to respawn it again. It didn’t really work that well, I got 1 divine and 1 6L that way. Not great. Prolly gonna cut it out. However, the node that gives 20% chance to spawn a random metamorph is decent – it an extra 3-5 rare mods on a low effort.

All above is related to narrow maps. If I were doing open areas – Legion + Expedition would be no brainer.

Now its time to regress the build and estimate how much investment do you need to not feel bad.
Test runned on t16 Waste Pool, fully sextanted, scarabs, succ frags.
Results – not great.
This is what you need to more or less handle semi-juiced t16
Basically it can be split on 2 parts. Damage and Survivability.
1) You need Awakened Brutality. Every monster has some sort of AN mod that gives physical damage reduction.
2) Asenath gloves carry hard. Tried to swap to full DPS gloves – the difference is night an day. You want explosions. They scale super hard with minion damage and Spiritual Aid.
3) Meat Shield and Less Duration instead of Are of Effect. Add some damage before you can afford to use AOE. Will slow down your clear, but at least you won’t need to stop for 20 seconds on every rare monster.
That one got hit a lot harder…
1) The best thing to have is Bastion of Elements. It made such a huge difference because its extra 2400 life that recovers ever 5 seconds. Its negates about 80% of AN mechanics as well as 100% of Strongbox mechanics and random on death effect and big hits that may come through your block.
Its insanely strong. And insanely expensive.

Its impossible to get it fast. But the sooner you get it, the better. Having it allows you to use Dawnbreaker and mitigate physical damage more effectively.

Before that – I think stick to Magna Eclipsis. It has a worse version. But its still feel better than life on block.

2) Glorious Vanity. Not bad to have early on. Even without Skin of the Lords/Loyal – it’s a solid 800 ES.
3) Recoup. Its amazing. Again – because it feeds of your Guard skill, your ES and your Elemental Aegis. Before damage even starts hitting your life – you already regen a ton. Its costly to include and comes from suffixes on rings. But this build can fit it in, as you are good on resists.
4) AG and Specters.
Changes to unique items lets us bust out early AG. Daresso’s courage makes your AG survive even when its low level. Sin Eater makes sure you will never die to ignites.

Specters is interesting topic. This league people been experimenting a lot with those and finding new options.
First of all – the two specters you want all the time is They of Tul and Demon Harpy. This is no brainer.
Demon Harpy is 40% more DPS.
They of Tul is just insane at keeping you alive. You take reduced damage, have chance to not take damage, it summons totems that distract enemies into attacking them. It has a 10% Chill aura.
The third specter has a high competition. Options are:
1) Frenzy monkey – permanent 12% DPS.
2) Ruins Helion – 40% reduced damage taken (non-permanent, but active when it matters most of the time.)
People also use Primal Rhex Matriarch – but its absolutely terrible for this build. Just trust me on that one and don’t use it if you ever did.

Some more observations

You need DPS more than you need survivability – as max block can carry you long way.
Most DPS comes from Gems and +level of Gems.
Most survivability comes from Jewels.
Aegis Aurora and Surrender shields imo – not worth bothering with. Magna Eclipsis is much better option and costs like 6c at league start.
Asenath unlock ability to do extra content much much smoother – blight, expedition, legions.
Overall build feels OKAY. It can do any content you push it in – bossing, juiced maps, delirium, simulacrum, blights, 4-5 ways. But its not special in anything. So just well rounded tanky build with relatively low DPS. Decent league start and fun to progress to the very late game.
Última edição por zhulik2#4511 em 19 de out de 2022 04:30:15
Whatcha say folks, we digging this one out?
In the last iteration it lost its glory for me. Like 2 or 3 other builds I can't see myself playing that is considerably worse than a former version. :(

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