Upcoming 0.11.5 microtransaction effect - Infernal Anger Aura
" TBH the right one looks decently awesome - after about half a dozen auras applied. The left one does look slightly weird but at least I'd know where my friggn character is (wearing all that brown armour on brown background - yeah yeah I know it's in the middle of the screen thanks). I'm all in for a toggle. New Anger looks - er - boring. Dunno - floaty demony skull on fire. Whatever... New support gem? I'll be full of whoopsies and non-exitement till the information about it is slightly more accurate then "we gonna dd something". EDIT: Dunno what you played this game on but I play this game on a Intel graphics solution laptop. You know the thing where GPU calcualtions are made by the CPU next to the CPU calculations? Yeah that, reaaaaaaaaaaaaal bad performance. Never had any problems with Auras... then again I never ran with 3 Summoners all auras up - must be one boring game to play in the first place and a repetitive lightshow to watch in the second. Última edição por SirCookiemon em 23 de ago de 2013 04:26:26
" Thanks for the reply, but I was searching more for an indication in the shop itself, rather than an answer in a forum post that others may not know about (or continue to question new microtransations' combinability). |
" I complain because ITS NOT AN AURA, its a skull flying around your charackter. This has nothing to do with an aura for me. I loved the old ones, i accept the new ones, but i thought russel will make some awsome auras in the future. This is just crap.. edit says: when i read Infernal Anger Aura, the first thing i get i mind is a fucking burning fire beyond my charackter, i just had to laugh when i saw the video IGN: Crix_st LL Blade Vortex Última edição por Shada em 23 de ago de 2013 04:12:30
" I'm with you. It's downright ugly (and I'm trying hard not to say stupid looking). You say infernal, I'm looking for brimstone, not for a skull running circles around me like a moth around a light bulb. |
" You could say I'm one of GGG's biggest critics right now. But even I don't see anything wrong, immoral or unethical about that, even if that is exactly what they did with that exact intention. "You have to pay to look cool" is the model working to the fucking letter. More so, if you don't want to look cool, you don't have to pay a dime. And, the amount of coolness and cost is entirely up to you. Casually casual. Última edição por TheAnuhart em 23 de ago de 2013 04:48:47
" while i disagree with the angst, i do agree that a burning circle of fire around the character would be cooler than the burning skull! :) |
" +1 Follow thePOEcast.com ---The POE cast is a Path of Exile podcast
Hmmmmm...thoughts as they occur:
Nicely detailed demon head. Seems a bit large...maybe should have gone with two small heads rather than one large? Looks a lot like a "charge" animation. Superior to current "aura", inferior to original...which was not at all obtrusive IMO. Wonder how this will look when combined with other mtx auras...assuming they follow the same art style? Will the player look like the sun with a bunch of planetary bodies orbiting around him/her? I found it very cool the way the olde Hatred/Wrath/Anger auras would intertwine with each other...and would pay to have that back. Detail is great, but seems misplaced on an "aura", which is by definition rather subtle / diffuse / ethereal in nature. The cheap weapon effects do a great job of depicting what I believe an "aura" should look like. Buy it if you like it. And thank you for giving us the option GGG. It's not the option I had hoped for (check the mega-thread in the "Art" forum if you'd like to know what "popular demand" really is regarding auras) but a tip of the hat for bringing it to us. "Experience is the best teacher,but there's only one seat in his classroom." Play with honour and show some class - www.theAmazonBasin.com Última edição por OldeSchool em 23 de ago de 2013 05:19:10
Give me the old auras as microtransaction effects and I'll pay you a shitload of money to keep servers up and bla!
Its all about money...